
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by louie, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. louie

    louie Guest

    Watch your purses boys and girls.

    See where over in Arlington that ole gal hung on to her's while the snatchee
    pulled her along.
    I think that, together, some of you could help stop this season related
    crime. Please post your mastercard # here, and maybe on craigslist.
    Might email it directly to Redshad.

    I think I know what is causing his clutch slipping.
    ...well he hasn't posted lately..... you get Walker on the back of that
    650 and encounter a won't turn'er looser you exceed the Yamaha engineered

    louie, Dec 21, 2006
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  2. louie

    Redshad Guest

    Its unbelieveable what crimminals are willing to do to steal from the common
    person. Snatching purses from women has got to be the lowest form of crime.

    If any of you e-mail me your credit card numbers, please include the 3 digit
    code on the back of the card.

    I garentee we exceeded anything Yamaha even thought that little 650 would be
    doing. I think Bill should pay to fix that motorcycle since he tore it up.
    Its all his fault.

    Redshad, Dec 21, 2006
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  3. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    Our friend Redshad has already exceeded the engineering design of that
    V-Star.. That sucker has run with all the big boys.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 21, 2006
  4. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    My cup runneth over.. Get that clutch work done and git'er back on the road,

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 21, 2006
  5. louie

    Redshad Guest

    Its work in progress as we speak.

    Redshad, Dec 21, 2006
  6. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    Walker relates:
    ''Red-Shad''----My cup runneth over.. Get that clutch work done and
    git'er back on the road, soon..
    Bill Walker

    Christmas toddy, awready?
    Oh, you mean ''folgers''.
    Me duce. holly-jolly, redneck style.

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Dec 21, 2006
  7. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    Nope, not ALL of the "big boys"!

    He hasn't ran that VStar with me, yet! He might just need more than a
    new clutch... :)
    Brian Walker, Dec 21, 2006
  8. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    Our friend Redshad has already exceeded the engineering design of that
    V-Star.. That sucker has run with all the big boys.. Regards
    Bill Walker

    Bill; Nope, not ALL of the "big boys"!
    He hasn't ran that VStar with me, yet! He might just need more than a
    new clutch... :) Brian--)

    Brian, Red-Shad was the main man on that October Mena ride. Did you not
    get to ride along with 'em?
    Did'ju fer'get?
    But, none the less, Red-Shad can keep up with you on any trip? Maybe not
    out run you, but he'll be on yo' ass, on a regular trip ride. He rode to
    Arizona with your Pop, and Bill said Red-Shad's VStar was there, every
    mile, every curve, strong.
    ''Rudolph, the red nosed ReinDeer''
    (first recorded by Gene Autry, 1947)

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Dec 21, 2006
  9. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    See there, Bjay! If you'd actually been able to make it more than 20
    miles past your house, you might've known the scoop on it!
    Brian Walker, Dec 22, 2006
  10. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yup.. you are right. Redshad and that V-Star didn't miss a beat.. Of
    course, you
    have to consider, we weren't competing or trying to outdo each other.. The
    to a successful and enjoyable ride, is to ride with respect to the fellow
    riders that
    are running with you..

    Seems to me, there is an assumption here that what was offered in humor is
    mistaken for a challenge of some sort..

    I've ridden with Brian Walker for years.. We've ridden thousands of miles
    Brian is an impatient rider that resents stopping for gas.. He's quick to
    respond to
    any challenge that he perceives.. That makes him formiddable as a rival on
    highway.. He's also good company on a ride and an asset to most any group
    is on a run.. The motorcycle he rides is one of a kind and it was put
    together by
    Brian over a long period of trial and error.. That sucker is built to run
    and it gets
    the job done. That old Shadow will outperform any motorcycle in it's class,
    I've ever seen.. Even many bikes that are rated above the class of the
    That includes many of the sport bikes .. And, Brian rides that old Shadow
    he just stole it..

    Now then, I've also ridden quite a lot with Redshad.. There again, Redshad
    a good asset for any group ride.. His V-Star is sorta like this Old Green
    that I ride.. The V-Star and Vulcan were not meant to outrun or race with
    Those motorcycles are medium class cruisers.. As with Brian's Shadow, we've
    pretty well enhanced our motorcycles to adapt them with the capabilities of
    long distant touring.. Both my Green Vulcan and Redshad's V-Star will out
    perform most of the motorcycles in that class.. but, won't handle Brian's
    competitively.. That would be extremely foolish to even consider..

