(Post)Midnight rides and insanity

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Fr Jack, Apr 11, 2004.

  1. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    To you guys at the BOSM who thought I was bloody

    All I can say is: the ride home was an absolute bloody hoot!!

    The A515 from Ashbourne to the A50 is *great* in the dark and did me a
    big favour - it improved the smoothness of my riding.

    Pip: the concrete sections on the A50 were just rumbly and set up a wee
    bit of float but nothing as daft as you described happening to you.

    The tunnel on the A500 provided its usual opportunity for a KSB....
    Complete with flame. ;-)

    I resisted the temptation to play "fighter pilots" on the A50 and the
    M6... but there was a complete moment of hilarity...

    A bunch of kiddies in a saxo (I found out later) hurtled past me on the
    M6 (I was sat at a steady, but alleged, 85 and this twat was *moving*).
    I guess he had it *nailed* showing off to the girlies in the back,
    because it wasn't very well when I stopped for a slash at Sandbach
    As I got off the Tig, I noticed a car with 4 kiddies stood round it, but
    thought nothing more, until I moved towards the building... something
    told me to have another look...
    It would appear the engine was depositing its oil on the car park and,
    as I removed my earplugs, I began to hear the wails of a kiddie with a
    fucked engine and no AA/RAC/whoever stuck on the motorway. When I came
    back out I noticed it was only a 1.1....pillock!

    All told, a good trundle back. Didn't get cold. Strangely, I didn't get
    bored on the motorway... then again, I'd been on coffee all day, so my
    braincell was probably buzzing on caffeine and revamping my plans for
    world domination... or going over the ins and outs of the house I want
    to build sometime soon....

    Maybe I am just mad......
    Fr Jack, Apr 11, 2004
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  2. Fr Jack

    tallbloke Guest

    Glad to hear.
    This sounds interesting.

    Not an issue round here :)
    tallbloke, Apr 11, 2004
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  3. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    The varlet known as tallbloke did proclaim to all assembled:
    I think it will remain in the dream stage, unless I either win the
    lottery, or at least double my wage..
    Fr Jack, Apr 11, 2004
  4. Fr Jack

    tallbloke Guest

    Fr Jack <> spouted the following in

    Where would you like the house that Jack built?
    tallbloke, Apr 12, 2004
  5. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    The varlet known as tallbloke did proclaim to all assembled:
    Away from a town, on about an third of an acre
    Fr Jack, Apr 12, 2004
  6. Fr Jack wrote
    Next door to the pub.
    steve auvache, Apr 12, 2004
  7. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    The varlet known as steve auvache did proclaim to all assembled:

    Not really... More like a half mile away.

    The half mile stroll down a country lane, afterwards kinda rounds the
    session off, nicely doesn't it? ;-)

    Besides' country pubs are being invaded by chavs who've been banned from
    every other place. Don't want to hear the fuckers throwing up or pissing
    in me front yard, do I? Can stay where I am for that.
    Fr Jack, Apr 12, 2004
  8. Fr Jack wrote

    **** me yes, Did you here about that place in Derbyshire this weekend?
    steve auvache, Apr 12, 2004
  9. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    The varlet known as steve auvache did proclaim to all assembled:
    Yeah..sorry, forgot.. ;-)
    That would be the one you were at, yes? ;-)
    Fr Jack, Apr 12, 2004
  10. Fr Jack wrote
    Would you expect anything less?
    steve auvache, Apr 12, 2004
  11. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    The varlet known as steve auvache did proclaim to all assembled:
    Nah! Grow old disgracefully - proper! ;-)
    Fr Jack, Apr 12, 2004
  12. Fr Jack wrote
    Teetering as I am right on the very verge of it, I have to say; you are
    right and if I have learnt anything it is that you really do need to
    start young and practice hard.
    steve auvache, Apr 12, 2004
  13. Fr Jack

    Lady Nina Guest

    Too late.
    Like the wood cutters in grand designs?
    <sits on hands> <gets off hands>

    Alexi Sayle's younger brother, that's you.

    <runs like ****>
    Lady Nina

    The School of Life is not accredited, never subjects its marking
    standards to review and has exceedingly loose selection standards for
    teaching staff.
    Lady Nina, Apr 12, 2004
  14. Fr Jack

    Pip Guest

    Pip, Apr 12, 2004
  15. Fr Jack

    deadmail Guest

    Younger brother? Why younger? Ugly twin is closer to it I think.
    deadmail, Apr 12, 2004
  16. Fr Jack

    Lady Nina Guest

    Oh blimey I lurked and read the FAQ don't make me go and read all the
    other bits as well, I've got gardening, followed by pub attending to
    be done.
    Lady Nina, Apr 12, 2004
  17. Fr Jack

    Pip Guest

    It's no good, you have to read and remember it all. You go clear that
    garden, wumman - and watch them strange characters up t'pub, too.
    The mind verily boggleth. Here's a spare 'o' you may find a use for,
    Pip, Apr 12, 2004
  18. Fr Jack

    MattG Guest

    Lady Nina says...
    I think you know what you have to put there. Don't make me spank you.
    MattG, Apr 12, 2004
  19. Fr Jack

    Lady Nina Guest

    It's gone cold and cloudy, so it's back inside - housework or ukrm I
    Not that pub. After this weekend my lot seem tame by comparison. I
    need some more kip before I go out though.
    As it should.
    Git, I spotted it after about 3 posts.
    Lady Nina, Apr 12, 2004
  20. Fr Jack

    Lady Nina Guest

    <hard stare>

    Something like this?
    Lady Nina, Apr 12, 2004
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