This is... interesting: Courier company (MCS Messangers - whoever they are) got in touch with the father of a friend who shared a flat with me, when I was in the UK 2 years ago (Friend had redirect set up to his parents). I have mail. Phoned them, they are completely unfazed by a German address, and I will get said package within 7 to 10 days. Now, wtf is that all about, and should I have had it sent to a dead drop address, rather than my real address - can't think of anyone who would get to that kind of trouble to find me, who hasn't got my new address. The phone droid couldn't tell me who the pacakge was from, or what it was. This is going to be an interesting surprise... I haven't been speeding in a vehicle that is registered to that address for two years. The one thing which I started doing was having my UK licence (Still containing my old address, as DVLA Phone droid then told me that it was not possible for a non UK address to appear on a UK riving licence) exchanged for a German licence. Am I going to get a snottogram from the DVLA now, or is this just a pile of snail-mail spam that the new residents want to get off their hands? Johannes Gerber