Ping the Berkshire & Hampshire dwellers - Sunday lunch.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Krusty, May 4, 2011.

  1. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    I've got a couple of books to get to TOG, & a laptop to get to Zymurgy,
    which seems like an excellent excuse to partake of the rather good food
    at the pub in Chieveley again. So I'm meeting TOG there next Sunday
    (15th) for lunch - everyone else welcome (especially Zymurgy or one of
    his neighbours).
    Krusty, May 4, 2011
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  2. Krusty

    CT Guest

    What a marvellous idea.[1]

    [1] Subject to P not actually getting round to organising some kind of
    "do" with her family on that day. And decent weather.
    CT, May 4, 2011
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  3. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    First come first served shurely?
    Krusty, May 4, 2011
  4. Krusty

    CT Guest

    Yeah, but she sort of got there first.

    She mentioned doing something the other day and it will depend on her
    a) actually contacing all relevant members of the family and b) they
    being able to make it on the 15th only.
    *flounces off*
    CT, May 4, 2011
  5. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    Krusty, May 4, 2011
  6. Krusty

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Might be a good idea to name the pub and its rough location.

    Might come on the BMW and see if my repaired wiring is up to the
    strain..... On that topic, self-amalgamating tape is just the utter
    bollocks. Wonderful stuff. better than gaffa tape and cable ties, I

    <cocks eye towards Pip>
    TOG@Toil, May 4, 2011
  7. Krusty

    boots Guest

    Unless it's changed in recent times it's not UV proof. SOP when
    installing microwave units was to seal with self-amalgamating then
    overwrap with insulating tape to keep the UV off.
    boots, May 4, 2011
  8. Krusty

    Simon Wilson Guest

    Simon Wilson, May 4, 2011
  9. Krusty

    Jim Guest

    You can get UV resistant self-amalgamating tape - commonly used by aerial
    engineers to protect F connectors from water ingress so it should be good
    enough behind the side cover of his bike.
    Jim, May 4, 2011
  10. Krusty

    boots Guest

    This was mid '90s so things have moved on. Personally to be sure I
    reckon TOG should use denso.
    boots, May 4, 2011
  11. Krusty

    Andy B Guest

    I'd love to see him deal with a roll of denso tape and the mess it made
    of his gloves.
    Andy B, May 4, 2011
  12. Krusty

    Pip Guest

    I agree entirely. Lidl did self-amalgamating tape a few weeks ago for a
    pahnd a roll. I bought one, tried it, went back and cleared them out.
    Works really well: stretches a looong way without snapping, isn't
    sticky, forms into a good solid lump at the end with a squeeze.

    Saves cable ties, so that's an even better thing.
    Pip, May 4, 2011
  13. Krusty

    Hog. Guest

    I have an image of a washing line now. Dozens of saved and recycled lengths
    of tape flapping like Tibetan prayer flags
    Hog., May 4, 2011
  14. Krusty

    zymurgy Guest

    Not me, i'm afeared. I shall be with the old ball and chain in NI.

    I can do any weekday evening tho.

    zymurgy, May 4, 2011
  15. Krusty

    ogden Guest

    I might pop over, depending on the weather, my sobriety after Eurovision
    the night before [1], and who else turns up.

    [1] Anyone following me on twitter or friends on Facebook may want to
    apply appropriate filters before the first semi-final on Tuesday.
    ogden, May 4, 2011
  16. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    Do you want me to hang onto the laptop for another time then, or try to
    palm it off on someone closer to you?
    Krusty, May 5, 2011
  17. Krusty

    Beav Guest

    You *could* always say "You're not my fucking mother and I'll go if I want
    to". Then you could stop dreaming or reduce the pain killers :)
    Beav, May 5, 2011
  18. Krusty

    Beav Guest

    I parsed that as "First come first shaved"
    Beav, May 5, 2011
  19. Krusty

    Beav Guest

    Sounds like a bloke I knew a few years ago. He never binned a fucking thing.
    From shagged out chains and sprox to worn out tyres and even mullered bits
    of sandpaper. Nothing went in the bin because "It/they might come in useful
    as spares".

    Spares for what, I can't imagine, but when he died, it took a week to empty
    his shed of useless junk.
    Beav, May 5, 2011
  20. Krusty

    Beav Guest

    Did I read that correctly? Eurovision"?
    Beav, May 5, 2011
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