Ping Zymurgy

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Krusty, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    The weather in Minsk is most agreeable at this time of year.
    Krusty, Mar 21, 2011
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  2. Krusty

    zymurgy Guest


    But not as cold as Leningrad ?

    I take it 'the package' is en route .. ?

    zymurgy, Mar 21, 2011
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  3. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    It's with that there Jeremy.
    Krusty, Mar 22, 2011
  4. Krusty

    platypus Guest

    <cough> toolbox
    platypus, Mar 22, 2011
  5. Krusty

    Simon Wilson Guest

    <thread swerve>

    The chicken[1] arrived safely in the greenhouse. Or something.

    Ta Muchly.

    Simon Wilson, Mar 22, 2011
  6. Krusty

    zymurgy Guest

    Aye, more suited to 4 wheel transport than 2 really. Unfortunately I
    have 0 wheels at the moment.

    My pushbike has been getting a good workout over the last 6 weeks
    though, I'm fitter than i've been in ages.

    I did a 6 mile round trip last week on it, but i'm not quite at 200+
    mile round trip fitness .. yet :)

    zymurgy, Mar 22, 2011
  7. This ^^^^^
    and this ^^^^^

    Does not compute.
    doetnietcomputeren, Mar 22, 2011
  8. Krusty

    zymurgy Guest

    Jeez, sorry I didn;t realise there would be a pendant in the house.

    Ok, it gets used every day, but I did a longish (for me) trip on it
    last weekend.

    Better ? :)

    zymurgy, Mar 22, 2011
  9. Krusty

    zymurgy Guest

    No problem. Better than it gently furring up on the shelf in the

    Hope you get some use out of it ..

    If anyone has need of a load (well, 6-ish) of old Lucas dashboard
    rocker switches (Escort mark 1 type) let me know.

    I also have a tin full of bullet connectors (bullets and outers) going
    spare, but there's probably only Sweller who has a vehicle that uses
    them nowadays ..

    zymurgy, Mar 22, 2011
  10. You thought you were posting somewhere other than UKRM?
    doetnietcomputeren, Mar 22, 2011
  11. Krusty

    zymurgy Guest

    Well, with the low traffic volume in UKRM nowadays, the chaff to
    pedantry ratio has gone down somewhat.

    zymurgy, Mar 22, 2011
  12. Krusty

    mark Guest

    In message
    My brothers mk1 shell will shortly be returning from Alimax....
    Landrover type ?
    mark, Mar 22, 2011
  13. Krusty

    zymurgy Guest

    Surely he'll put some decent switches in there and a custom dash
    rather than going for originality ?
    Yep, the very same, the prince of darkness visited all the 'Series'
    Landy's ... ;)

    zymurgy, Mar 22, 2011
  14. Krusty

    mark Guest

    In message
    Now you come to mention it. I'm sure there was some mention of a
    Japanese engine....
    And frequently, unexpectedly and with great lack of consideration; left
    mark, Mar 22, 2011
  15. Krusty

    Jeremy Guest

    It is waiting for you in my garage. When do you expect to want to pick
    it up?
    Jeremy, Mar 23, 2011
  16. Krusty

    Higgins Guest

    You haven't quite got the hang of this yet, have you?
    Higgins, Mar 23, 2011
  17. Krusty

    zymurgy Guest

    Oh, when I can be arsed taking the train over. Or I may use the old
    shove iron. No great rush ..


    zymurgy, Mar 23, 2011
  18. I love the 3 position Lucas light switches. Dim, flicker and off.

    Fraser Johnston, Mar 24, 2011
  19. Krusty

    Jeremy Guest

    I failed my CSE in spy-talk.
    Jeremy, Mar 24, 2011
  20. <g>
    doetnietcomputeren, Mar 24, 2011
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