Ping Darsy: is you certified yet?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Simon Wilson, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. Simon Wilson

    Simon Wilson Guest

    I is.

    I enjoyed the course, knew quite a lot of it but picked up some good
    tips. (Mike Cohn was the trainer).

    Bit of a racket to keep the 'certification'.
    Simon Wilson, Mar 22, 2010
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  2. Simon Wilson

    darsy Guest

    I think I hinted that if I ever met Mike Cohn in person I'd have to
    kill him slowly with a machete[0]
    bit of an expensive racket all round, IMO. I think I'll do MSP instead
    - at least Sue Vowler isn't a total arse (in fact, according to my SO
    who's vaguely chummy with Sue, she's a very nice lady).

    Anyway, back to that Cohn.

    It would appear from his book, that he, and every other "Agile
    Evangelist" is a patronising, lying, smarmy, dickweedian
    bucket-****-slurping dweeb of the highest order. And that's being
    generous to dweebs.

    I was just re-reading bit of the book earlier, because I wanted to
    check I hadn't mis-remembered something, and there was a quote from
    some "Agile Evangelist" from Google[1]

    It said - I'm paraphrasing here - something like "it took a while, but
    after some time and effort, we eventually found that Scrum became

    Cohn - brazenly, in a way I'd never have got past a sub-ed in my
    writing days - in the /very next paragraph/ after this quote managed
    to summarize the phrase "a while, but after some time and effort, we
    eventually" into the single word "soon".

    [0] this isn't a metaphore, Mike, I mean, like really cutting small
    bits off you with a large but deadly-sharp blade over an extended
    period[2] of of time until the /end/
    [1] and - don't misunderstand me when I say this, but from every quote
    I've read from /anyone/ involved with Google, they *all* come across
    as sad-sack-no-life-self-justifying-and-incorrectly-smug cunts, but
    that's by the by.
    [2] not /sprinting/ you understand[3]
    [3] intended[4] post[4]-implementation[4] review:

    darsy : "you dead yet?"
    Cohn :

    [4] not that there is any "intention" or "post" (or in many cases
    "implementation" with Scrum of course, as it's a /continuous/
    [5] this of course implies that all properly run Scrum projects will
    eventually discover the secret of eternal life, how to do
    non-time-cone-restricted FTL, cheap and easy quantum computing for
    all, tasty goat's cheese pizzas that don't make you fat, free beer, a
    better way of playing bass guitar than Jaco Pastorius, etc. etc.
    [6] note to Paul Corfield re: multiple footnotes: **** off already
    (again) I've been doing this shit since at least 2001 - It's not
    "because" I've gone mad.
    darsy, Mar 22, 2010
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  3. Simon Wilson

    Simon Wilson Guest

    On 22/03/2010 14:56, darsy wrote:

    <snip stuff>

    Tell us what you really think.

    I guess I won't forward your post to him as a potential future trainee
    then :)
    Simon Wilson, Mar 22, 2010
  4. Simon Wilson

    DozynSleepy Guest

    On 22/03/2010 14:56, darsy wrote:
    <fx:Shelley Duvall Screaming>

    DozynSleepy, Mar 22, 2010
  5. Simon Wilson

    darsy Guest

    that might result in legal action[1]
    Oh, i still might, but AFAICS, becoming a "certified ScrumMaster" is
    just a box to tick in order to get past job agents/HR scum, rather
    than anything offering actually useful. I mean, it's not as if Scrum
    is in any way difficult, is it?[3] It's just fucking around doing the
    same old shit as if there were no adults watching or no regulations to
    comply with or no business plan that can't be "ad revenue funded". Oh,
    and you don't have "task forces", 'cos that'd imply "tasks" which by
    definition can't exist in a system that has no defined goals or end
    state. It's telling that most of the examples Cohn gives of "Scrum
    success stories" are from the likes of Google, Yahoo! or

    [1] funnily enough, and I never did find out why[2] but I had the
    Babylon ring my doorbell last night around 03:30 or so (I looked out
    the window whilst scrambling into my bathrobe[1a] so I knew who'd

    [1a] just in case any of you need putting off their dinner, it's to be
    noted that I normally sleep naked, and I don't think answering the
    front door to the police (even at 03:30) in the morning would be
    received favourably.

    [2] by the time I'd got downstairs, put on the hall light and opened
    the door, he was just getting back into his crappy silver Astra, gave
    me a bit of stare, pulled a u-turn and sped back up the road towards
    Enfield Town nick - I can only imagine a call concerning donut
    shortages came through on the radio that was more important than
    waking me up in the middle of the fucking night.

