
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mr. JayT, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Baroma presented a dy-no-mite Historical speech telling 80,000 he'd
    accept the nomination, of his party. JBMcCain has his work cut out for
    him, to try to top that next week.
    I heard McCain, was having trouble filling a 10,000 sized 'some
    kinda',arena way up there in StPaul, to 'read his boring' generic
    republican rhetoric in accepting his party's nommer'nation, next
    Thursday evening.
    Mr. JayT, Aug 29, 2008
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  2. Mr. JayT

    BiffB Guest

    Best set of tits in the White House since Marilyn Monroe. :)
    BiffB, Aug 29, 2008
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  3. Mr. JayT

    Rogue Rider Guest

    She's one smart gal and I think she'll make a fine VP, for starters.

    Rogue Rider, Aug 29, 2008
  4. Mr. JayT

    BiffB Guest

    BiffB, Aug 29, 2008
  5. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    =She has all that...? I didnt see any evidence, a while ago on
    MSNBC....I'll pay more attnetion tonight. JTK
    bj_kana, Aug 29, 2008
  6. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    ===Jer,after I watch the Republican convention ''every night'' next
    week, I feel then I personally will have something to compare Baromas
    ''outstanding acceptance speech T0.... We'll see!... I doubt very
    seriously Jerry, that you actually watched Baromas acceptance speech
    the other night at the Demo convention. I bet you read some other
    folks opinions, and views of the speech, and probably based your
    opinion on what they all said, then you responded to me above....
    I watched the DNC every night, I enjoy them, and they remind me of a
    spectacular sport event, I imagine next week the RNC will be just as
    interesting. I will be tuned in. Then we'll see who rocked, and see
    which one gets the most attnetion, by ''ordinary swing vote folks''
    bj_kana, Aug 29, 2008
  7. Mr. JayT

    louie Guest

    Damn, right here at twilight time, u got me thinking.

    louie, Aug 30, 2008
  8. Mr. JayT

    Bill Cattell Guest

    If you look that up on Urban Legends you'll find it wasn't really given
    as a commencement speech.

    Having said that I think the thought behind it is absolutely 100% true
    and accurate.

    Something I've noticed over the (too many) years is that the democrats
    are too often enthralled with the notion of "helping the poor". That's
    not a bad thing but the way they want to do it is raise some ones (class,
    income level, corporation, etc) taxes to make "it" - whatever "it" is -
    fairer. When taxes get raised (anyone's) there is ALWAYS a trickle down

    Republicans are generally for smaller government, individual
    accountability, lower taxes and being less intrusive in people's lives.
    These are all generalities but listening to Obama and McCain it looks and
    sounds like the parties are holding true along their ideologies.

    As always, YMMV, FWIW, IMHO, etc.

    Bill Cattell, Aug 30, 2008
  9. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Jerry ''says' this: Bjay; ''I take that back about a triple hit. That
    was a bases loaded home run by him picking her. He just got my vote.

    =====Crap, Jer, you've been a John Boring McKane stooge all
    along...hail..your a dern 'publican
    You dont have a choice, who ever is on the 'publican elephant brand
    November votin' ballot, ''you have no'' choice but to vote for
    'em.....it is pitiful, that ''party folks'', are so ate up with 'tunnel'
    vision......hellfire.and brimstone.lol---
    Mr. JayT, Aug 30, 2008
  10. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    ~~>To summarize Bill Cantell said this in response to Precision/Louie:
    ''Republicans are generally for smaller government, individual
    accountability, lower taxes and being less intrusive in people's lives.
    These are all generalities but listening to Obama and McCain it looks
    and sounds like the parties are holding true along their ideologies.
    As always, YMMV, FWIW, IMHO, etc.
    Bill C.

    ===== I believe the current republican government forgot about smaller
    government, to me, the last few years seemed to be all about Big
    Government favoring big companies like Exxon, and the big pharmaceutical
    companies etc.... BillCee,You left out the ''Iraq Invasion <$billion
    plus> monthly expense''. You left our how the current republican machine
    has created a countless '$'billion dollar debt owed to the ''Mighty
    China Communistic Regime. That's scarey to me.
    Remember when Presidential Nominee Reagan, ask all the Voters, ''are you
    better off now, than your were 8 years ago''?
    ==Regards, and meaning to be friendly with my opinions!!!= <g> MrJayT
    Mr. JayT, Aug 31, 2008
  11. Mr. JayT

    louie Guest

    What is the answer to that BJay? Are u? and Why?

