Regrettfully .. I'd like to advise you that I feel as though our friendship has been badly stressed because of your willful actions.. Interminal hours were spent and boundless realms of influence were expended in order for me to persuade the IceLady to relent and buy you a new motorcycle.. After all that energy and political persuasion, I felt that my efforts had far exceeded the limits of just a friendship.. I'm being informed by reliable sources that you have willfully and maliciously "broken" that new motorcycle by treating it unkindly and without consideration.. My good friend. I must inform you that I feel sadly betrayed by your actions.. We must talk and discuss this serious breach of our great friendship at the earliest possible time.. I'm reasonably certain that our mutual fine friend, JailCall feels the same as I do, about this grave matter.. Retribution for your errant and irresponsible behavior must be decided, at once.. Thank you for your consideration and I await your response.. Thank you.. BTW.. Congrats on the new ride, pard.. Your Friend in Irving Bill Walker