probably stupid newbie question

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by MayQueen, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. NOT a stupid question, and of course we ALL wanna help ya out,
    right??? ;)

    Have a safe ride.

    -Jose' aka "Hawkeye Joe"
, Jul 3, 2007
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  2. MayQueen

    Guzzisto Guest

    Brand new place:
    Thunder Road Motorsports (123 S. Van Ness Avenue, SF). Give them a
    call, they rent a variety of brands and models.
    Guzzisto, Jul 3, 2007
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  3. MayQueen

    Guzzisto Guest

    V-Star Custom 1100 has about the lowest stock seat height I have seen.
    (Strangely enough the 650's seat is higher). My wife, 5' also, had one
    and was totally comfortable on it. Put 12,000 miles on it her first
    Guzzisto, Jul 3, 2007
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