Procycles and a Bonnie

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by CrazyCam, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. CrazyCam

    CrazyCam Guest

    Well, the long awaited Street Triple had arrived, and it had done about
    900 kms, so it was arranged to go to Procycles for it's first service.

    Anyhow, I had phoned the sales person (only the third sales person since
    November when I put money down on the Striple) and asked if I could have
    their demo Bonnie, while the striple was being serviced.

    "No problems!" Nick said.

    So I arranged for a mate to meet me at Hornsby and go for a ride.

    Arrives at Procycles, and the story has changed..... here, rent a "loan"
    bike! Lying cunts!

    So I said, but I _want_ a test ride on a Bonnie.

    Oh, well, you can have it, but only for an hour.

    Anyhow, I did take their Bonnie T100, rode up to Pie in the Sky, and
    back, and I really seriously liked it.

    It would be the perfect second bike (assuming I sell the Z50 and RZ250).

    You could have a real normal sized human on the pillion seat.

    You can ride it like a cruiser, except you can go round corners quite

    You don;t have to change gear every 1.5 seconds.

    It was smooth, comfortable and very relaxing to ride... all the things
    that the striple isn't.

    Only "bad" things I felt were:-

    the pedals, both gearchange and back brake, were set up for someone
    wearing Thorpe size feet, which for my normal-ish feet meant having the
    heel of by boot on the peg to work the control.

    rear brake was a bit too much...could have been first problem
    accentuating it, and could also have been comparison with striple where
    back brake is for cosmetics only.

    the cheap(?) model doesn't come with all the chrome bits, which I
    wouldn't want anyway, but also doesn't have a rev.counter. As I am
    learning about Triumph, adding a rev.counter would probably be up there
    with the difference in price... about two grand.

    Now, to be fair, I wasn't actually going to put money down today, but I
    was seriously impressed with the bike.

    I'll be waiting to ride a V7 Classic, and I suspect it will boil down to
    a choice between the Triumph and the V7 for my next bike.

    Anyhow, returned Bonnie, collected "loan" <snigger> bike and had a very
    pleasant ride. The loaner, BTW, was a Suzi GS500, which, while not being
    of the erection encouraging style, is a very fair competent motorcycle.

    The first service, at over three hundred, before the "loan" bike charge,
    left me less than impressed, but I can only wish them much joy of how
    ever much they ripped me off for, 'cos they'll never see me, handing
    over money, or credit cards, ever again.

    CrazyCam, Feb 22, 2008
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  2. CrazyCam

    Yeebers Guest

    Sounds good Cam. Shame you got gypped :(
    Yeebers, Feb 22, 2008
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  3. CrazyCam

    Stan Gifford Guest

    So Cam - you coming up to Valla Beach on the 7,8,9th of March - ping me
    for details if interested!



    Stan Gifford
    Current: 06 Triumph Speedmaster
    Prev: 94 Ultra classic.
    Before that: 99-FXD Superglide

    Remove my strides to email me
    <Witty comment here>
    Stan Gifford, Feb 22, 2008
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