problem DR350

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by limp-jaffa-cake, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. hi, ive got a dr350 thats givning me nothing but troubles, ok heres the story:

    i bought it about 5 months ago and it was running fine i didnt have a problem with anything, the
    only thing was a small oil leak on the left hand casing, so i decided to take it off and fix it, i
    took out all the electrics and the pulsar coils (2 of) and cleaned it all, put on a fresh gasket and
    rebuilt it, no spark, so i take it back down and realise i got the pulsars switched by accident, so
    i switch em back to the proper position and i get a spark, so i think all my troubles are fixed til
    i decided to go out on it, now the bike takes ages to start up and when it does will bog out when i
    touch the throttle if i dont have the choke on, i get backfires and smoke too, so i did a top end
    rebuild including 4 new valves and a new spark plug, still same, so i took my stator to be rewound
    and the shop say they found a problem so i thought i had finally found the cause of my troubles, not
    so, i rebuilt my bike earlier today and its STILL the same after all this work :( im seriously fed
    up with this bike, im gonna try a new CDI next but i wondered if anybody could suggest anything?

    limp-jaffa-cake, Mar 2, 2005
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  2. Man, it's really rough when accidentally swap your neutron stars while
    yer just trying to fix an oil leak. Oh, did you think your ignition
    pickup coils were called "pulsers?" ;-)
    when it does will bog out when i touch the throttle if i dont have >
    the choke on, i get backfires and smoke too, so i did a top end
    my troubles, not so, i rebuilt my bike earlier today and its STILL >
    the same after all this work :( im seriously fed up with
    You're sure doing a lot of unnecesary work when you could just clean
    your idle jet out and solve the problem. Another hint: when a single
    cylinder engine has sat unridden for a few days or a week, the starting
    drill is to turn the idle speed screw all the way counterclockwise
    before trying to start it...

    Just google up and read what I've said umpty-nine
    times about cleaning out idle jets...
    krusty kritter, Mar 2, 2005
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  3. well whatever they are called there were on wrong, and it wasnt left unridden for a few days, i went
    on it daily, and it worked fine before i got the coils mixed up, so im sure it aint the carb
    limp-jaffa-cake, Mar 2, 2005
  4. limp-jaffa-cake

    Ari Rankum Guest

    Well, then it's two against one. I was going to suggest the problem is
    your carb, by Krusty did it better and more quickly.

    So, if you tear your flight suit right before you jump out of an
    airplane and your chute doesn't open, it can't be a chute malfunction,
    it has to be related to your torn flight suit?

    You've got a carb problem (too).
    Ari Rankum, Mar 2, 2005

  5. ok i'll check it in the morning, but would the carb cause the backfiring?
    limp-jaffa-cake, Mar 2, 2005
  6. limp-jaffa-cake

    Tim C Guest

    Tune Up Checks-
    First check your spark plug gap, and that the plugs are clean. Make
    sure your spark plug wires are hooked up correctly. Ensure your valve
    adjustment is correct.Check the engine timing with a timing light.

    If it still backfires, it is a carb problem, and would look towards
    checking the floats and make sure they are within spec, and clean the
    idle jets while there. This should cure the problem unless further
    carb problems exist. Also make sure that it is fresh gasoline use 89
    octane. If there is a timing chain adjustment make sure that's tight
    Tim C.
    Tim C, Mar 2, 2005
  7. backfiring?

    If the idle jet is all gummed up from the bike sitting around without
    being ridden for a while, the engine will go fart-BANG! when you roll
    the throttle off, and it will stall every time you slow down to go
    around a slow corner...
    krusty kritter, Mar 2, 2005
  8. limp-jaffa-cake

    Charlie Gary Guest

    Perhaps checking for an air leak at the carbs is another thing to try. Too
    much air for the amount of gas you're getting. You didn't happen to buy a
    quart of water with your last tank of gas, did you? Been there, done
    Charlie Gary, Mar 2, 2005

  9. right, i know what im doing with bikes ok, ive stripped and rebuilt many an engine, i have a service
    manual, the pick up coils are the exact same shape/color/size only thing different is the color of
    the wires coming out of them, and NOWHERE in the manual does it show you which one goes where, and
    i've already checked the carb, new plug, all the wiring, thats why i did this work in the 1st place,
    i didnt just do it hoping it would fix my problems i checked the obvious first, and narrowed it down
    to where i am now.

