Probably not one of my better ideas

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sweller, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. sweller

    sweller Guest

    Problems with the on-train disabled toilets' sliding doors may require an
    increase in pressure to the closure mechanism. However, there are
    concerns about this.

    Referring to the modified doors as "vegetable slicers" is not big and not
    sweller, Feb 2, 2005
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  2. sweller

    mups Guest

    sweller says...
    **** um, they take up far to much valuable seating space anyway.

    As an aside why do they have a close button *and* a lock button. Why not
    just a close and lock button?
    mups, Feb 2, 2005
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  3. sweller

    Eddie Guest

    What would happen if someone pressed the close-and-lock button from
    outside the toilet?
    Eddie, Feb 2, 2005
  4. sweller

    mups Guest

    Eddie says...
    Ah ah yes, you could press the button and then leg it out the door
    before it closes. Why, **** knows, but no doubt somebody would find
    mups, Feb 2, 2005
  5. sweller

    platypus Guest

    Heh. Open mouth etc.

    We got outsourced on the 1st November last year. We've fallen into the
    habit of referring to it as "1/11".
    platypus, Feb 2, 2005
  6. sweller

    MikeH Guest

    Only if you had legs, of course.
    MikeH, Feb 3, 2005
  7. Quite funny though.


    Stan Stannard - Grimsby, UK

    "Statto's evil twin"

    Kawazaki ZZR1100D
    Stan Stannard, Feb 4, 2005
  8. sweller

    simonk Guest

    Actually, those new trains they put on SWT when the new timetable came in
    *rock*. The mong-seats have stacks of legroom, and there's never anybody
    using them
    simonk, Feb 4, 2005
  9. sweller

    Dazed Guest

    If you wedge your foot against the toilet door on a Virgin train upon
    activation - the mechanism flips out for a bit and won't open for a
    minute or so. Thus trapping matey :D

    Dazed, Feb 5, 2005
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