    Both of these good bikers are accomplished in their own right.. and they are
    very good company on a run.. I'd sure not like to have them involved in some
    kind of competitive position against each other.. That's not what the intent
    either of them have indicated.. I'd especially not like to see them thrust
    into a
    competitive posture by a humorous comment and prodding by a third party..

    I've seen both bikers, ride "down" to the level of the least qualified rider
    in a
    group, or ride "down" to the level of the weakest motorcycle in a group..
    what riding with a group is all about.. taking care of each other with

    Start the ride together and finish the ride together, and the ride is over
    the last man gets back home safely..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 22, 2006
  11. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    (to bjay)
    -See there, Bjay! If you'd actually been able to make it more than 20
    miles past your house, you might've known the scoop on it! brian-

    So you have not had the privaledge to ride along side that goodlooking,
    nice running, VStar, eh? Well, I did, for a few miles. And I could tell
    right away, Red-Shad can keep up with the big boys, as mentioned by
    Bill, awright!
    I'm sure your 1100Shadow is, indeed one of the big boys, and one that
    Bill would consider a big'un.
    Skunk rides a 1100Shadow.
    I'm quite aware of how that Bike runs.
    (another favoright Tune)''There's no Place like Home for the Holidays''
    (Bing Crosby. 1945)

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Dec 22, 2006
  12. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    But, none the less, Red-Shad can keep up with you on any trip? Maybe not
    out run you, but he'll be on yo' ass, on a regular trip ride. He rode to
    Arizona with your Pop, and Bill said Red-Shad's VStar was there, every
    mile, every curve, strong.
    ''Rudolph, the red nosed ReinDeer''
    (first recorded by Gene Autry, 1947)

    Yup.. you are right. Redshad and that V-Star didn't miss a beat.. Of
    course, you
    have to consider, we weren't competing or trying to outdo each other..
    The secret
    to a successful and enjoyable ride, is to ride with respect to the
    fellow riders that
    are running with you..
    Seems to me, there is an assumption here that what was offered in humor
    is being
    mistaken for a challenge of some sort..
    I've ridden with Brian Walker for years.. We've ridden thousands of
    miles together..
    Brian is an impatient rider that resents stopping for gas.. He's quick
    to respond to
    any challenge that he perceives.. That makes him formiddable as a rival
    highway.. He's also good company on a ride and an asset to most any
    is on a run.. The motorcycle he rides is one of a kind and it was put
    together by
    Brian over a long period of trial and error.. That sucker is built to
    run and it gets
    the job done. That old Shadow will outperform any motorcycle in it's
    class, that
    I've ever seen.. Even many bikes that are rated above the class of the
    That includes many of the sport bikes .. And, Brian rides that old
    he just stole it..
    Now then, I've also ridden quite a lot with Redshad.. There again,
    Redshad is
    a good asset for any group ride.. His V-Star is sorta like this Old
    Green Vulcan
    that I ride.. The V-Star and Vulcan were not meant to outrun or race
    with anyone.
    Those motorcycles are medium class cruisers.. As with Brian's Shadow,
    we've pretty well enhanced our motorcycles to adapt them with the
    capabilities of long distant touring.. Both my Green Vulcan and
    Redshad's V-Star will out perform most of the motorcycles in that
    class.. but, won't handle Brian's Shadow
    competitively.. That would be extremely foolish to even consider..
    Both of these good bikers are accomplished in their own right.. and they
    are both
    very good company on a run.. I'd sure not like to have them involved in
    some kind of competitive position against each other.. That's not what
    the intent of
    either of them have indicated.. I'd especially not like to see them
    thrust into a
    competitive posture by a humorous comment and prodding by a third
    I've seen both bikers, ride "down" to the level of the least qualified
    rider in a
    group, or ride "down" to the level of the weakest motorcycle in a
    group.. That's
    what riding with a group is all about.. taking care of each other with
    Start the ride together and finish the ride together, and the ride is
    over when
    the last man gets back home safely..
    Bill Walker
    Irving )

