policing bikes

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Sep 7, 2003.

  1. Zebee Johnstone

    Rockit Guest

    discuss it ?

    The first thread that I got on the issue was:
    I am appalled by this concept, and voiced my opinion accordingly... another
    step toward the (t)otalitarian State.
    I reserve the right to reply as such while I am still able.
    Further, the discussion was always going to be subjective rather than
    objective... we could go on...........
    by all citizens 100% of the time, this leads to prioritisation.

    That is surely a problem to be resolved between the relevant parties and
    could be debated infinitum.
    In rural Vic. we now have hit squads that spend weekends in regional
    centres, and hit everything going
    ....even me! Two to a car... should imagine that they will be busy on the
    main arterials leading to the Grand Prix
    .... raise a bit of interstate revenue.

    The reality is but perception as you say. Perception is not truth, it is
    just bullshit.... the world floats on a sea of it.
    Truth is all but moved from the vocabulary. Ah yes! a wise man would say
    "truth is but perception!"
    end of story.

    A couple of interesting?, relevant? tangents:
    Heraldsun Sun, 7/9, p6
    12 limits on 7km sretch of highway through Colac.
    Speed zones anger drivers
    the appeal on the Ulysses .org website for submissions
    to enable them to advise the Vic. Govn't on a means of
    reducing the country road toll involving bikers in Vic.
    They obviously don't have a ready position on the
    subject; they don't have the skills or resources required,
    yet they will compile something.... where there is a vucuum...It's all to do
    with getting "stakeholders" involved.
    Ra ra rah!
    All this shit relates to offences against the State and not
    the citizen... **** the State.... I want to be the one who makes the
    decisions that affect my life... if that has a
    detremental effect on someone else I wear it... if I wipe
    myself out on a bend so be it. If someone else does the same thing, that's
    their business. That it might offend
    someone who *knows* better is unfortunate. That it
    might have repercussions against fellow bikers is also
    unfortunate. The erosion of rights goes on; they hit the
    gunowners, now the pistol owners, why not bikes next??
    If there is a vote in it ... look out!... even the *perception*
    of a vote. Use your ability and skills to educate people,
    not penalize them. If the penalizing shit worked, then there
    wouldn't be the *perceived* problems. The Vic. State claimed that "you walk
    at 125kph" would remove 40,000
    motorists from the road... big deal, where is the
    demonstratable gain?
    last post
    Rockit, Sep 9, 2003
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    Rockit Guest

    Fair go Martin, our next ride is to Mallacoota,was
    thinking that some of your lot might be interested.
    Probably come home via the Imlay and Cann Valley.
    But after reading that.... I'd be worried about going
    over .05 with all the waiting stops we'd be having.
    Rockit, Sep 9, 2003
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  3. Zebee Johnstone

    Mike Doyle Guest


    You are right...I still can't understand how you can lanesplit, yet
    never push in front of other vehicles. Since you can't seem to explain
    it yourself, I can only assume that you don't care, or know your views
    don't make sense. Ignore the fact I was actually hoping to understand
    your position better, and possibly learn something.

    Mike Doyle, Sep 9, 2003
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    Zebee Johnstone wrote in message ...
    Crap! Spltting lanes is splitting lanes Zebee (and I'm not splitting
    There's a difference between staying in YOUR place in a queue and taking
    someone else's.
    "Silly" but 100% accurate!

    OK Zebee; seeing as you've ignored all of my similes; tell me why it's
    acceptable to barge in and give me some examples where others (not just
    exhaulted motorcyclists) can also do this.
    Thanks ..... Clem
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  5. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    Moike wrote in message ...
    Same as if I'm queuing and I spot someone jumping over the fence; I feel the
    jealous "they shouldn't be allowed to do that" pang (which is partly "I wish
    I was brave enough to do that") that car drivers feel when they see us
    lanesplit but I certainly would have nothing to complain about (or feel
    unfairly-treated about).
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  6. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    threespeed905 wrote in message ...
    Yep... that'll do.
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  7. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    andrewh wrote in message ...
    Exactly! And the freedom to creep forward to anticipate the lights-change.
    (And probably others that I can't think of).
    He had the freedom of those choices until you barged in and took them from
    My point is that you're annoying car-drivers (and annoyed car-drivers are a
    danger to bikies).
    If you don't care who you annoy then why are you arguing?
    Is everybody hard-of-reading on this thread? I LOVE LANESPLITTING (what's
    the count Theo?)
    Well duuhh!! People are all different sizes too but it's still rude for the
    small fast ones to push in in-front of the fat slow ones!!
    So you agree with me then.
    So IF you are 100% careful and ALWAYS fastest from the lights then you might
    not annoy people (and if you do they can get stuffed anyway)..... Is that
    your compelling argument?

