Pre-Friday Funny... (Saddam / Outkast)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sorby, Jan 15, 2004.

  1. Sorby

    deadmail Guest

    Eh? Have you ever watched a hand sliding up and down the neck of a

    And anyhow, I'm still getting over a picture of kate bush with a
    guitar/shotgun thing in a gratuitous oral-sex implication type picture
    thing I saw when I was about 13. Cor.
    deadmail, Jan 17, 2004
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  2. Per-lease. Crap and of course David Gilmours greatest mistake.

    Wuthering Heights? Or a cat being killed slowly and

    Steve Uzochukwu, Avian Amour and Windtech Quarx.

    The UKRM FAQ:
    The rec.aviation.hang-gliding FAQ:
    This Signature is two lines too long for Demon.local at this point
    Steve Uzochukwu, Jan 17, 2004
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  3. Sorby

    Sorby Guest

    Not even "I'm a creep, I'm a hair-do" ?!
    Sorby, Jan 18, 2004
  4. Sorby

    ogden Guest

    In my world, the sax is the single most unwelcome instrument in any
    ogden, Jan 18, 2004
  5. Sorby

    ogden Guest

    Unless the lyrics are exceptionally strong, it's the music I notice
    first and foremost and, in many cases, I don't even bother trying to
    listen to the lyrics. They're almost entirely secondary to the
    experience but it does vary.
    A bona-fide classic, more like. Just because a record's been made
    with a clear sense of humour, it doesn't make it a novelty song.

    After all, there's a real difference between a Wombles record and,
    say, Busted's "Year 3000" (for want of a better example that you
    might have actually heard)

    I go back to what I said the other day about badges of honour.
    ogden, Jan 18, 2004
  6. Champ wrote

    Ok everybody move along please, nothing new to se here.
    steve auvache, Jan 18, 2004
  7. Sorby

    ogden Guest

    "No idea what that's about"..."nothing to do with ignorance" ?
    Sounds like it to me.

    As to the boggling, the song wears its meaning on its sleeve and the
    vocal is as clear as anything, so you'd have to wilfully try to not
    pick it up.
    ogden, Jan 18, 2004
  8. Sorby

    Lozzo Guest

    ogden said...
    Agreed, all Radiohead lyrics are far more interesting than the tunes.
    Lozzo, Jan 18, 2004
  9. Sorby

    deadmail Guest

    Maybe he's never listened to it since Pulp are of little interest to
    deadmail, Jan 18, 2004
  10. It's true there are many hard rock and metal bands whose lyrics tend
    toward the throwaway; there are also a great many with something valid
    to say, be it socio-political comment, solidarity with and sympathy
    for the afflicted, or, of course, in the case of Stairway To Heaven,
    wibble flip dibble doo... It's all just entertainment. It means as
    much or as little as you want it to. A friend of mine once said that
    the lyrics are only there so the singer doesn't have to go "la la la"
    right through the song.
    Darren Robinson, Jan 18, 2004
  11. It can be considered an acquired taste; with sufficient exposure, what
    appears to some to be a "loud tangle of sound" becomes recognisable as
    a complex, diffuse arrangement of distinct parts, in much the same way
    (yes, really) as an orchestra conductor can discern the separate
    instruments within the whole.
    Darren Robinson, Jan 18, 2004
  12. True of damn near anything, I'd say. I just get a bit fed up of
    people dismissing hard rock/heavy metal because of a few preconceived
    ideas and broad generalizations, while of course retaining the right
    myself to do exactly that regarding genres of music which I find
    unappealing. I never claimed to be perfect.
    Darren Robinson, Jan 18, 2004
  13. Sorby

    Champ Guest

    It's the guitar tone change which does it for me, definitely.
    Champ, Jan 18, 2004
  14. Sorby

    Champ Guest

    I told you - I don't listen to lyrics.

    Just because you think it's obvious, don't assume that others behave
    and think like you.
    Champ, Jan 18, 2004
  15. Sorby

    Sorby Guest

    You're a victim of your own musical leanings Champ!

    Perhaps only non-muso's can truly enjoy the whole package (music & lyrics)?

    Perhaps a muso will focus on the music (so long as the lyrics aren't so bad
    they distract) - and a poet or songwriter (or pleb?) will focus on the words
    (so long as the music isn't so bad it distracts).

    Frankly I'm *boggling* as much as Ogden but I can sort of see your point.
    It seems such a waste though - and I feel sure you're missing out.
    Sorby, Jan 18, 2004
  16. Sorby

    Colin Irvine Guest

    I'm with Champ - and I reckon you're the one who's missing out. He and
    I always have the option to listen to the words (and I'm sure I for
    one appreciate poetry as well as the next man) whereas I suspect
    you'll never feel music with quite the same intensity as us.
    Colin Irvine, Jan 18, 2004
  17. Sorby

    Sorby Guest

    Not at all - I get my kicks from both the music and the lyrics. (You may not
    know it but I've been playing guitar for 20 years)

    And if someone posted saying they only cared about lyrics and didn't listen
    to the music then I'd be just as perplexed as I am to hear Champ (and now
    you) trivialising song lyrics en bloc.

    I'm sure it's wonderful being a truly talented musician but if it renders me
    incapable of appreciating 'the whole' then I'm very glad I'm not one!

    And, no disrespect to either of you, but you're a jumper-wearing
    folk-guitarist (with lyrics like "Fol-de-roy, fiddle-de-dee") and Champ
    wanks-the-plank in a pub-rock covers band!!
    Sorby, Jan 18, 2004
  18. Sorby

    Colin Irvine Guest

    There's no answer to that.
    Colin Irvine, Jan 18, 2004
  19. Sorby

    Champ Guest

    I'm sure you're right. The thing is, for about 95% of songs I just
    can't understand the words. I'm the same when people are talking in a
    noisy environment, an with foreign languages - I hear the sound of the
    words, but can't understand them.

    Just one of those things.
    Champ, Jan 18, 2004
  20. Sorby

    sweller Guest

    Quite right!

    It should be dismissed simply because its shit. No other reason.
    sweller, Jan 19, 2004
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