Lucky me. On the way to work this morning I left the M25 to join the M4 east bound. On the slip, the outside lane had a red X above it on the gantry. Being in the outside lane and seeing the problem up ahead [1] I merged into the inside lane albeit I had gone under the gantry in the outside lane for a short distance. I was waved in by plod and told to wait at the side of the road where he said he was going to bollock me before letting me go. Bugger, but could be worse thought I. A colleague was writing a ticket for a chap on a Thundercat. He went over to finish writing a ticket for a car driver all the while pausing to flag another 3 or 4 miscreants over. After telling me the errors of my way, and saying that he was letting me off with a verbal because I only went a short distance under the cross and wasn't going like the clappers [2] he told me to take care and sent me on my way. So I reckon that not being able to help with the clearing up the thought they'd take some scalps. Quite successfully during the 10 mins I was there anyway. So, would this have been an endorseable offence or just a fine? [1] Tons of mashed onions all over the ouside lane [2] Which I usually do when it's empty as it's one of the few high speed bends on my whole journey.