Our club did good with the raffle at our toy run, so a few of us took a little trip on Sunday and presented gift cards to the kids at the Tom & Evelyn Lineberry Campus, of the Benrichey Boys Ranch, in Albany, Texas. The boys were told to spend the money on themselves, for Christmas. Not all the boys were present, as some were in safety classes in Abilene but Joe and I were quite impressed, with the young men who were there. The Benrichey Boys Ranch is one of the charities, that our club helps and the good work that the Boys Ranch does, is amazing; all on donations, no government assistance at all. I took a couple of pictures and you can see them here: http://www.pkriders.org/txvets-photos.htm Safe and Happy Holidays, to all. -- Sunny, IRPK (PK Riders), ISRA #7123 Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3 http://www.pkriders.org/txvets.htm '02 XVS650A "Deerslayer" '00 XVS650 "Red" '99 XVS650A - Joe's "Deerslayer Too" '84 V30 Magna (parting out)
Same to you, Joe (Beemer) and have a great New Year. -- Sunny, IRPK (PK Riders), ISRA #7123 Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3 http://www.pkriders.org/txvets.htm '02 XVS650A "Deerslayer" '00 XVS650 "Red" '99 XVS650A - Joe's "Deerslayer Too" '84 V30 Magna (parting out)