Political naivety

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Eiron, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. Eiron

    Ben Blaney Guest

    You didn't get NT3.51. or 4? Newbie.
    Ben Blaney, Jun 22, 2004
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  2. Eiron

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Please quote a source for this.
    Ben Blaney, Jun 22, 2004
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  3. Eiron

    Lady Nina Guest

    <note to self - read down thread first>
    Lady Nina, Jun 22, 2004
  4. Eiron

    Ginge Guest

    Supposedly eight, but they'd all have to happen at the same time, and
    quite frankly there are easier ways....
    Ginge, Jun 22, 2004
  5. Eiron

    Champ Guest

    You are a bit obsessed about this.

    Could yuo explain why this couldn't happen in the UK now?
    Champ, Jun 22, 2004
  6. Eiron

    Champ Guest

    Mildly homophobic ("serious psychological consequences"!) as well as
    racist. Another tick in the box.
    Champ, Jun 22, 2004
  7. riccip wrote

    More fucking bollox from our latest resident know nothing.

    The gas is called ethylene[sp?] and is given off by every single
    ripening fruit on the planet without exception. A perfectly natural
    process which is halted by keeping the fruits in a nitrogen environment
    like Bananas in the holds of non EU boats and then started again by
    giving them a whiff of ethylene in the warehouse once they reach these

    While you are learning you may also like to know that ethylene is how
    they get all those toms on the vines in East Anglian greenhouses to all
    ripen at the same time when their natural tendency is to go for a one at
    a time strategy. Perfectly legal, absolutely harmless and only stupid
    morons buy them.

    You are thinking of what the South Africans do to every single piece of
    vegetable matter that they export. The odd thing about it is that
    despite tales of horror and woe from all sorts of places and interested
    parties nobody has actually managed to prove the point that the practice
    is in any way detrimental to us. Which is sad but true.
    steve auvache, Jun 22, 2004
  8. Eiron

    Ginge Guest

    Actually here's one, I read about this a while back and was quite
    frankly a little bemused by the notion.


    It may well address teenage pregnancy, but seems to completely overlook
    STDs. Bring back those scary iceberg adverts from the 80's I say,
    that'll be enough to traumatise a whole new generation.
    Ginge, Jun 22, 2004
  9. mups wrote
    Get yourself an Essex bird mate, better still a Canvey Girl.
    Instinctive it is. They don't need telling.
    steve auvache, Jun 22, 2004
  10. Eiron

    Cab Guest

    Ben Blaney bored us all completely to death with wittery prose along
    the lines of:
    Heh, I was playing with *nix systems when I first started in IT, so
    never needed them. :)

    Cab :^) - almost as fast as G.i.n.g.e.
    GSX 1400 - 'Tarts Handbag' (tm) Bike, dead 550/4 Rat
    UKRMMA#10 (KoTL), IbW#015, Bob#4, POTM#3

    P.S. Remove your_head from the cab. ICQ: 83023471
    Cab, Jun 22, 2004
  11. Eiron

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Well, firstly, it's not a mandatory thing. Secondly, it's far from
    going on the National Curriculum. Thirdly:

    "Schoolchildren, particularly girls, who received such training
    developed a 'more mature' response to sex. "


    "Those behind the course stress the scheme does not suggest teenagers
    experiment with oral sex. Instead they say A Pause promotes the
    message that other forms of physical intimacy are safer than full

    .... who could possibly say that was a bad idea.
    Ben Blaney, Jun 22, 2004
  12. Eiron

    Lady Nina Guest

    Are they also going to have demonstrations of how to find the
    What, you mean having access to sex education with a discussion of
    alternatives to full sex is a bad thing? How exactly? Are you aware of
    the current STD and pregnancy figures in teenagers?
    Lady Nina, Jun 22, 2004
  13. Major Banks will be able to help you.

    IIRC that superceeded notes must be returnable to the issuing bank.

    Send them here, and I'll find a use for them :)

    Johannes Gerber, Jun 22, 2004
  14. Eiron

    Ginge Guest

    Not I, plus as a further positive it's also good to know that if bad
    girls want to learn how to suck cock at school they may at least leave
    being up to a decent standard.
    Ginge, Jun 22, 2004
  15. Eiron

    M J Carley Guest

    I'm getting those: I have never, ever, done anything so complicated
    (and I've done Irish grammar and Maxwell's equations).
    M J Carley, Jun 22, 2004
  16. Eiron

    Ben Blaney Guest

    He obviously isn't aware of anything.
    Ben Blaney, Jun 22, 2004
  17. steve auvache, Jun 22, 2004
  18. Eiron

    Champ Guest

    Serious question: are there really still men out there who don't know
    Champ, Jun 22, 2004
  19. Lady Nina wrote
    I dunno with what is wrong with the good old fashioned up a bit, down a
    bit, THERE that was the norm for wimmin of the type I meet^Wmet.
    steve auvache, Jun 22, 2004
  20. Eiron

    Lozzo Guest

    mups says...
    You went to the wrong school
    Lozzo, Jun 22, 2004
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