Qld Learners Permits

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Andrew Hatcher, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. My 17 year old son currently has a car and RE learners permit. He obtained
    these before the new regime began on 1 July 2007 which required a car
    licence be held for 12 months before obtaining a motorcycle learners permit.
    My son is going for his car drivers licence test next week. I have been
    advised by Qld Transport that once he obtains his car licence (P1) that his
    licence will be "upgraded" and the new rules when then apply and he will not
    be able to get a motorcycle licence until he is 18. However, they did say
    that if he did his motorcycle licence test (sucessfully) first that it would
    be fine. This strikes me as utter bullshit. As far as I am aware the changes
    to the licencing were not to be retrospective. Does anyone have a contact
    high up in Qld Transport that I can take this matter up with?


    Andrew Hatcher
    Andrew Hatcher, Oct 29, 2007
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  2. Andrew Hatcher

    Nev.. Guest

    Your local state MP.

    Nev.., Oct 29, 2007
    1. Advertisements

  3. 250cc. Always - your shout?

    Andrew Hatcher, Oct 29, 2007
  4. Andrew Hatcher

    Knobdoodle Guest

    RE?. The Royal Exchange (at Toowong?)
    Yep; much I learnt there!
    Knobdoodle, Oct 29, 2007
  5. Andrew Hatcher

    Noel Guest

    Strikes me as about on par for QLD transport!

    I'd go with what you have been advised as being correct. Because if he gets
    his car licence, his current learners is then re-issued under the new laws.
    If you think your son is competent at riding a motorcycle, then see if you
    can squeeze a Q-ride course in. That is assuming that option is available!
    Sight says it was last up-dated August 07, I have not checked out the list
    myself but, here is a link to the QLD gov website list of Q-ride providers.
    http://www.transport.qld.gov.au/Hom...urses/Q_ride/Registered_service_providers/You may find some more useful info if you wish to browse that sight a littlefurther.
    Noel, Oct 29, 2007
  6. Andrew Hatcher

    Noel Guest

    whoops, silly me!

    take the "you" off the end of that link.
    Noel, Oct 29, 2007
  7. Andrew Hatcher

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    You're kidding! You have to have a car licence for a year before you can
    ride a bike?

    Theo Bekkers, Oct 29, 2007
  8. I have been advised by Qld Transport that once he obtains his car licence
    (P1) that his licence will be "upgraded" and the new rules when then apply
    and he will not be able to get a motorcycle licence until he is 18. (Snip).

    I raised hell through my local member. I received a telephone call from Qld
    Transport Licence Development policy section this afternoon. It seems my son
    does get to keep his motorcycle learners. However, if he doesn't get his
    motorcycle licence before it expires he will have to wait until he is 18 to
    get a learners permit again. It seems that Qld Transport does not teach its
    staff too well.


    Andrew Hatcher, Oct 31, 2007
    1. Advertisements

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