PING Balrog

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Dances with Poultry, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. Tips hat to Al
    Dances with Poultry, Nov 9, 2004
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  2. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn.. there goes that "plonkin" thingy.. No wonder my old computer acts a
    little crazy, now and then.. LOL.. Sheesh .. when I learn how to do all this
    cross posting stuff, like ol' "dancing with chickens" dude, I am gonna come
    back and visit this newsgroup, again.. This is too much fun.. Hell .. I may
    hafta' go lay down a while...<chuckle>

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
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  3. ....and his son Two Dogs Fuckin.
    Dances with Poultry, Nov 9, 2004
  4. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    No sweat.. You seem to make a habit of putting your foot in your mouth..
    hmmm.. Still scratching your head, aren't you.. ?? Damn.. all them good ol'
    boys in uk are beginning to see you, for real.. huh.. "skippie"..
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
  5. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Say, Howard, arent you glad you came In here's been slow
    lately...and you happenend by, just as it's picking up.
    As far as I know, there' about 3 or 4 others offering some good
    Responses today...?hat I've not met!!...and we've all forgoten what
    the original posted subject was about!..."PING Balrog"


    Damn.. Bjay.. ain't this fun ? Sheesh.. Never heard of such carryin' on's
    ... huh ? BTW.. who the hell is Howard ? Sheeyhit... I'm rolling all over
    the place..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
  6. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    <>Gee. I don't recall the post about the bike being stolen. Must have
    been a good one to still be getting responses after all this time. I'll
    have to look it up. Meantime, good luck with the chemo. Alan Moore
    Say, how does one look up an old (gone) "post" say gonna?
    hmmmmmmm?!? bj


    ROTFL... Bjay.. that post was several years ago.. Don't remember all the
    details, but this Dennis guy lived over in the mid-cities area of the
    metroplex... He posted some kinda big long story about the bandidos from
    Juarez stealing his Harley.. Well .. ol' Dennis got real nasty and specific,
    racially.. LOL.. About this time.. Brian called his bluff and kinda made it
    a point to tell ol' Dennis that he was full of shit and what he was saying
    about mexicans weren't necessarily true..

    I suspected at the time .. that ol' Dennis had not made the payments on his
    Harley and it'd been picked up by the dealer.. I still suspect that was the
    case.. Anyway.. ol' Dennis disappeared for a long time..
    newsgroup hasn't heard from him since he cross posted that phony "ping"
    thing the other day..

    Turns out, he's evidently been hanging out on the newsgroup
    or somesuch.. Now.. he's got them all impressed that he's taking chemo for
    something.. I also suspect that the chemo story is as phony as the stolen
    motorcycle story..

    Anyway.. that gets you up to speed.. Glad you are enjoying all the
    commotion.. Pretty good crew on that uk newsgroup, don't you think ? BTW..
    who the hell is Howard..??

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
  7. Ah teh classics.
    Dances with Poultry, Nov 9, 2004
  8. Deja news is one place, there are several.
    Dances with Poultry, Nov 9, 2004
  9. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Better "tip your hat twice" .. Morgan Kane is a broad.. LOL... Now .. how
    would Albert Nurich not know that ?

    Damn.. sure glad you stopped by, Dennis.. this has been barrels of fun..
    Whoops.. aren't we cross posting anymore ? What's up "skippie"..those guys
    in the uk newsgroup are getting the lowdown on you ? Ah's a little
    bit late for backing up.. Methinks your ass has already been exposed..
    Guess .. you will have to surf another newsgroup.. huh ? Maybe you and ol'
    Albert can form some kind of alliance.. He takes up with all kinds of

    Be sure to tell him about those Juarez bandidos that stole your motorcycle
    and the chemotherapy that you are taking.. OK.. Regards.. "skippie"...

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
  10. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nasty little shithead, aren't you "skippie".. LOL.. You never said.. have
    you got yourself another ride, yet. ?? Damn.. bud.. you've put the "chemo"
    story on those guys in the uk newsgroup, aren't you going to share with us
    in the group ?? Strange.. Ah well.. if there is as much
    credibility there as the Juarez bandidos story, I'm sorry..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
  11. We'll just pick it up right here manana there Sonny.
    Dances with Poultry, Nov 9, 2004
  12. SNIP
    <raises hand> I do...granted I'm as broke as a tenant farmer
    BUT. If you give me 24 hour notice You'll have a finer place
    to stay than I live, fresh home baked bread, freshly dead
    animal waved at a fire and two very important things. Good
    beer and you can use my mind you. In my part
    of america we have this stuff called "green ice"
    But not surprised I either.


    Nefarious Necroloigist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~~
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 9, 2004
  13. <>Noticed that, did'ja' ? Me too.. reckon he's as old as you and me...
    What a hoot. Sheesh Bjay.. you and I are right uptown, now.. We are
    consorting with a newsgroup in the UK.. Aren't you delighted ?
    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    So, those odd fellers, really are from the UK..(in some
    fashion,huh?)............well they are some a bunch, alright.
    Have they stormed in here before?
    I bet these UK buddies are 'youngens' for the most part, eh! Let em
    rant. O' Bear's a character, I bet he's a fartSmeller.
    I am quite delighted. Good show.

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 9, 2004
  14. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Say, Bill Walker, is this "dancing with poultry" feller a motorcyclist
    and a chicken farmer? I just wondered. No biggie.
    He's quite the entertaining young man.
    This is going real good, keep it up,ya'll./.
    Mucho calera.


    I don't think the "chicken feller" is much of anything... He's an
    entertainin' young man.. to say the least.. All those bandido friends of
    mine are gonna git'im... They don't like to be accused of stealin' Harleys..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
  15. Dances with Poultry

    Lozzo Guest

    Bill Walker says...
    Lozzo, Nov 9, 2004
  16. Dances with Poultry

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    Nice :)
    Lozzo, Nov 9, 2004
  17. Dances with Poultry

    Alex Ferrier Guest

    Bzzzt! 306b.

    BMW R1150GS
    Windy's "little soldier"
    Alex Ferrier, Nov 9, 2004
  18. Dances with Poultry

    Ferger Guest

    Bear secured a place in history by writing:
    Like I said. It gives our children something to live for.
    Ferger, Nov 10, 2004
  19. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn.. Bear.. YOU send me a ticket.. I want to come over there and run
    around with you for a while... After all.. I need a break, myself.... LOL...

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 10, 2004
  20. Dances with Poultry

    Ferger Guest

    Bear secured a place in history by writing:
    Not James. Otherwise I'm with you.
    Ferger, Nov 10, 2004
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