PING Balrog

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Dances with Poultry, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Ain't we havin' fun, yet ?? Just hold on.. ol' Dennis will run out of gas
    ... real soon... LOL
    Bill Walker, Nov 10, 2004
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  2. Bear wrote
    steve auvache, Nov 10, 2004
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  3. Dances with Poultry

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    What makes you think I wasn't thinking that anyway? Not that you'd be
    wrong of course.
    Lozzo, Nov 10, 2004
  4. Dances with Poultry

    tallbloke Guest

    A tiger? In Africa?
    tallbloke, Nov 10, 2004
  5. Dances with Poultry

    platypus Guest

    Saturday afternoon still good?
    platypus, Nov 10, 2004
  6. Dances with Poultry

    Brian Walker Guest

    You're an idiot.

    BTW, what's with the "teh"? Did you learn that in El Paso too?

    You're a silly little fool who can't keep track of where your
    motorcycle is...if you ever really had one. Then, if that's not bad blame mexicans that you call "bandidos from Juarez" for
    driving up to Bedford and stealing it.

    After all these years, you're still as stupid as you always were.
    Brian Walker, Nov 10, 2004
  7. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    No need to panic.. I am a little long in the tooth, but I'm been led to
    believe that I work to the ladies, pretty good for an old timer.. LOL
    Now.. I've never seen anyone that I'd dread, that much.. When's my ticket
    gonna be here..
    Bill Walker, Nov 10, 2004
  8. Dances with Poultry

    Ferger Guest

    Bill Walker secured a place in history by writing:
    Far too friendly. We're all getting a little concerned now: You need
    parental permission to "work to the ladies" in this country you know....
    Ferger, Nov 10, 2004
  9. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Ol' Chicken Dancer brought them in when he commenced all that cross posting
    ... Guess he thought he sold them on his Texas heritage... or something.. Who

    Yeah .. those guys are alright.. Notice.. Dancing with a Chicken quit all
    that damn cross posting, all of a sudden..

    Hang in there Bjay.. BTW.. how you feeling, pard.?. No chance to ask you,

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 10, 2004
  10. Dances with Poultry

    Brian Walker Guest

    Funny, but I don't believe "Balrog" is here in

    You might've left when you were invited.

    Still worried about "death threats"?

    You idiot.
    Brian Walker, Nov 10, 2004
  11. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm.. good point.. I asked ol' dancing with a chicken the same question, a
    few years ago.. He didn't know either.. LOL.. I told someone on here, that
    he'd run outta gas real quick and sure enough, he announced that he's movin'
    on.. just a few minutes ago.. Say.. dude.. wanting to ask.. do you guys in
    the uk, ride with clubs mostly or are ya'll mostly solo riders ? I'm
    curious.. I've ridden a lot in Mexico and there are quite a few clubs

    I'm mostly a solo rider, but I enjoy riding with groups, now and then..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 10, 2004
  12. Dances with Poultry

    Brian Walker Guest

    "Show"? I didn't know you invited me anywhere. Did you want me to show
    somewhere? Speaking of "called", I never did get that phone number
    from you...which I told you that before I made a special trip to
    Houston I'd want to be able to contact you instead of guessing where
    you might be. Houston is a big place, and I wouldn't want you to get

    But I do seem to recall (as I'm sure everyone else in you
    invited me to Houston so you could do/say what you wanted to me face
    to face. I never got a phone number for you so I'm not going to make a
    special trip just so I can slap down a dumb ass woman who can't keep
    from riding her motorcycle into the sides of Suburbans.

    You're a funny little girl!
    Brian Walker, Nov 10, 2004
  13. Dances with Poultry

    platypus Guest

    You'll have to tell me where you are, mind.
    Heh. Sprog in tow...
    platypus, Nov 10, 2004
  14. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Ah well.. I knew if we kept talking.. the truth is bound to come out..
    LOL... There had to be something about all that outfit over there that I
    wouldn't enjoy.. "Parental Permission"... sheesh.. I outgrew all that fifty
    years ago..

    Then too.. when I take off for a ride, I like to be looking at somewhere
    around 1500 miles one way..

    Hey.. you guys need to save up and come across the pond to Texas.. We'll go
    tend to a helluva ride, together..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 10, 2004
  15. Dances with Poultry

    Brian Walker Guest

    And here's Mark Johnson. The Mason who can't even buy his way into a
    lodge. He also puts an "X" over his name tag and hides under tables in
    case Brian or Bill Walker happen to find him at a motorcycle event
    where he might be at. Most of the time these days, he won't even go to
    motorcycle events in Texas that either of the Walkers might be
    interested in.

    He's sad indeed.
    Brian Walker, Nov 10, 2004
  16. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nah..I didn't go looking for him.. And I don't know anything about all this
    cross posting bit.. Once a turd, always a turd, so it seems..
    Why not ? lol .. Warm .. happy and senoritas with big hearts.. Who could
    ask for more ? eh..
    Bill Walker, Nov 10, 2004
  17. Dances with Poultry

    tallbloke Guest

    Same over here Bill. Probably more "groups of mates" than official clubs, but
    plenty of those too.
    tallbloke, Nov 10, 2004
  18. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Now .. you're talking.. We gather up (the ones you'd call mates) take off
    for a week or a weekend.. Run some highways that we've heard about.. or go
    to a gathering someplace.. Maybe just go see some other friends.. Let these
    old motorcycles run out all the frustrations and such..

    My impression is that we have more open country in Texas, than you guys
    enjoy, but that's the only difference.. huh ?

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 10, 2004
  19. Dances with Poultry

    Wakko Guest

    <sigh> I wish I had enough vacation left this year to go to Tierra Del
    Did the grand tour you mentioned earlier this year. It was fab.
    Wakko, Nov 10, 2004
  20. Dances with Poultry

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I thought it was rubbish.
    Ben Blaney, Nov 10, 2004
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