Point of Clarification

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Some of the responses to my report of the Democratic Convention in Houston
    this past week have indicated that there is some misunderstanding about the
    successful passage of our resolutions.. Only a small portion of the platform
    will include the resolutions of the Bikers who attended the convention..
    None of our resolutions had anything to do with the Helmet Law..

    For clarification.. the current Helmet Law was passed in l997 or '98.. in
    opposition to the then current law which required all of us to wear a helmet
    anytime or anywhere we rode.. Many of our brothers and sister representing
    TMRA II and ABATE fought long and hard to negotiate the law that now

    Nothing in the law, bans or prohibits anyone from wearing ANY protective
    gear.. It only provides requirements for the rights to choose and be exempt
    from wearing a helmet..

    It never ceases to amaze me that we should meet requirements for the right
    to lead free lives.. Be that as it may, and with all due respect, unless we
    are paying attention to legislation that is being considered, we can lose
    our freedoms by the stroke of a pen.. or a vote..Many of the regulations
    being proposed and much of the legislation that is being considered will
    impose restrictions on us that we may never undo.. Information is crucial to
    all of us.. Unless we stay informed, we will not be aware, until it is too
    late ..

    There were between two and three hundred of brothers and sisters from Texas,
    in Houston this past week.. I have learned that some of them have been
    Republicans... Whether they are still Republican or not, I have no idea.. We
    were there on a mission to make our voices heard.. We did just that..

    Fellowship and Brotherhood that should prevail amongst all of us as Bikers
    could be one of the deciding factors in our state and country.. Many amongst
    us who present themselves as bikers do not understand.. This discussion was
    rehashed many times during the late hours in Houston, by the many old and
    seasoned bikers who attended.. As I pointed out earlier, some are
    Republicans.. Very good examples of this fellowship and brotherhood were
    displayed on our ride back to the Metroplex.. We were out there WITH each
    other. Each one of us was protected by the other..

    Each one of us who approached legislators were received with respect and
    listened to attentively.. Many comments were overheard to the effect that..
    "damn.. you guys are everywhere".. Percentagewise.. our numbers were very
    few, but we impressed and made impact on that convention.. Again... Good
    Job.. Texas Bikers.. For all who participated .. Congratulations.. For all
    who didn't.. you surely missed an opportunity to observe the true meaning of
    fellowship and brotherhoon amongst Bikers..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 23, 2004
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