problem DR350

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by limp-jaffa-cake, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. if the source coil is on the stator, then i've just had that rewound, but made no difference :(
    limp-jaffa-cake, Mar 4, 2005
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  2. CV carb

    Did you actually remove the anti-tamper plug that conceals the idle
    mixture screw and squirt carb cleaner from an aerosol can through the
    hole the idle mixture screw goes into? Some of those idle mixture
    screws are only turned out 1/8 to 1/4 of a turn, so gum and varnish
    builds up right there...

    And, if you hold your finger over the three outlet ports just
    downstream of the throttle butterfly and squirt carb cleaner through
    the idle mixture hole where the screw came out of the carb cleaner
    still have two ways to go, it can go into the carb float bowl and also
    out the idle air passage in the carburetor inlet bell. That's the hole
    on the opposite side of the carb from the starting enrichener...

    So, if you can hold your finger over the outlet ports and the air inlet
    port while spraying into the idle mixture hole, you can probably blow
    any crud that's in the idle bypass port through the idle jet and back
    into the float bowl...
    krusty kritter, Mar 5, 2005
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  3. carb

    If it's a CV carb, you might want to look at the diaphragm.

    Also, does the needle actually move up and down with the piston ?
    If it's not clipped correctly and just sitting in its jet instead of
    moving with the piston, this would certainly give a bogging effect.

    If it idles OK, I would concetrate on the piston and needle jet.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Mar 5, 2005
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