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Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Hog, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. Hog

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    This country has given Israel a lot of technical support when it comes
    to weapons development so they don't really need to nick stuff like
    that again.
    Andy Bonwick, Aug 18, 2006
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  2. Hog

    Owen Guest

    I recall many Mig 29's flying to Iran to escape allied destruction
    during GW1. How many made it to Iran? I believe that it was a fair old
    number, enough to equip a couple of squadrons... I suppose the
    Iranians were extremely greatful... And what became of the pilots?
    Were they flying to Iran with Saddam's approval?
    Owen, Aug 19, 2006
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  3. Indeed. Partly because Israel has never fought a guerilla war before in
    the same way - and never tried to do it the 'American Way'[1] either.

    I suspect they will go back to their usual method of just targeting the
    Hizbollah leaders with assassination squads. It seems more effective.


    [1] Through use of overwhelming technology rather than military tactics
    & grunts. They seem to have forgotten the old maxim of "you can't
    defeat the enemy from the air" - the best you can do it hurt him badly
    before your troops move in. And when your enemy is a mobile & fast
    moving (and indistinguishable from the general populace) you just can't
    do it from the air.
    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  4. The only reason that Hizbollah would disband is if Israel no longer
    existed and every Jew in the middle east was dead. Hardly a valid basis
    for a long-term peaceful settlement.
    Ah yes - the Golan Heights. The place where Syria used to shell Israel
    from prior to the 6-day war in 1967.

    I'm sure Israel would be perfectly happy to hand them back on the basis
    that a hostile power (Syria) was not allowed to use them as a base for
    attacks on Israel.
    Which part of the removal of settlements from Gaza and the West Bank did you
    I would agree that Israel needs to minimise their hard-right religious
    factions. Since they run a form of proportional represntation it is
    going to be very difficult - they can't disenfranchise them.
    Mostly they are of European descent - and culurally much closer to
    Europe than Middle-Eastern.

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  5. Actually most of the West Bank area was owned by Jews pre-1947. They
    were kicked out as part of the partition plan.

    Most of the Palestinians were not removed from their lands by the
    Israelis (although some were - and fairly forcibly too) - most were
    told to leave by their leaders & mullahs.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that the situation is more complex -
    neither side is innocent, neither side is wholly guilty. And until they
    both sit down and talk in a meanful fashion about how to fix things it
    isn't going to get fixed.

    While you are at it you might like to examine how the surrounding Arab
    nations dealt with the refugees.

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  6. This bit I agree with
    This bit I don't agree with. Israel wasn't supported by the US in 1947
    or 1967 but still managed to win.
    Their standard of living would nosedive and they would be more
    vulnerable to people like Hizbollah but they would survive. The fact
    that they now have peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt (and provide
    gateways to the European market for goods from both of those countries)
    as well as their trading links to places like Turkey means that they
    are much much more stable than they used to be.

    And when you think about it 3-5 billion dollars is a drop in the ocean
    compared to how much it actually costs to keep a modern country
    running. But it does buy a whole lot of guns.

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  7. It isn't - because that isn't what happened.

    Read the history - starting with the Balfour declaration and ending
    with the UN vote in 1947 - and then the various wars where the
    surrounding nations have tried to wipe Israel off the map.

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  8. Neither were a lot of the people who lived there - a lot of the land
    was owned by absentee Arab landlords who took it over under the Ottoman

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  9. Other than in Lebannon you mean? The 20-year occupation that nobody got
    too stressed about..
    And probably take a sizeable fraction of Iran & Syria with it.

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  10. Hog

    Dan White Guest

    Dan White, Aug 21, 2006
  11. I suspect that the NK state defines cooperation as "doing what we tell
    As does Iraq.
    And since NK is rabidly communist I suspect that they would have
    nothing to do with a theocratic state like Iran.

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  12. Hog

    ogden Guest

    ITYM "Stalinist."
    NK is a borderline theocratic state, the difference being that the deity
    is also the ruler.
    ogden, Aug 21, 2006
  13. Which they also tried in Central America - with the same level of
    And they armed and funded the anti-Soviet forces in Afganistan - and
    then were suprised when said forces developed a nasty case of Sharia
    and kicked all the foreigners out. And went on to establish terrorist
    training camps.
    As was the very anti-US attitude prevalent in Central and South
    Indeed it is - and getting less by the minute. Even (especially) at

    The US has failed to apply *any* of the lessons of the fall of the
    British Empire other than 'might is right'. Which has been proved to
    not be a viable long-term strategy at all.

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  14. Hog

    ogden Guest

    ogden, Aug 21, 2006
  15. Indeed. In fact I'd go further and say that the state has no business
    messing in religion (other than to moderate any excesses) and religion
    has no business meddling in the state.

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  16. And set our political timeline back by several hundred years by
    introducing feudalism.

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  17. The main opposition to democratic rule is the autocrats. Would you want
    to vote yourself out of power when you know that all the murky stuff
    that you did while in power will come out afterwards?
    Just look at General Pinochet for an example.

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  18. Hog

    Dan White Guest

    But not "unconditionally", which was the sticking point for the Septics. It
    was too much of a political issue for them. They had said "unconditional" so
    many times that it wasn't possible for them to concede anything to the
    Japanese, even something as benign as "We'd like you to tell us that you
    won't kill/remove our Emporer".

    Anyhoo, the point I was trying to make is that you *can* defeat the enemy
    from the air, but only if you don't give a flying **** about civilian
    casualties along the way. In the present day "War by TV" situation, it's
    practically unthinkable.

    ISTR that in World War 1, there were more deaths every single week than
    there have been so far in Afganistan and Iraq since we began GWB's
    Dan White, Aug 21, 2006
  19. That didn't defeat Japan - it merely proved to them (as if they didn't
    already know) that defeat was inevitable - and that they could
    surrender without losing face.
    It also saved a lot of lives (US and Japanese) compared to what would
    have happened had the US actually invaded.

    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
  20. Indeed. My knowledge of communist esoterica is not huge.
    "My theocratic ruler is tougher than your theocratic ruler!"


    Phil Launchbury, Aug 21, 2006
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