    no i didnt, i got no spark when i had them on the wrong way so i stripped it back down and corrected
    my mistake, then rebuilt it and it was ok, it was only when i took it out for a blast that i
    discovered problems, and i assumed they were caused when i had tried to start the bike with the
    coils switched, because thats the only thing that changed.
    limp-jaffa-cake, Mar 2, 2005
  10. many an engine, i have a service
    thing different is the color of
    did this work in the 1st place,
    obvious first, and narrowed it down
    stripped it back down and corrected

    So as someone who already knows what he's doing, it seems like
    in the future you might want to take notes or make diagrams or
    label the parts when you start to disassemble a motorcycle.
    Like for example you could label the two coils "right"
    and "left" with a magic marker and some sticky labels.

    Also, I still don't understand how an electrical problem
    made you want to touch the valves or stator or carbs or
    spark plugs. Did it help much ?

    If it were me, I think I might stop rebuilding stuff and just
    look for stuff I might have screwed up when I put things back

    My general order of troubleshooting might be:

    Is it getting a good spark at the right time ?

    Does it have good compression ?

    Does it have good new uncontaminated fuel ?

    Is the fuel getting to the carb OK ? (Are the float
    bowls full ?)

    Are all the cables and return springs working OK
    on the carb ?

    Is the carb delivering gas OK ?
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Mar 3, 2005
  11. i took the head off just to check and noticed a valve had slight damage to it so decided to replace
    them while it was off, and i wasnt sure it was electrical to begin with.
    good spark but cant check if its at the right time.
    dont know, but seeing as it ran ok before, yes
    think so, bit i'll recheck the carb tomorrow
    as above
    and again
    limp-jaffa-cake, Mar 3, 2005
  12. limp-jaffa-cake

    Mark Hickey Guest

    Not sure how the DR350 pickup works (though I have a DR250S myself -
    just never had to work on the electricals). For all the world, your
    description sounds like a motor that's firing on the wrong cycle - 180
    degrees out of phase (that is, the spark goes off at the top of the
    intake cycle - hence the poor running, backfiring, etc.).

    Sounds like you got a couple wires swapped somewhere along the line...

    Mark Hickey
    Mark Hickey, Mar 3, 2005
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Mar 3, 2005

  14. ok, i took the carb off today and cleaned and checked it all, started it back up, same as ever, it
    starts and idles ok but as soon as i touch the throttle i get the mmmmmmmmmmmmm noise of bogging as
    soon as i let go its fine, i'll check the timing but i didnt think it could be adjusted on DR's, so
    does anybody know if the CDI could cause this kind of troubles? or if it was the CDI at fault would
    i get no spark at all?


    p.s valve timing isnt suspect because it was like this before i even messed with the valves
    limp-jaffa-cake, Mar 3, 2005
  15. mmmmmmmmmmmmm noise of bogging as
    messed with the valves

    Take a look at

    In any problem, your three basic suspects are compression (pumping),
    igntition and fuel delivery.

    best of luck.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Mar 4, 2005
  16. Rob Kleinschmidt, Mar 4, 2005
  17. "Rob Kleinschmidt" <>
    wrote in message
    Oddly enough that is what honda calls the gaskets
    between the muffler and the header on my
    GL1000...who'd have thought that Sensei Honda's
    engineers have/had a sense of humor?
    Judging by the amount of fluid that would
    accumulate in my blinkers when the bike was in must have had a blinker fluid
    leak. But I've fixed that problem..
    Keith Schiffner, Mar 4, 2005
  18. limp-jaffa-cake

    Tim C Guest

    There must be an acellerator pump inside the carb. Often the o-ring
    wear out and small leaks. This also would give you the bog out affect
    when opening the throttle.
    Tim C, Mar 4, 2005

  19. thanks for the tips, but its not the pumper carb version, it has a CV carb
    limp-jaffa-cake, Mar 4, 2005
  20. limp-jaffa-cake

    Paul Cassel Guest

    Could be the source coil gone bad. Can you swap it out for a new one?
    Paul Cassel, Mar 4, 2005
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