price vs miles

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by champions, Dec 28, 2004.

  1. champions

    champions Guest

    Can anyone explain the price vs miles equation. On a CBR 600 with about 12k
    on the clock a £5k bike seems to depreciate at about £1 for every 2 miles,
    this would imply that the thing will be worthless after another 10K.

    I guess what I'm really asking is how many miles can I expect to get out of
    a CBR600?!?

    Thanks in advance.
    champions, Dec 28, 2004
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  2. champions

    _Ginge Guest

    I'd guess at at least 50,000, even if you really neglect it.
    A lot more if you keep it well maintained.

    Most people that own sportsbikes don't tend to do high mileages on them,
    and use them purely as weekend toys. This artificially skews the price
    of bikes with "high" mileages.
    _Ginge, Dec 28, 2004
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  3. It depends on how good / lucky a rider you are. How many CBR600s last
    22k miles without being trashed in an accident?
    Without getting trashed a CBR600 will last far longer, but I would
    _assume_ the smaller capacity sports bikes are amongst the leaders in
    the write off tables, but I'm probably wrong and CBA to look it up.

    spouting bollocks on Usenet since 1997
    Usenet FAQ at
    Colonel Tupperware, Dec 28, 2004
  4. champions

    platypus Guest

    As a Honda, it's obviously going to be more reliable than those wretched
    BMWs. So, better than 63,000.
    platypus, Dec 28, 2004
  5. champions

    Donald Guest

    Colonel Tupperware wrote:
    Were would you be able to lookup statistics on write offs and other
    insurance bike accident related data ?
    Donald, Dec 28, 2004
  6. champions

    Lozzo Guest

    platypus says...
    BMW R80RT, less reliable than a 20 quid 1983 CB250RS.
    Lozzo, Dec 28, 2004
  7. champions

    platypus Guest

    It shall rise again. And I know which one I'd rather trundle around in the
    rain on.
    platypus, Dec 28, 2004
  8. champions

    Sorby Guest

    If my badly abused/neglected VFRs are anything to go by then you should
    manage at least 120k.
    Sorby, Dec 28, 2004
  9. champions

    Lozzo Guest

    platypus says...
    I'd rather be on my Honda, I don't give a **** if it goes tarmac
    surfing. It does wet roads really well when it has Maxxis Barracuda
    tyres on both ends. I must get another rear on one of my spare wheels
    and keep it for shitty weather.
    Lozzo, Dec 28, 2004
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