Hi again.. . Well I am making progress on my 79 honda 750 Ltd...I checked the plugs which looked litke they were running a bit lean, so what I did was see just where the 4 lil screws were turned out to. They were about 2 turns out at that point, so I turned them out to 2 1/2 turns and most of the sputtering has gone away, in fact it doesn't start sputtering until at least 7000 or so rpm. I turned them out another 1/4 turn to 2 3/4 turns. My question now is how far out should they actually be before considering a larger jet? I am running the kerker exhaust (4 into 1) with 105 jets. I am thinking that maybe a 110 would work with the screws turned in a little bit would yield about the same settings but with more flexibility in adjustment. Or would it be ok to keep the 105's and run the screw at the 2 3/4 turn setting? Fwed