Pictures, as promised.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by AndrewR, Dec 19, 2004.

  1. AndrewR

    Timo Geusch Guest

    chris was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    I was actually talking about recent Triumph bikes, but never mind...
    Timo Geusch, Dec 19, 2004
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  2. AndrewR

    Lozzo Guest

    Pete M says...
    Small cars are for those who don't really fucking care. If having a big
    car is that important, then maybe other issues need addressing.

    I've asked my boss not to buy me a big car when the Golf needs
    replacing. I need a functional tool for working from, not a status
    Lozzo, Dec 19, 2004
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  3. AndrewR

    DervMan Guest

    If women like small cars, that works for me. ;)
    DervMan, Dec 19, 2004
  4. AndrewR

    DervMan Guest

    Aye, LPG has so many advantages (and few disadvantages) that it's almost too
    good to be true...

    I took a good long hard look at LPG for our Ka. Sure, there's a compromise
    associated with luggage (a big compromise) but we cover 30,000 miles a year
    and with these new funky high tech LPG systems, we'd make back the initial
    capital outlay in somewhere between two and two and a half years, assuming
    the differential between petrol and LPG remains as it is now.

    But I'm too cynical to believe that it'll remain as it is. I don't trust
    the Government not to raise the duty on LPG to make up for the "losses" [1]
    in holding it on petrol and diesel.

    [1] Lost gain, heh.
    DervMan, Dec 19, 2004
  5. AndrewR

    tallbloke Guest

    Heh, 16 year old VOLVO estate, status symbol, hehheehehe.
    tallbloke, Dec 19, 2004
  6. AndrewR

    Pete M Guest

    Probably.. Hence my ownership of an ancient Mercedes.. You could be onto
    I just needed a car that doesn't break down all the time.

    Pete M

    Mercedes 260E
    Ford Capri (ressurection started)
    "Never moon a werewolf"

    COSOC #5
    Scouse Git extraordinaire. Liverpool, Great Britain
    Pete M, Dec 19, 2004

  7. CR diesel is up to about 1000 bar....... OK, that's at injector point.
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 19, 2004
  8. AndrewR

    Muck Guest

    How about those Mitsubishi GDI petrol engines then.... petrol at diesel
    type pressures. =:-O
    Muck, Dec 19, 2004
  9. Surely that's all the more reason to convert today... The longer you
    leave it, the less you save.

    I think the differential will remain for the next 5 years at least.
    Simon Atkinson, Dec 19, 2004
  10. AndrewR

    Grant Guest

    "DervMan" wrote in message
    In 2003, the Chancellor announced:

    "the Government has decided that the environmental benefits offered by
    liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) no longer justify the level of duty
    differential it currently receives, while the long period of high duty
    support has allowed the
    necessary infrastructure to be developed.

    The Government will gradually increase the duty rate for LPG over the next
    three years, setting duty differentials on a path towards a level
    commensurate with the fuel’s environmental benefits. "

    In 2004, this was confirmed as a decrease in the duty differential of 1p
    each year for 3 years.

    Biodiesel would seem to be the one to go for next - 23p/litre cheaper than
    sulpher free diesel for the next three years.
    Grant, Dec 19, 2004
  11. AndrewR

    tallbloke Guest

    So it's going up from the 28.4p a litre I pay now to 31.4p a litre by
    2007. Wow, that really going to hurt.
    So about 63p a litre then.
    tallbloke, Dec 19, 2004
  12. AndrewR

    Steve Firth Guest

    So, 1p on a litre each year for three years. That still makes LPG a good
    buy and worth installing.
    Steve Firth, Dec 19, 2004
  13. AndrewR

    Questions Guest

    Apparently on date Sun, 19 Dec 2004 15:29:42 -0600, tallbloke
    Promises, possibly, but LPG presumably emits much the same CO2 and H2O that a
    petrol engine does?

    AFAIK it is a good thing that people use it for fuel rather than it being
    burned off at the rig in huge flares, though.

    I'd have LPG but the conversion cost doesn't pay for itself, in my
    circumstances, not to mention the lack of LPG stations nearby.
    Questions, Dec 20, 2004
  14. AndrewR

    Taz Guest

    What sort of mpg do you get out of LPG? roughly the same as petrol? I'm
    curious, never having used it or read about the benefits etc. Our local
    garage does LPG, but I think it's a bit more than 31p a litre. I'll have to
    check. I run diesels now, after running big petrols for a long time. I lost
    my "good" job and am having to penny pinch these days to keep the nice
    house.LOL. kids would kill me if I moved. Bio diesel is not available in my
    area, but I do find diesel cheaper to run than petrol, even though the stuff
    now costs more than petrol. I can remember when it was almost half the price
    of petrol though, so god knows what the government are raking in on it now
    it's so popular. I hope they don't do the same to LPG, but I have a feeling
    they will.
    Taz, Dec 20, 2004
  15. AndrewR

    Taz Guest

    LOL - I hope not. BTW, I once had a Talbot Solara that did the same thing
    on a station forecourt, but luckily I had the presence of mind to let it
    continue. God I was glad to be rid of it.
    Taz, Dec 20, 2004
  16. AndrewR

    tallbloke Guest

    wrote in
    Can't see H2O emmisions being a big issue really. Specially at this time
    of year. Less particulates is a major benefit for human lungs, but yes, it
    all contributes to the greenhouse gas overload.
    I picked up a cheapy car with a conversion and fettled it up. I'll prolly
    remove it and refit it to the next motor too.

    Secondhand kit can be picked up off ebay cheaply enough.
    tallbloke, Dec 20, 2004
  17. AndrewR

    tallbloke Guest

    Less mpg than petrol. My VOLVO estate has a fairly primitive lpg setup and
    gets between 16.5 to 19.5 mpg. Dunno what it'd do on petrol, prolly around
    20 to 25. Performance is down unless you up the compression too. Mine is
    on 200lb/"2 which is well up on factory standard.

    Morrisons petrol station next to me does lpg at 29.9 but you get a rebate
    of 1,5p/litre to spend instore so 28.4p. Everywhere else seems to be about
    40 to 45p a litre though so I'm extra smug ;-)

    It's lots cleaner than normal diesel. I don't know much about biodiesel
    but I bet the particulates are still pretty bad for health.
    tallbloke, Dec 20, 2004
  18. AndrewR

    Grant Guest

    "Steve Firth" wrote in message
    The Fleet News site translated it as a 2.42p/litre price rise for 04/05. Not
    sure how - too late/early for my brain to work that one out.
    Depends on the miles you do I suppose. £1500 (guess?) conversion cost and a
    30p/litre differential suggests you'll not be out of pocket anymore after
    around 35,000 miles.
    Grant, Dec 20, 2004
  19. AndrewR

    Steve Sweet Guest

    And keeping me on the dole. cheers guys!


    (º·.¸(¨*·.¸ ¸.·*¨)¸.·º)
    «.·°·. Steve .·°·.»
    (¸.·º(¸.·¨* *¨·.¸)º·.¸)
    Steve Sweet, Dec 20, 2004
  20. AndrewR

    Steve Sweet Guest

    Hi "tallbloke"

    You use your spare wheel to hold gas??


    (º·.¸(¨*·.¸ ¸.·*¨)¸.·º)
    «.·°·. Steve .·°·.»
    (¸.·º(¸.·¨* *¨·.¸)º·.¸)
    Steve Sweet, Dec 20, 2004
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