pist off at coppers

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Triffic Taurus, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. Triffic Taurus

    bikerbetty Guest

    Yeah, I kind of got that - was jumping on the GB red wine bandwagon
    though, and just being silly... shirley you guys realised that???

    bikerbetty, Jun 18, 2007
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  2. you sound like the stupid cnt a few days later who
    pulled up beside me, also in the pssn down wet, who
    either is clueless in the conditions, or, just clueless,
    who dropped it in 1st upon taking off, being the

    in ordinary circumstances i'da stopped, gotten off and
    offered to help ya, but, given you'd made a fool o' y'self,
    i just pulled in behind to block the left lane (yeah there's
    2 lanes on the road i described, and the cops chose my
    lane - not the empty one beside me), threw my hazards
    on as you gathered your footpeg (and pride), and once
    you were upright, just went past you.

    didn't you hear me laugh?

    softck fool.
    Triffic Taurus, Jun 25, 2007
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  3. i understand.

    saw a paddy wagon wrapped around
    a tree recently. some high speed

    i too, still slept at night.
    Triffic Taurus, Jun 25, 2007

  4. tis a nice bike sir, and coppa mad biker, you
    remind me of a mate, in your biz, up the

    but there's 2 lanes each way on this road
    chief. wtf are you in my lane, behind me
    when the left lane is free? i'm in the right
    as i'm turning right, just over the hill.

    on a dry night i'd have no drama's with the
    attention. damn, happy to stop and have a
    yak about it if you want (prefer -after-
    work, as deadlines are deadlines eh).

    but, a coppa mad biker in the atrocious
    conditions of -that- night (the newie flood
    night), would know better than to -distract-
    law abiding people, seriously battling the

    dude, you've been there surely. gotta log in
    / swipe on by a set time.

    you may say, if i'm law abiding, why am i
    distracted. i was distracted as i was the only
    person within coo-ee; it was pssn down rain
    with flooded flats; wondering wtf they were
    doing right up my clacker.

    in rain that hard i was flat out doing 40'ks.

    with cyclonic winds from cross streets.

    dheads coming at me with lights on high beam.

    and distracted, with water dribbling down the
    nape of my neck, as dry, warm, comfy cops
    watch my ass so close i'm nearly issuing
    written invitations to m' next sht.

    now yes, i will appreciate the opinion they
    were making sure i got to where i was
    going, safely. but.. htf did they know where
    i was going? how long would this "duty of
    care" episode have lasted?

    coppa, i do appreciate that may have been
    the case, but mate, this is the industrial
    badlands my work is plonked in the middle
    of. i see choppers with infra-reds, and
    convoys of blue lights nightly. i know
    where i work.

    maybe i am paranoid.

    i was just trying to relate an incident that
    occurred, that got me ticked off so much
    i had to offload it.

    the other 99.9% of trips are drama free.

    lately, that 99.9% of trips have been in
    dry weather, or a worst, a few spits.

    Seems people have forgotten how to adapt
    to seriously wet conditions in Sydney.

    Not trying to prolong this thread. Nor
    justify my outburst.

    Just clarifying it. from my damp, stressed,
    and highly focused position.

    cheers mate
    Triffic Taurus, Jun 25, 2007
  5. Triffic Taurus

    justAL Guest

    Awww. I feel special.


    justAL, Jun 26, 2007
  6. ssssh fool..


    Triffic Taurus, Jul 1, 2007
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