Ping TOG

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by BryanUT, Apr 2, 2011.

  1. Good to see you citing your sources there, and by growing majority - do
    you mean 51% or 99% or something else?

    It's been a couple of years since I lived in the States, so I'm a but
    rusty, but I seem to recall that in CA 2008, there was 52% voted
    against Prop' 8, meaning that gay marriage was not legalised in the

    So while I can see that in 3 years the voters may have tipped the other
    way, I don't believe it's suddenly jumped from 48% in favour to say 90%
    in favour.
    doetnietcomputeren, Apr 7, 2011
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  2. BryanUT

    Scraggy Guest

    Nice typo!
    Scraggy, Apr 7, 2011
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  3. BryanUT

    Hog Guest

    Considering most of the immigration is from a conservative RCC background
    I'd be utterly amazed
    Hog, Apr 7, 2011
  4. BryanUT

    Hog Guest

    Common sense innit.
    Who can figure out why her hitler didn't press all the jews into military
    service and use them as the front line shock troops.
    Hog, Apr 7, 2011
  5. I can imagine how the influx of Muslim immigrants is affecting your
    numbers; since we're on the subject.
    Road Glidin' Don, Apr 7, 2011
  6. BryanUT

    Hog Guest

    Let's *really* not talk about that fucking problem but TBF it's tiny in
    percentage terms to the demographic changes in the USA.
    Hog, Apr 7, 2011
  7. BryanUT

    Thomas Guest

    False logic. Soldiers don't die much any more. (At least American ones
    don't.) Look at the casualty rates since the WWII. The decrease is
    stunning. We've been in Iraq & Afghanistan as long as we were in
    VietNam, yet the death toll is 1/10th as much.
    Thomas, Apr 7, 2011
  8. BryanUT

    Twibil Guest

    So you never heard of Google?

    I'll bet it's restful there in the home.
    Twibil, Apr 7, 2011
  9. If you think I'm about to go and spend my time Googling to back up your
    assertions, you should go and Google: GFY.
    doetnietcomputeren, Apr 7, 2011
  10. BryanUT

    Twibil Guest

    Better idea: Grow up.

    Nobody in their right mind is going to bother citing evidence for the
    fact that the Sun rises in the east.
    Twibil, Apr 8, 2011
  11. BryanUT

    des Guest

    des, Apr 8, 2011
  12. Bit hard with the women and children.

    Fraser Johnston, Apr 14, 2011
  13. BryanUT

    Hog Guest

    The Russians showed the way and the Africans have moved it on
    Hog, Apr 14, 2011
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