policing bikes

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Sep 7, 2003.

  1. Zebee Johnstone

    Mike Doyle Guest

    thats what I've always thought.

    Mike Doyle, Sep 9, 2003
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Is that a trick question?
    That's a bit harsh.

    Theo Bekkers, Sep 9, 2003
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  3. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Moike" wrote
    In a black and white world both Zebee and KP told untruths, but only
    one statement was seen as a such, and only by KP.

    Theo Bekkers, Sep 9, 2003
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Intact Kneeslider" wrote
    You too? I also have no desire to have a D&M discussion with a
    policeman by the side of a dark road.

    Theo Bekkers, Sep 9, 2003
  5. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "knobdoodle" wrote
    I heard (and agreed with you) the first three times. I apologise for
    not saying so out loud.

    I would suggest some people should spend a few days in a car and see
    bikes lanesplit and park in front of them. It is definitely

    Theo Bekkers, Sep 9, 2003
  6. Zebee Johnstone

    vinyl Guest

    If they were smart enough to BE rocket-scientists, they'd probably ACT like
    rocket-scientists. They're smart enough to BE coppers, so they ACT like

    Just jokin, sorta.
    vinyl, Sep 9, 2003
  7. Zebee Johnstone

    John Littler Guest

    <grin> alright 69 in a 60 zone then :)

    John Littler, Sep 9, 2003
  8. Zebee Johnstone

    spook Guest

    Prior to riding a bike(3 1/2 months) I was only once pissed off by a bike
    pulling in front of me at the lights and that was when they took off slower
    than me.
    I have been pissed off by a bike splitting with me trailing them and then
    they sit between the two front cars leaving me sitting by the back wheel of
    the two cars to take off between them and wait for them to driiiiiift and
    squeeze me.
    spook, Sep 9, 2003
  9. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    Zebee Johnstone wrote;
    I don't think the taking off is much of a factor; it's the barging in that's
    If I was waiting in line at the footy and somebody barged in in front of me
    I wouldn't give a shit if they sprinted off the moment the gate opened; the
    barging in was the offence.
    What if I had a WRX; wouldn't you feel a tad annoyed if I pulled it over in
    front of your bike while you were waiting at the lights?
    I can't imagine any car drivers being concerned about a bike's presence
    beside them, if that's where they chose to ride ('cause the rider can always
    slip in behind the car if they're feeling vulnerable).
    If the car is fast enough so that the bike can't get ahead cleanly then
    doesn't that prove that the bike would've inconvenienced the car had it
    pulled in front?
    knobdoodle, Sep 9, 2003
  10. Zebee Johnstone

    knobdoodle Guest

    Hey everybody; Mike wants to be the new kiwipete!!
    Explain something to him as clearly as you like and he'll still try and
    pretend what you say doesn't make sense.
    Anyone want to play?
    Mike Doyle wrote in message
    knobdoodle, Sep 9, 2003
  11. In aus.motorcycles on Tue, 9 Sep 2003 16:58:22 +1000
    Umm.. Clem... that's what lanesplitting *is*.

    If you are not staying in your place in the queue, you are not staying
    in your place in the queue. As every car you pass will tell you.

    Pretending that you aren't barging in because you are sitting in between
    cars is silly.

    Zebee Johnstone, Sep 9, 2003
  12. Zebee Johnstone said....

    ZJ> it would have been closer to the limit, and the judge agreed. Still got
    ZJ> done for the speed, but he got off the drive dangerous.

    And with that he scored a major victory. If anyone here has a dangerous
    driving "conviction" against them, they'll know how hard it is to get
    insurance. Plus the penalties are quite significant.

    I s'pose the trick is to speed without being dangerous. But, with the
    current philosophies adopted by Australian governments, to them speeding
    IS dangerous. And it's a dogmatic view that will be hard to change.

