Ping Pip

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by MattG, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. MattG

    MattG Guest

    Is there any chance I can borrow your bike trailer tomorrow?

    This cuntin' bike has gone beyond my limited knowledge and patience. So I'd
    like to take the thing to visit my Dad, who can talk me through it.

    Or do you fancy taking a look, for cash, natch.
    MattG, Jan 3, 2004
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  2. MattG

    Pip Guest

    No probs.
    Sounds like a plan.
    I'd normally be pleased to help you out Matt, but I'm just about up to
    eyebrow level atm and it's fucking cold and damp to boot. List yer
    symptoms and let's see what the great and good come up with ...
    Pip, Jan 3, 2004
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  3. MattG

    MattG Guest

    Ta, check your email.
    Great and good? Er, ok. 'orrible noise from t' engine. From previous posts I
    decided to investigate the valve clearances. *If* I've been doing it right,
    there is fucking *huge* clearance on both outlet ports on cylinder one,
    given the massiveness off the gap, and that it's the same on both ports, I
    reckon I'm doing it wrong - but I'm fucked if I can work out what I'm doing
    MattG, Jan 3, 2004
  4. MattG

    Pip Luscher Guest

    // assuming clearences are big compared to other valves

    wild_guess_based_on_a_position_of_ignorance_mode = TRUE;

    sticky_valves ? RemoveHead() : LookElsewhere();

    wild_guess_base... actually, I'll just leave that enabled for now.
    Pip Luscher, Jan 3, 2004
  5. MattG

    deadmail Guest

    Well... that's not me but, if the clearances are *massively* different
    on one cylinder (at the end of the cam) to those on all the other
    cylinders... and it makes a horrible noise, are the camshaft bearing
    caps tight at that end of the cam shaft? It may be worth just seeing if
    you can wobble the camshaft about a bit at the end, if so and the caps
    are torqued up it could be expensive.
    deadmail, Jan 3, 2004
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