    Lucky me, as I think of the several 8 years I've experienced. Each better. I
    think the whoever at the time President; had little to do with it.

    That 1st eight year stretch was amazing, as was the 2nd.

    louie, Aug 31, 2008
  12. Mr. JayT

    louie Guest


    Are u going to keep your motorcycle license while you're working on the

    louie, Aug 31, 2008
  13. Mr. JayT

    BiffB Guest

    wait wait, what is this "insurance" you speak of?
    BiffB, Aug 31, 2008
  14. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    ---Pender makes some good points:
    I feel those same problems Willie, I really do.  But those things seem
    Hey Pender except for the ''jiggaboo'' theory above, most of what you
    explained to me, has happended in the past 8 years, would you agree?
    Hey pender, of course I realize what all you encounter, and how the
    government is cheated every day, in your line of work. You see the
    lowest of the lowest, and see all those immirgrants getting help, who
    dont pay taxes, like me and jerry do (and you)

    Pender says:A curse on the name of Franklin Roosevelt, and moreso on
    Obama.  I
    Oh yeah, I wonder if Jerry realizes all this is happening in and
    around the country, while Bush has had an open US Checking account
    spending borrowed Chinese money on the Invasion, instead of taking
    care of Americans...like the Katrina tragedy, and many other Americans
    haveing trouble getting aid, because of those who dont pay taxes, and
    certainly dont vote. (Pender you're a fart smeller, why hasnt Iraq
    financed the so called War or atleast half of the billion a month?)

    Pender says:
    Pender of course I know that: On TV, Sen.McCain is telling voters that
    he will repair all that, and I guess he is referring to the work of
    the current administration. Who else?

    - Pender goes on to say:
    When I see Obama, I
    I realize that Baroma probably wont get elected, and its a shame it
    will likely be because of the 'color of his' skin.
    Makes me wonder, being an independent, why in 8 years, the Peoples
    Pender, I think we should elect Jesse Ventura, he'd whoop all their
    asses, and twice on Sunday, if he was the President...and he'd get my
    vote. We need a real American thinking man or woman in office, not
    these ''lying scandrawls'' like either of the two ''party knumb
    skulls'' running around, the country spending millions of dollars on
    their campaigns.

    My last word on
    Pender the only thing Baroma has going for him, quite frankly, is he
    is not going to be another GWBush....Even Hilliary wouldve been a
    better choice. This country doesnt need 'no more' Republicans
    nonsense.............(according to CNN) hehehehehehhhhh Willie.
    bj_kana, Sep 1, 2008
  15. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    ==When folks say all that, I cannot help but ponder, ''IS all that
    happening currently?'' Is that the state of the union, currently?...If
    so, do folks believe that Sen McKane will fix all of what Bush
    should've been doing all along. I'm quite sure President Bush claimed
    he would 'address all those concerns'', 71/2 years ago..
    I know you were talking about the Democrats, but they aint been around
    much, for the past 8 years.I find it hard to blame them for anything
    good or bad.
    Theyve been out of touch 'up to last November'..
    I find it hard to understand how our country got in such bad shape,
    ''because of the Democrats''??,
    Because they havent had any power in a good while. And certainy not
    because we've had a Democratic President, lately. <g>
    bj_kana, Sep 1, 2008
  16. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    I cannot remember??? doggone it. I had the answer in my mind,but now
    it........................! Mr.JayTFuss
    bj_kana, Sep 1, 2008
  17. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    =LMA0..BillWalker style.
    bj_kana, Sep 1, 2008
  18. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    Smart decision, since mostly we pay every 6 month premiums. MJT
    bj_kana, Sep 1, 2008
  19. Mr. JayT

    BiffB Guest

    Dunno if anybody is really saying McCain is a great choice, just a
    better one.
    BiffB, Sep 1, 2008
  20. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    --good observation, Biffb. <g>
    bj_kana, Sep 2, 2008
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