PING Balrog

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Dances with Poultry, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. You havn't had a good laugh until you've seen the TMRA slugs out for a
    ride. It's kinda like sitting at the boat launch in spring and watch
    all the new boat owners launch their new boats. Both would inspire
    commedians and "funniest videos" shows.
    Dances with Poultry, Nov 9, 2004
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  2. Well enjoy then. I'm sure you'll have several good laughs. I know I
    certainly have.
    Dances with Poultry, Nov 9, 2004
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  3. Dances with Poultry

    Preston Kemp Guest

    <small voice>


    Preston Kemp, Nov 9, 2004
  4. Dances with Poultry

    Lozzo Guest

    Preston Kemp says...
    Lozzo, Nov 9, 2004
  5. This is worth getting a bag of PopCorn, most entertaining.......good
    It's even got "The Older Gentleman" offering a "snort"....

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 9, 2004
  6. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO... again.. whew.. You've never even heard of TMRA II .. have you
    "skippie"... No wonder you've been hanging out with the uk crew.. They just
    haven't spotted how phony you really are...FYI .. TMRA II doesn't do rides..
    or rallies.. They do legislation.. for bikers.. damn.. "skippie".. you need
    to do some research before you let your alligator mouth, overload your
    hummingbird ass..

    That "chemo" thing is probably as much horseshit as the rest of your flaming
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
  7. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn Bear.. that ol' boy that's calling himself "Dances with Chickens" has
    got you guys all fluxed up.. His last motorcycle was repossessed and he
    jumped on, claiming the mexican bandidos stole it.. <holler>
    ... He's been jumped off damn near every motorcycle newsgroup in the state..
    I guess he figured you guys were far enough away that he could jazz you
    around and make an impression.. LOL.. Ya'll are easy.. huh ? See you later,
    pard... Luck to ya'...

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
  8. Dances with Poultry

    Preston Kemp Guest

    I'm not the one who drives around all day trying to get strange men to
    look at my helmet...
    Preston Kemp, Nov 9, 2004
  9. Say, Howard, arent you glad you came In here's been slow
    lately...and you happenend by, just as it's picking up.
    As far as I know, there' about 3 or 4 others offering some good
    Responses today...†hat I've not met!!...and we've all forgoten what
    the original posted subject was about!..."PING Balrog"

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 9, 2004
  10. Dances with Poultry

    Lozzo Guest

    Preston Kemp says...
    Good point, only a lot of the people I sell to are women.
    Lozzo, Nov 9, 2004
  11. <>Gee. I don't recall the post about the bike being stolen. Must have
    been a good one to still be getting responses after all this time. I'll
    have to look it up. Meantime, good luck with the chemo. Alan Moore
    Say, how does one look up an old (gone) "post"•you say
    you•re• gonna?
    hmmmmmmm?!? bj

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 9, 2004
  12. No. The acronym (TMRA) is similar to some sprots bike group here in
    Texas full of irritating wankers much like yourself so you can see how
    I got them confused.

    Yes, I made a mistake. Enjoy your glee.
    Dances with Poultry, Nov 9, 2004
  13. SNIP
    Yes, but at least I can admit are still a tool and
    a fool who pays more than he ought to.
    Look you morphing punk...I've always typed well. AAMOF...I
    type better than most. I just hit send as fast as I type and
    faster than any system can edit.
    Oh and next time stay plonked.

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    as for me Ice will Suffice
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 9, 2004
  14. Dances with Poultry

    Ferger Guest

    Champ secured a place in history by writing:
    Me. I thought Yellow was fantastic when I first heard it, in one of those
    tricky 'I need to tell everyone about this band before they become mass-
    market shit' moments. And I don't really like what they've come to
    represent either, far too earnest and up Chris Martin's etc. But I still
    think they're pretty good, just listened them out now.
    Ferger, Nov 9, 2004
  15. Dances with Poultry

    Ferger Guest

    Bear secured a place in history by writing:
    You may, unwittingly, have some. Deal with it old boy, it gives our
    children something to live for.
    Ferger, Nov 9, 2004
  16. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Noticed that, did'ja' ? Me too.. reckon he's as old as you and me... What a
    hoot. Sheesh Bjay.. you and I are right uptown, now.. We are consorting with
    a newsgroup in the UK.. Aren't you delighted ?

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
  17. Say, Bill Walker, is this "dancing with poultry" feller a motorcyclist
    and a chicken farmer? I just wondered. No biggie.
    He's quite the entertaining young man.
    This is going real good, keep it up,ya'll•/•
    Mucho calera.

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 9, 2004
  18. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Aw .. c'mon, bud.. I'm offended that you feel "let down".. Tell you what..
    if those Juarez bandidos steal my motorcycle, I'll collect enough insurance
    money for both of us to take a short vacation, how's that, pard ?

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
  19. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    No sweat, pard.. Never heard of them.. Got my hands full in Texas, thanks..
    And I'm not an ambassador for anyone.. Not even TMRA II.. Just a real active
    member.. That make it better ?

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 9, 2004
  20. Not that there's anything WRONG with that.
    Dances with Poultry, Nov 9, 2004
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