Poker Run Law?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Skip, Apr 17, 2005.

  1. Skip

    Skip Guest

    Had a guy tell me the local gendarme informed a rally director that
    he'd be arrested and fined if the rally included a poker run. Said
    some state rep or senator had a bill passed that prhibited poker runs.
    Searched with no results, but that didn't surprise me too much.
    Anybody know anything about this?
    Skip, Apr 17, 2005
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  2. Skip

    Bill Walker Guest

    It is my understanding that the law has been around for a while.. just never
    enforced until last year when some District Attorney in West Texas, jumped
    on it.. Publicity about all this began to surface recently and it was too
    late for any of the advocacy groups to act on it..

    That's just my impression about it.. Contact one of your local motorcycle
    advocacy groups in your area.. ABATE or TMRA 2 should be able to give you
    more input on the situation and what action we need to take to correct it..
    Good luck..

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 17, 2005
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  3. Just to reinforce what two others have already said.
    Gambling is illegal in Texas in any manner shape or form. Gaming is allowed
    as long as you follow the rules set down by the Gaming commision.
    Poker Runs are gambling and that is illegal in Texas. Only gaming sanctioned
    by the state is legal. The lotto, horse racing, dog racing, and bingo is
    legal. These are events in which the state has specific rules in order to
    run these events legally.
    Now to be correct, Poker Runs are not illegal as long as your not paying to
    participate, or if you do pay its only to win a trophy or some such. But
    thats a fine line and to be really safe you would need to ask the local
    police if they would tolerate such a thing.
    One thing we did was to have a rally and rename the poker run to a fun run.
    In this case the run was just another event as part of the rally and we did
    other things for a point total rather than the standard poker cards. Some
    stops had darts, washer toss, spinning wheel, ring toss, and other things.
    The winner(s) were given trophies. Not as great as winning cash, but its
    easier to enjoy a trophy than a jail cell.
    But like Stephan said, if your being warned, don't do it. The police were
    more than likely given a directive and were kind enough to warn you rather
    than wait and arrest. Don't test them on this issue.
    BTW - 50/50's are illegal too so you need to stop having them or at least
    stop advertising them.
    Elmer McKeegan, Apr 18, 2005
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