PING Balrog

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Dances with Poultry, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. ON and this is the Longest Thread......ever, as far as
    I've ever tried to keep up with. I wish someone would Re-post some of
    this, and get it going on another POST, other than PING Balrog.
    A title could be "Life threating"....."Meet ya Anywhere"......."Bad
    Walkers"......"Uk Bikers Vs. Texas Bikers"......."Dirty
    Underware"......"Can Out Ride Anybody"
    ....."Tough & Ready"......"Bad Hombres"
    ....."Who Stole My HD" ......"Are They Retarded
    "Where'd Ya'll Come From"
    (Just a few suggestions.....)

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 11, 2004
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  2. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'm all for it..Bjay.. We might even rename this thread "Bowie County
    Agitator" huh, pard ? <chuckle>

    Seriously.. when I was in Texarkana, I found out that Pete Shirley and his
    wife both passed away.. My impression was that they passed away recently..
    Just my luck.. when I run against you for the Redwater School Board, I'll
    have to find me another campaign manager.. Oh well, pard.. maybe Roy Johnson
    or Charles Armstrong will help me out with that campaign.. huh ? LOL... See
    you later, guy.. Agitator..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 12, 2004
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  3. Dances with Poultry

    Brian Walker Guest

    Hey, speaking of was reported today on the news that "his
    closest ally, Tony Blair will be meeting with Bush at the White
    House". I have to disagree, he's his ONLY ally!

    Well, other than Poland...and of course, Costa Rica has asked to be
    removed from the "list".

    I'll get that jpeg to you straight away. :)
    Brian Walker, Nov 12, 2004
  4. Dances with Poultry

    Brian Walker Guest

    Hey, just curious...are you in the uk or aussie?
    Brian Walker, Nov 12, 2004
  5. Dances with Poultry

    tallbloke Guest

    (Brian Walker) wrote in
    <checks inbox expectantly>
    tallbloke, Nov 12, 2004
  6. Dances with Poultry

    tallbloke Guest

    (Brian Walker) wrote in
    UK born and bred mate.
    tallbloke, Nov 12, 2004
  7. Dances with Poultry

    Brian Walker Guest

    Wholly! How do you folks breathe?
    With that population, "deserted" means 1/4 mile stretch before you hit
    a gang of people in the streets?
    Hence "cafe racers". Race from one cafe to the next and back
    again...because you can. We tried that here in Texas, but had to get a
    motel rooms in between to rest. That's where the Goldwing came in.
    Whew! Those were the days.
    Yup, "if you have to ask...".

    Actually though, it's to let the wife know we're on our way home and
    open the garage door...since we have more wide open space, we have to
    have louder pipes. Otherwise, we'd be sitting in the driveway revving
    the crap out of the thing and she'd never hear it. Here in Texas, our
    driveways are further away than anyone in the uk could imagine. I've
    had people come from the uk and say "damn, I go to get something out
    of the boot of my car and feel like I've went on a walk-about...mate".

    Brian Walker, Nov 14, 2004
  8. <>I'm enjoying some lovely drugs. <>
    I don't imagine you're talking about
    "anti-biotics' eh? Because, no one enjoys taking "anti-biotics",
    because that would mean, they're in some way__sick__.

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 14, 2004
  9. Dances with Poultry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nah.. Bjay... this clown is a pure dope head.. has been for years.. More
    than likely, he won't show up on this group again for a couple of more
    years, when he will put out feelers, like he did this time.. just to see if
    anyone still remembers him..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 15, 2004
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