"Pin-Loc" and nolan helmets

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Yeebok, Aug 4, 2007.

  1. Yeebok

    Boxer Guest

    So that's why George Bush started Global Warming.

    Boxer, Aug 7, 2007
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  2. Yeebok

    Nev.. Guest

    It's a feature on Nolan helmets. Not an accessory to fit any helmet.

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Aug 7, 2007
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  3. Yeebok

    will_s Guest

    takes 10 mins to get the bike clothes n, bike uncovered and way to go

    takes 1 min to throw a bucket of water over the screen
    will_s, Aug 8, 2007
  4. Yeebok

    Yeebok Guest

    What Nev said - thought that'd be clear from my posts... but mounting it
    requires "pins" aka small strategically placed and shaped bumps made
    into the inside of the clear visor. I presume if you get one of those,
    the visor <-> helmet mount would be different anyway.

    Though that said the end result is basically a double-glazed visor. If
    you can duplicate that without damaging something you should be right.

    GT250+new tyres :)
    Yeebok, Aug 8, 2007
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