    I know Brian was messing around with =what and how= you said that about
    Red-Shad's VStar.
    But, he sounded like he had never rode in a group with Red-Shad. I
    thought he did up in Mena?
    Bill, I agree with what you say above about ''Riding with buddies''.
    I rode a 600Shadow for a year and half and enjoyed riding with the
    soCalled big boys, as you described.
    I rode 2Up, most every mile too.
    We'd get behind in the curves, but not for long, I'd catch up, with
    their help, of course. So, it is the rider, mainly, not the scooter.
    That little Bike would cruise at 70, real nice. On trips, we didnt
    average much more thatn 70-75. Even now on the big Valk, I still average
    (I'm speaking of average, here)
    Oh sure, I like to ''gun'' er, just like the others like to gun theirs.
    One big difference, now I dont loose site of anyone, anymore.
    Especially, it is fun to ''gun' it running long-side my SonNlaws
    goodlooking purple and black Heritage.
    And ole' Skunk, on his 1100 is right in the ''mix'' of thangs, yesSir.
    (''Silver Bells' ring a ling, Here Them Sing''(andy williams, 76')

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Dec 22, 2006
  13. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    There again, you jumped in on something you know nothing about. There
    again, you don't know who I've rode with and who I haven't rode with.
    There again, you've been invited to tag along and you've declined.

    What I said was in jest and humor. It wasn't meant as some sort of
    challenge and didn't have any other intent to suggest I have/haven't
    rode with Redshad.

    You sure aren't very good at this "Bowie County Prosecutor" thing, are
    you? Next thing we'll see is someone calling you a Canadian pussy or
    the "N" word!
    Brian Walker, Dec 22, 2006
  14. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    But, I've had the "privaledge" of giving him a BIG THUMBS UP!
    Brian Walker, Dec 22, 2006
  15. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    So you have not had the privaledge to ride along side that goodlooking,
    nice running, VStar, eh? Well, I did, for a few miles. And I could tell
    right away, Red-Shad can keep up with the big boys, as mentioned by
    Bill, awright!
    I'm sure your 1100Shadow is, indeed one of the big boys, and one that
    Bill would consider a big'un.
    Skunk rides a 1100Shadow.
    I'm quite aware of how that Bike runs.
    (another favoright Tune)''There's no Place like Home for the Holidays''
    (Bing Crosby. 1945)

    Bjay~But, I've had the "privaledge" of giving him a BIG THUMBS UP!

    That's what I thought.
    I guess you forgot.
    (Deck the halls with Bales of Holly)
    (Roy Rogers, 1938)

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Dec 22, 2006
  16. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    Did I ride with him in October in Mena? I don't seem to recall that. I
    recall there were a bunch of motorcycles that I rode with, but I don't
    recall whether Redshad was among them.

    Maybe you should go back to "paraphrasing" and leave the remembering to
    us who actually rode the ride...

    <Big Thumbs Up!>
    Brian Walker, Dec 23, 2006
  17. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    Bjay????''Did I ride with him in October in Mena? I don't seem to recall
    that. I recall there were a bunch of motorcycles that I rode with, but I
    don't recall whether Redshad was among them.
    Maybe you should go back to "paraphrasing" and leave the remembering to
    us who actually rode the ride...
    <Big Thumbs Up!>

    Yes, you did. You rode with him, Big Ed, Big Eds son, and louie, along
    with your father.
    Man, you need to get some rest.
    You been working too hard.
    Your recollection membrane seems to be pretty fuzzy for a young feller.

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Dec 23, 2006
  18. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    I seem to recall many others on that ride, but I still don't seem to
    recall riding with Redshad on that one...nor do I recall Bjay being
    Brian Walker, Dec 23, 2006
  19. louie

    Redshad Guest

    That ride we didnt get to ride together. I recall you showed up late at
    night and Bill was already in bed. I dont remember but I think I had to work
    Sunday so I left that next morning or something like that. I do know I didnt
    ride home with you guys. Isnt that when Big Eds son hit the deer? We did
    however ride together to Elgin, Tx for one of the TMRAII Distric Advisors
    meetings a year or so ago.

    And P.S....I wouldnt even try to keep up with Brians motorcycle. Thats one
    fast ass "N" word.

    Redshad, Dec 23, 2006
  20. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    <chuckle> I'd forgotten about that little run.. Yeah, you did make that
    That was while you were still riding that V-Star nekkid, as I recall.. Good
    ride .. you sure hung in there, under some pretty severe conditions ..
    the difference between a biker and the wannabe's.. LOL.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 23, 2006
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