Punch Up

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Hog, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. Hog

    Hog Guest

    The timeframe to get Iraq under it's own security forces man!
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
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  2. Hog

    Hog Guest

    So there were American warplanes in the air and soldiers on the ground?
    Utter rubbish.
    A fundementalist islamic regime run by a bunch of extremist sponsoring
    terror groups and urging genocidal war. There is nothing much right with
    it. I've met lots of Iranians. Yes the BE did lots of good things and a
    few spectacularly bad things (Partitions etc).
    Your slip is showing. I rate Bush on the whole a decent man, like Blair.
    Iraqi insurgency has caught everyone by surprise but wars are rarely
    predictable. People like you would also have walked away from Poland,
    France and Nazi mass extermination in 1939. Just like the US Democrats
    who under the guise of liberal concern are in fact simply retreating
    back into isolationism.
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
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  3. Hog

    Hog Guest

    Well given their grip of and infestation in Southern Lebanon I think it
    is safe to consider it "heavily influenced" by Hezbollah. While they
    will gain a few recruits I've got another £20 which says that their
    infrastructure and hardware have been severely fucked up. It is
    galvanising the government of Lebanon to do something at last. Hassian
    Nasrallah was already in the Administration and was positioning himself
    for a pitch at PM. Go have a look (wiki?) at Hezbollah's policies and
    connections with Iran. To consider that Israel lost something here is
    bizarre, in fact it flushed out the movement of Iranian armaments into
    the region. Lots of it has been destroyed and it will not be allowed to
    accumulate again. In the face of the UN failure to monitor and control
    armaments in the area the Jews are probably wishing they had gone in
    somewhat earlier. They have pushed enemy combatants half way back up the
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
  4. Hog

    ogden Guest

    Champ, please don't feed the troll.
    ogden, Aug 16, 2006
  5. Hog

    Hog Guest

    Paid for and underwritten in the main with global jewish money I
    believe, a slightly different matter. Sure they use US planes, so do
    lots of countries. They build their own tanks and many other armaments.
    So you seem to be coming down against the creation or continuation of
    the Israeli state now? it has become fashionable. While it's creation
    from the Balfour Declaration onwards was an utter bollocks and much of
    their home policy borders on Apartheit the events of the 1940's cannot
    be undone and neither can the nation state. The guys who are fighting in
    Lebanon, the Syrians and the Iranians have **** all to do with any of
    that however and have not exactly been big friends of the Palestinians
    in the past either.
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
  6. Hog

    Cab Guest

    I think you've just blown your own argument apart. "It will take time"

    Furthermore, even if there was a political support for Israel (which
    would be a paper support only), popular support would never be for a
    country which most Arabs refuse to acknowledge.
    Cab, Aug 16, 2006
  7. Hog

    Cab Guest

    The US engaging Iran/Syrian, I could (at a limit) stretch my thoughts
    too (Even if I do find it extremely unlikely). For the UK to side with
    the Merkins on this would probably bring down the government. IMO, of
    Cab, Aug 16, 2006
  8. Hog

    Hog Guest

    Which is now the mandate of a UN force to control FFS. It was before and
    the UN failed, perhaps this time it will be taken more seriously.
    Oh for goodness sake, the Iranians are supplying a terrorist guerilla
    organisation and assisting them in usurping a multi faith democratic
    Administration, an unveiled attempt to extend the Islamic Revolution out
    of Iran, as is some of the insurgency in Iraq. The US sells armaments,
    as do most industrialised countries to other nation states.
    This is beneath you to support. It's a made up argument spilling out of
    Iran into Syria and Lebannon.
    Utter rubbish
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
  9. Hog

    Cab Guest

    *ding* My thoughts exactly. For a fearsome Army, the Israelis haven't
    even dented the surface of Hezbollah.
    Cab, Aug 16, 2006
  10. Hog

    Cab Guest

    Don't be so naïve.
    Cab, Aug 16, 2006
  11. Hog

    Hog Guest

    Bad form etc. Forgot to mention that the USA also funded the Palestinian
    areas substantially as well prior to the election of Hamas, in fact they
    did so while Arab neighbours failed to keep up with their financial
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
  12. Hog

    Cab Guest

    IIRC since 2001, Israel has been allocated over $10.5 billion in
    military aid from the US but they've only received $6.3 billion worth
    of arms, atm.

    But you're 100% spot on with your 5 minute fact, IMO.
    Cab, Aug 16, 2006
  13. Hog

    Hog Guest

    How is that? I am talking about peaceful democratic change in front of
    a world stage. Iraq had to be something else as it was being run as a
    personal killing ground for a man and his 2 sons.
    Most Arabs DO NOT refuse to acknowledge. Islam is a religion built on
    considerable tolerance of other faiths. The fanatic fringe have usurped
    it heinously.

    Most Arabs will object, as I do, about the Apartheit treatment of
    Palastinians created by Jewish fundementalists. Israel is reaping the
    fall out from those mistakes within the nation but has been slowly
    pulling towards more equitable government.

    Iran want's to create an entire consolidated Islamic power bloc in the
    Middle East. I doubt the BHaL would think much of the form it might
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
  14. Hog

    Hog Guest

    Ogden is too thick to notice it isn't trolling in any sense. It's all
    rather topical and interesting and the outcomes are going to affect us
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
  15. Hog

    ogden Guest

    I have to file 99% of the stuff you post as troll material, if only
    because the alternative (that you really believe what you post) is so
    unpalatable. I'm quite sure you pepper honest opinions with deliberately
    inflammatory nonsense, and vice versa, but you can't complain if the
    other 1% gets filed in the same way.
    ogden, Aug 16, 2006
  16. Hog

    Hog Guest

    Well OK the USA has converted a lot of loan into grant. But why do you
    think this has been the case, eh? The USA wasn't exactly a welcoming
    place for Jews prior to WWII.
    It was a barely inhabited desert in 1917 when Balfour made his
    declaration (1). It wasn't much more in 1944.

    "In November 1947 the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to
    recommend partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. The two
    states were to be joined in an economic union, and Jerusalem would be
    administered by the United Nations. The Arabs would get 43 percent of
    the land, the Jews 57 percent."

    They didn't grab it, they were granted it, albeit that the global
    politics were Machiavellian in the extreme.

    (1) the reasons for which are fascinating
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
  17. Hog

    Hog Guest

    Your optimism for them is touching!
    I suspect they are thinking "**** wish we hadn't kidnapped those two
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
  18. Hog

    Hog Guest

    You ignore their excellent home grown capacity
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
  19. Hog

    Hog Guest

    No I mostly just try and keep the scales balanced
    Hog, Aug 16, 2006
  20. Hog

    ogden Guest

    "I'm not a troll, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate."

    ogden, Aug 16, 2006
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