    [3] unless you happen to have some actual, real, organised and well
    documented project management training, in which case a lot of stuff
    about Scrum makes you want to punch people, hard, right in the fucking
    smug face, if they use the words "agile" or "pair programming"[4] one
    more time.

    [4] "Pair programming" is only "of use" if one of the "pair" is an
    untrained idiot newb, in which case the correct responce to the
    situation is not "pair programming" but "P45".
    darsy, Mar 22, 2010
  6. who doesn't?
    vulgarandmischevious, Mar 22, 2010
  7. Simon Wilson

    Simon Wilson Guest

    hmmm. Cynicism alert. Well, 'tasks' are allowed. There were quite a few
    folk from banking and other regulated industries on the course, sounded
    like quite a few of them were well along using it.

    It's deffo this month's buzzword for sure though.

    From what I can see it has potential in the right environment,
    especially as you say when no one really knows what the final product
    might look like. IME people are pretty shoddy at describing what they
    want from start to finish, without making some pretty expensive mistakes
    alonng the way. I was in a company that blew $20M on a multi-year
    development, only to end up with something that was completely and
    utterly unsaleable/unusable at the end of it. Could 'proper' project
    management have saved that? Possibly, but unlikely in that particular case.

    <snip increasingly common
    multi-levelled-too-hard-to-read-at-this-time-of-day footnotes>
    Simon Wilson, Mar 22, 2010
  8. Simon Wilson

    darsy Guest

    people who need to wear incontinance pants.
    darsy, Mar 22, 2010
  9. Simon Wilson

    darsy Guest

    yes. One only needs to remember one of the golden rules of PMing:
    "cancellation isn't failure".
    darsy, Mar 22, 2010
  10. How about "it isn't late if you realigned the schedules and deadlines
    and then met them"?
    doetnietcomputeren, Mar 22, 2010
  11. Simon Wilson

    darsy Guest

    only OK if you haven't already over-run your budget, and the
    stakeholders are still, well, holding their stakes. And someone still
    /needs/ the end product of the project.

    Otherwise, cancel the motherfucker and move on. I mean it - right of
    millions of euros on this year's balance sheet if it'll save the
    company more than that in a few years more.

    Telling clients "no" is the strongest skill any PM can utilise, if
    they have the cojones to do it, and explain /why/ they're doing it.
    But, as I've remarked before, if it makes other PMs on the project
    look bad, you could end up like me - **** who cares if the company's
    balance sheet is looking good...
    darsy, Mar 22, 2010
  12. A good number of UKRMers, then. Twats.
    vulgarandmischevious, Mar 22, 2010
  13. Simon Wilson

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    Give me a contact address and I'll forward it.

    That was top class and it needs sharing.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 22, 2010
  14. Simon Wilson

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    I stopped sleeping naked when I'm in a hotel after I opened the wrong
    door and ended up in the corridor instead of the bathroom.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 22, 2010
  15. I've wondered about that, especially as I'm spending 4 days a week in
    hotels for the next 18 months. But I'm such a deep sleeper (and,
    evidently, have such a capacious bladder) that I never wake up in the
    night for a piss. The minute the alarm goes off, I'm fucking busting,
    vulgarandmischevious, Mar 22, 2010
  16. Simon Wilson

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    It's always a good idea to sleep with the small light over the mirror
    left on in the bathroom. For one thing it means you've got a homing
    beacon if you do wake up needing a piss and for another it means
    you'll never take a shit in the bidet.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 22, 2010
  17. Simon Wilson

    Simon Wilson Guest

    Genuine lol.

    I just hope the aforementioned gentleman doesn't google himself too often.
    Simon Wilson, Mar 22, 2010
  18. No worries, the first 150 entries contained all his own ego-driven shit
    and not a critical thing to be seen.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Mar 22, 2010
  19. Simon Wilson

    darsy Guest

    me too.
    but when the doorbell went last night at 3:11 (apparently this was the
    time it was callled in rather than the 3:30 as shown on my clock) when
    you're trying to get yourself decent enough to answer the door to the
    fillth, for some reason you also find yourself in might need of a
    darsy, Mar 22, 2010
  20. Simon Wilson

    darsy Guest

    hahah - you would probably love to see the email I received 1/2 an
    hour ago[1].

    People who ego-surf have to take the rough with the smooth - that's
    what I say.

    [1] though a tad harsh, it was nothing nearly as venomous as the one I
    got from Jon Courtney Greenwood about 8 years ago - that was hilarious
    "not seeing the funny side" in tone, language etc.
    darsy, Mar 22, 2010
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