    Well you've convinced me!
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  8. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    Zebee Johnstone wrote;
    If you sit, park, stop, stand, ride, walk or wait BESIDE someone you are not
    impeding them or blocking their path (or access).
    If you sit, park, stop, stand, ride, walk or wait IN FRONT OF someone you
    But now he's forced to wait for you.
    Your life, perhaps (but that's your own choice).
    At least you won't have inconvenienced/annoyed others.
    No change?! He now must wait until YOU decide that it's time to go.
    That's a big change.
    But it's YOUR choice to be there. If you're slow then you should've stayed
    back in your rightful place and not tried to gain the advantage of the
    So stay in the middle and everybody's happy!
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  9. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "knobdoodle" wrote
    Eh what? Was I supposed to be counting? Sorry.

    My $0.02 worth.
    When I'm in a car at the lights and a bike pulls up on my right (assuming
    I'm in the left lane) I think 'Bike between lanes, look out for him/her when
    the lights change'. When they come from between the lanes and pull up in
    front of me, ahead of the REALLY BIG white line across the road where I
    stopped I think 'WTF is this idiot think he/she is doing'.

    When I'm on the bike I act in a manner that wouldn't piss me off if I was in
    the car. YMMV.

    Theo Bekkers, Sep 10, 2003
  10. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    Err; it was a reference to this; (elsewhere in this thread)

    knobdoodle" wrote

    Theo wrote;
    I heard (and agreed with you) the first three times. (snip)
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  11. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    Theo Bekkers wrote;
    My mileage is precisely the same as yours.
    (Although I sometimes intentionally piss drivers off... they're the drivers
    who AREN'T behaving like I do when I'm in a car...)
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  12. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    Moike wrote in message ...
    Fair enough.. you're still reading kiwipete too aren't you?
    Yep; SOME people are still gonna' be pissed off I s'pose.
    IMHO it will be a lot, lot less though.
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  13. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    Mike Doyle wrote in message
    ...by continually reciting your stupid "but you have to pull in front of
    someone after the light goes green" mantra?!
    Yeeeeeah right!

    Now listen (read) up, 'cause this is the last time I'm explaining it;
    That's all, just the blocking.. Everything you do while you are moving is
    fine by me....
    BLOCKING IS BAD (I just had to add one more for good luck.)
    Cheers ..... Clem
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  14. Zebee Johnstone

    John Littler Guest

    Is it ? Why ? I'm often in a cage (in fact until this EPA thing is
    fixed I'm cage only :-( Anyone want to lend me a bike ?) And I'll
    happily move over to allow easier lanesplitting, and despite having
    two cars which are towards the sportier/higher HP end of the spectrum
    I have no desire to try and outrun a bike light to light...

    (does your dick drop off if the lane splitting bike takes off quicker
    than you ?)
    John Littler, Sep 10, 2003
  15. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "knobdoodle" wrote
    Works for KiwiPete.

    Theo Bekkers, Sep 10, 2003
  16. Zebee Johnstone

    sharkey Guest

    *shrug* When I drive, I drive the Rhondamobile, an aging and
    poorly serviced 1.3 litre Mitsubishi, with an auto which takes
    about a second to spool up. Really, it's hard to get pissed
    off about other people lanesplitting past ... but the tailgaters
    shit me!

    sharkey, Sep 10, 2003
  17. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    sharkey wrote;
    [replies automatically]
    I love lanesplitting... I have nothing against lanesplitting... I am all
    for lanesplitting....
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  18. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    John Littler wrote;
    [replies automatically]
    I love lanesplitting... I have nothing against lanesplitting... I am all
    for lanesplitting....
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  19. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    Mike Doyle wrote
    Oops; well then I apologise for not making myself clear and for accusing you
    of deliberately snipping the relevant bit and then responding to the
    irrelevant bit (i.e. of being kiwipete).

    I just sent a message to aus.cars and so far the only responses I've
    received have been from people who've misunderstood the question so p'raps
    I'm not as easy to read as I think I am!!
    knobdoodle, Sep 10, 2003
  20. Zebee Johnstone

    sharkey Guest

    Never suggested you didn't, knobbo. Just pointing out that it
    doesn't annoy me when someone lanesplits past and pulls
    across in front ...

    sharkey, Sep 10, 2003
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