    Being a "motherhood" issue, it's also difficult to counter an argument.
    Just ask Geoff Leigh, former minister in the Victorian Liberal
    government, then shadow transport minister. He based a lot of his
    electioneering on the Bracks' government's campaign about speed, etc. He
    ended up losing his seat....
    Martin Taylor, Sep 9, 2003
  13. Zebee Johnstone

    sharkey Guest

    What if you were waiting in line at the footy, and this guy stands
    beside you, and while you're still getting your wallet out he takes

    What about if you're the guy behind the guy he stands next to?
    Isn't he cutting in front of you then? And anyway, you're
    ignoring my 8 items or less queue point, you LEMMING :) !

    I reckon in Melbourne it's rude not to pull across at the lights,
    so the guy lanesplitting behind you can get out front too.

    You say tomato and I say tomato.

    sharkey, Sep 9, 2003
  14. Zebee Johnstone

    Moike Guest

    So its alright if you've been queuing for an hour, and some skinny bloke
    walks past the queue and squeezes in between you and the gatepost (without
    impeding your progress).

    Moike, Sep 9, 2003
  15. everyone in this thread is a fucker looking up their own ass. I **** my girl
    on my bike in parking lots, do you want to make a law to stop that too?

    get your laws off my body and my bike fuckers!
    threespeed905, Sep 9, 2003
  16. Zebee Johnstone

    conehead Guest

    Not all of us own asses. You're confusing this thread with the "Jesus
    was/wasn't/couldn't've been a jew" thread.
    conehead, Sep 9, 2003
  17. Zebee Johnstone

    Smee Guest

    Why would we look at our donkey?
    Dunno bout the law but have you got a puncture kit for when she deflates?

    Laws off your body? You got something for John Laws?
    Who are your bike fuckers anyway?

    KiwiPete's philosophy as quoted
    "Do you want a medal for being pedantic... you knew exactly what I meant...
    and if you didn't you are an idiot!"
    Can't you read posts yoou moron... haven't you the pwoer of sight... are you
    such a fuckwit that you don't want to see the post... Cripes... you are a
    full booded fool if ever there was one... and a wimp at that..
    Smee, Sep 9, 2003
  18. no just use the spare fucker

    threespeed905, Sep 9, 2003
  19. Zebee Johnstone

    andrewh Guest

    Their freedom? To do what? Run the red light? They're stuck there until the
    light changes anyway, and as soon as it changes the rider should be out of
    there before the car even starts moving. (Excluding waiting for idiots
    running the red, of course.) If you delay or otherwise disadvantage anyone,
    you're doing something wrong. But if some blackboard monitor gets their
    knickers in a knot because "those damn bikers always stop in front of me at
    the lights" then they can - politely, of course - go and get stuffed.
    Have you *ever* lanesplit? Can you seriously tell me that you've never taken
    advantage of your motorcycle's ability to move between other stationary
    vehicles? Why should you be allowed to do that? Are *you* special?

    Not all vehicles are created equal. Some are large and built for carrying
    lots of stuff/people/whatever. Some are small and are built for accelerating
    quickly and fitting through small spaces. Each has differing capabilities -
    that's why there are so many different models of vehicle on the market.
    Given the difference in characteristics, it's reasonable to assume that
    people who buy vehicles with certain capabilities might actually want to use
    those capabilities :)
    Don't get on a bike if you think it's dangerous. Don't cross the road if you
    think it's dangerous. Better yet, don't even get out of bed if you think
    it's dangerous.

    It's all relative. I think it's relatively *less* dangerous to get out in
    front of the other traffic, rather than either moving off from between two
    other vehicles, or waiting for someone to rear-end you as they approach the
    traffic lights and haven't registered that there's a bike there that
    *hasn't* split to the front of traffic.

    Again, if you don't disadvantage anyone else, and provided you're not likely
    to do so, I can't see anything wrong with it - and I'm yet to see an
    argument that will persuade me otherwise.
    andrewh, Sep 9, 2003
  20. Zebee Johnstone

    sharkey Guest

    Ghods, is it school holidays already?

    sharkey, Sep 9, 2003
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