
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Hog, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. Hog

    Champ Guest

    I looked down the thread, saw your name, and new you'd have made
    exactly the point I was going to, only better.
    Champ, Sep 18, 2008
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  2. Hog

    Champ Guest

    You obviously don't know any 'regular' people.
    Champ, Sep 18, 2008
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  3. Hog

    darsy Guest

    well yes. Even I know people who earn less than the UK median wage.
    darsy, Sep 18, 2008
  4. Hog

    Pete Fisher Guest

    Lies, damn lies...

    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Voxan Roadster Gilera Nordwest * 2 Yamaha WR250Z |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 Morini 350 "Forgotten Error" |
    Pete Fisher, Sep 18, 2008
  5. Hog

    Adrian Guest

    Isn't the £34,800 figure above the allowance, anyway? So that's nearer
    £40k annual salary.
    Adrian, Sep 18, 2008
  6. Hog

    M J Carley Guest

    If you make more than about 40k, you're in the top 10% of incomes.
    M J Carley, Sep 18, 2008
  7. Hog

    Hog Guest

    None of the above.

    He limped up and down the stage pontificating about how he would turn
    Britain into the first Green Economy. How this would make us the
    wealthiest healthiest happiest country in the world.

    OK so he had my attention. I realised I was watching a hall full of
    fantasists but he had my attention because there are significant R&D,
    scientific and industrial opportunities to be had.

    Then he told us how this meant closing and not commissioning new coal
    burning power stations..... or Nuclear!

    See, I had him right there on the spot. Becoming a clean green
    successful economy in Europe's most densly populated country is a great
    idea. I'm all for it.

    It means closing all fossil fuel burning power stations, except for
    those kept to bolster peak/emergency demands.
    It means moving to electric and hydrogen powered vehicles in dense urban
    areas, particularly public transport.
    It means electrifying many things that would otherwise be burning fossil

    Lots and lots and lots of electricity. There is only one sustainable
    practical safe green way to do that. Nuclear. Yes we can generate 10
    to 20% from Tidal, Wind and (clean) waste burning, but the other 80%, a
    *shit* load of power, can only be Nuclear. That's a proper full cycle
    (with Fast Breeder) Nuclear industry.

    Mr Clegg will transport you back to a wonderful bygone era that looks
    good in oils done by famous artists but for the man in the street was
    probably remarkably shit.

    Then he finished it off adding "no new runways". So not only does he
    want to turn your light out he wants to confine you to your immediate
    locale. If you stop generating electricity from fossil fuels, stop
    deforestation and start reforestation and control population we can have
    lots of nice cars/bikes and aeroplanes without unpleasant consequences
    and live pleasurable mobile lives.

    **** 'im, **** 'im right in the eyes.

    It does my head in, we hear this shit about power production over and
    over again. FFS the solution is being perfectly demonstrated less than
    100 fucking miles away from the ****, in France!!
    Hog, Sep 18, 2008
  8. Hog

    darsy Guest

    £40835 IIRC.
    darsy, Sep 18, 2008
  9. Hog

    Hog Guest

    Everybody should pay less tax and government should encourage a more
    enterprising economy. It isn't exactly hard to visualise, is it. And
    nobody should be ever be left uneducated or rotting in the gutter.
    So what we have is incredibly high taxation and huge amounts of social
    expenditure but an utterly rotten underbelly in society. A failed
    Hog, Sep 18, 2008
  10. Hog

    Hog Guest

    I *never* forget Heidi TYVM
    Hog, Sep 18, 2008
  11. Hog

    Hog Guest

    London is full of enterprising wealthy Scandanavians, I think you are
    correct. They also have special brands of political correctness. Do
    they still support Eugenics?
    Hog, Sep 18, 2008
  12. Hog

    M J Carley Guest

    The Netherlands and Belgium have higher population densities (393 and
    337 /km^2) than the UK (244) and Germany's is not much lower (233).
    There is no need for new runways: we should have a proper rail network
    for domestic and near-European travel. Airports should be for long
    M J Carley, Sep 18, 2008
  13. Hog

    darsy Guest

    it doesn't make you "rich", though. I haven't looked it up, but I'd
    bet that the median of the top 5% is *way* more than the median of the
    6-10th percentiles.
    darsy, Sep 18, 2008
  14. Hog

    Cane Guest

    He is and he's also quite open about it. I wouldn't vote for him on
    the basis of his policies but then I wouldn't vote for anyone with
    religious beliefs.
    Cane, Sep 18, 2008
  15. Hog

    Hog Guest

    Well according to the Beeb news yesterday we have overtaken them
    You won't get any argument there from me (1) unfortunately we don't have
    that rail network and the platforms are to short (tm. sweller). Until we

    (1) I love travelling by train.
    Hog, Sep 18, 2008
  16. Hog

    darsy Guest

    it got changed to just over £6K from April 2008.
    darsy, Sep 18, 2008
  17. Hog

    AndrewR Guest

    IIRC the Libdems have previously proposed upper-upper tax bands,
    starting at £100k, presumably on the grounds that people earning 40k+
    might vote for them, but those on 100k+ probably weren't going to
    AndrewR, Sep 18, 2008
  18. Hog

    boots Guest

    I am not sure how you'd define regular people but a good friend of
    mine works semi-skilled on production line light engineering[1] and
    he's be moaning for the last couple of years about getting hit for 40%
    tax. I am pretty sure that when brought in the 40% rate wasn't
    designed to hit people like him.

    [1] The industry in which I started my apprenticeship, but didn't like
    being covered in shite.
    boots, Sep 18, 2008
  19. Hog

    Hog Guest

    JHC. So after tax thats some £1500 a month. I and I expect a good few
    others here spend that much just on bikes/eating out/boozer
    Hog, Sep 18, 2008
  20. Hog

    M J Carley Guest

    HMRC figures for 2004/5: 90% percentile is 39,000, 95% is 52,400 and
    99% is 117,000.
    M J Carley, Sep 18, 2008
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