Please take your Sheriff back.

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Andrew, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. Andrew

    Tim Guest

    What part of "I have in fact made a few" do you not understand, Bill?
    Oh, Bill. I'm *definitely* NOT a "REAL biker," and never claimed to be one.

    1,300 posts and counting, Fanatic Fixated Bill!

    Tim Morrow
    Tim, Feb 21, 2005
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  2. Andrew

    Bill Walker Guest

    <chuckle> how many "posts" for Tim Morrow.. ? Enquiring minds want toknow..
    What difference does it make, how many posts I've made ? or you ? Now
    ...back to the "if he shows" comments by you... ROTFL.. here's a
    newsflash... I live here.. I will still be living here in July or next
    January, if the good Lord sees fit .. I don't need to "show up".. You'd be
    well advised not to pay attention to John Moran.. That one is a devout
    coward and sleasy as the bottom of an unwashed slop jar..

    Usenet challenges from halfway across the U.S. is one thing, dude.. You did
    it.. Why keep beating a dead horse.? Now.. you got it to do, be about it..
    Bill Walker, Feb 21, 2005
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  3. Andrew

    BJayKana Guest

    responds about 'cross Posting'' antics. and offers his version of How,
    what , and why there's still a FWar taking up so much of space.
    (in my opinion!) •bjay•-------Tim says----
    No one in was the least bit upset by the fact that
    VTX1800C crossposted into reeky.
    The point of the clarification was that:
    1. A thread in was going just fine all by itself in
    2. got added to the distribution
    3. many people on who hadn't seen the thread on could now see it
    4. most people who respond in their "home" newsgroup simply press the
    "reply" button and often don't even KNOW that what they are posting is
    going out to more than one newsgroup.
    5. Flames started in the (now crossposted) thread
    ----there were more listed, but Bjay snipped to the above part----------bjay responds----
    I say thanks! I am not totally aware of the
    the rhyme or reasoning, and advantage or disadvantage of this ''fuss''
    about crossPosting.I do, however, understand flaming folks.
    In most cases, it is merely a heated argument of one thinking he's
    completely right, and the other is totally ass wrong.
    Names are called, usually, low key names. This is a healthy
    argumentative, NG discussion, to me.So, Tim, you are implying that EVEN me, Bjay, has appeared in your
    favorite NG called ahhhhh, as I type, I might be read later
    in another group?
    Soooo, since I am a confessed contributor, am I labeled, in your
    favorite reeky place?you have helped me. All I know about you is what I read in the ''funny
    papers'' just kidding. Will Rogers said something like this or another.
    Actually, to a point,
    ya'll's FWar, is sorta entertaining. Butt, it's getting a little old.
    Last time, the T.M.'s post grew to around 1600, I think?- Then in a few
    weeks, it dwindled down to about 800, till around feb 10th.I enjoy it, when the number of post are around the 500-800. its Ez'er
    for me and my WTV to scroll and search stuff, to read and respond to.Atually, Tim, we,(T.M.) still have a few normal post/threads going at
    this time.I'll tell ya, what keeps ya'll enthusied, about the FWar, is no one, can
    be the first to quit, you're all impelled to get in ''the Last word,''
    and that, buddy, is next to impossible....whatCHAthink?
    ---thanks for reading me''.---bjay---
    BJayKana, Feb 21, 2005
  4. In other words, he will run away and hide, just like he did for the
    another viewer, Feb 21, 2005
  5. Andrew

    Calgary Guest

    Tim, Albert and the others who you claim to be rewriting are simply
    copying and pasting your own words. Words that are in direct conflict
    with your previous statements.

    Since you have stated on several occasions you hate a liar, I will
    label your conflicting statements as inconsistencies. Others more
    cynical would just call them lies.

    It's a matter of credibility Bill. Your comments and opinions will
    not be taken as credible when other statements are shown to be in
    direct conflict with what you have previously written.

    Now huff and puff with your usually bluff and bluster all you want,
    you cannot change the facts and the facts are recorded for all to see
    in the various USENET archives.

    Bottom line, you have repeatedly shown your word is not to be trusted
    or believed.


    Don Binns
    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millennium Edition
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Feb 21, 2005
  6. Andrew

    Bill Walker Guest

    As long as you've had my verifiable address .. how many times have you
    knocked on my door ?? whoooie... Damn.. puke.. if I am as disappointed as
    you, about me "not showing up" at that little fiasco where you were in
    disguise, I'd be all over his ass, if I had his address.. You've been all
    over the place in my area.. what'cha' doin' there fat boy ?

    On the other hand, after quite some time of digging through your alias crap,
    finding out who you really are and where you live.. I knocked on your door..
    so loudly the neighbors came out to see what it was about.. Since then ..
    I'm given to understand you have moved, at least twice in just a few

    Yeah.. right.. I'm scared to death of a fat pimp .. "hide".. yeah .. right..
    Posted my address several times in an open newsgroup.. Where the hell is
    that verifiable address .. fat boy ? Now .. that's a trip I long for..
    Bill Walker, Feb 21, 2005
  7. I've been riding quite a few miles, thank you very much.
    Unless you have a Post Office, Fire Department or Police Station that
    qualifed under the RoadKill Safari bonus location rules, I have no
    reason to visit a tenement trailer park. Delusional Head Case in Irving
    doesn't qualify as an animal name.

    BeeWee, you said you could ride me or Bownse into the ground but then
    when time came to do it for real, you were a no show.

    is it LSD, MDA, Ecstasy or what sort of hallucinogen are you on?
    perhaps you are just being your usual delusional self. When reality is
    too difficult to deal with, just create your own, right Bee Wee ?

    "given to understand you have moved, at least twice in just a few months"

    LOL suuuuuuure, you betcha LOL

    So why didn't you show up at the Waltz and ride me into the ground like
    you said you would ?

    I think a little soft shoe would be good this time, dance for us
    another viewer, Feb 21, 2005
  8. Andrew

    Bill Walker Guest

    Not even good dancing from you. .. scumbag..
    Bill Walker, Feb 21, 2005
  9. Andrew

    Tim Guest

    Bill, I NEVER made any "if he shows" comments of any kind, anywhere at any time.

    Why do you keep making stuff up?

    Tim, Feb 21, 2005
  10. Andrew

    Tim Guest

    Nor am I. I only get ticked off about it when the crossposting has absoulutely
    nothing to do with the newsgroups on the distribution list.
    Yep, that's the way it *normally* goes.
    I don't believe I've ever seen any of your contributions in reeky. Perhaps you
    take care to trim the distribution list in your outgoing emails to various
    I agree wholeheartedly.
    So I've noticed. As does good ol' Reeky. Perhaps there are still a few folks
    left in this would who are not fixated to the point of derangement.
    I think you are DEAD ON RIGHT, BJay!
    Enjoyed it, even all the way from Herndon, Virginia.

    Tim, Feb 22, 2005
  11. Andrew

    BJayKana Guest

    BjayKana at bottom-----So, Tim, you are implying that EVEN me, Bjay, has appeared in your
    favorite NG called ahhhhh, as I type, I might be read later
    in another group?
    Soooo, since I am a confessed contributor, am I labeled, in your
    favorite reeky place?----------Tim responds-----
    I don't believe I've ever seen any of your contributions in reeky.
    Perhaps you take care to trim the distribution list in your outgoing
    emails to various newsgroups?[/QUOTE]
    I don't even know if my WTV has the
    IQ, one way or the other, to get involved in a CP. I know, I didnt take
    care to do any ''trimming''.Actually, I don't care.
    I say what I say. (part-of-it, to me)
    BJayKana, Feb 22, 2005
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