Poor bugger.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Cab, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. Cab

    Cab Guest

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  2. Cab

    dwb Guest

    dwb, Mar 1, 2005
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  3. Cab

    gazzafield Guest

    French aren't they? Probably couldn't be arsed being in a hurry or had just
    come off of being on strike.
    gazzafield, Mar 1, 2005
  4. Cab

    Cab Guest

    The article says that a fire extinguisher wasn't enough to put it out,
    so they had to wait for the fire brigade.

    It only took 12 minutes for it to be completely destroyed...
    Cab, Mar 1, 2005
  5. Cab

    Ben Guest

    Ben, Mar 1, 2005
  6. Cab

    dwb Guest

    Firestorm? :)
    dwb, Mar 1, 2005
  7. Cab

    Preston Kemp Guest

    Preston Kemp, Mar 1, 2005
  8. Soylent Green, Mar 1, 2005
  9. Cab

    Cab Guest

    That's a *whoosh* then?
    Cab, Mar 1, 2005
  10. <fx: starts egg-timer>

    Soylent Green, Mar 1, 2005
  11. Cab

    Ben Guest

    Na, I'm pretty sure it's a mid-90's 'Fire'blade.
    Ben, Mar 1, 2005
  12. Cab

    D.C Guest

    It actually says that it took nine minutes between the first shot, and
    the fourth. By which time the bike was destroyed.
    D.C, Mar 1, 2005
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