Did you get an e-mail from me to you @ speedyspic re. Friday?
No - mostly red. Although that may be subject to change should appropriately pre-enjoyed panels appear on eBay.
gay pink then? <nods> and should you see any ZZR11 panels of the same scheme... -- Dnc <this space pending> B1200 - +30bhp ~|~ VS800 - borked TS150 - squatting ~|~ V2300 - flat cap and rug MIB#26 two#54(soiled) UKRMMA#26 BOTAFOT#153 X-FOT#003
I *think* Kawasaki used a different paint stock for the E models - a side-by-side comparison with Bee's C model will be the only way to confirm. Well, having seen Matts mostly-black-with-remnants-of-gay-blue-bits, the 9R does look rather purposeful in black.
Statto says... I have indeed. I'm gonna have to give that a miss unfortunately. ^^^^^^^ Oooh, suit you, sir. I didn't tempt you to buy a gixer then?
No problem. It was a very close run thing - couldn't find any Gixer 1000s in Bristol or Swindon at the right price/age/condition; went into the Kawasaki dealer to price up a new indicator for the ZRX and left having bought the 9R. Can you put that end can to one side for me?
Statto says... I certainly will be, probably going on Friday evening and making a weekend of it. Unfortunately I won't be accompanied as Nicky has to work.