photos from the unaugral

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by jase, May 7, 2006.

  1. jase

    stuart t Guest


    900ks, driving rain. I reckon that might have washed my cold right
    outta my system (or damn near killed me)

    Stuart (still snurfley but mostly shitty for missing a fun weekend)
    stuart t, May 8, 2006
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  2. jase

    BT Humble Guest

    Please provide some suitable examples of how a tosser^H^H^H^H^H^H bus
    driver would do it then? ;-)

    (Litres per hundred km? Whose stupid idea was THAT?)
    BT Humble, May 8, 2006
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  3. jase

    G-S Guest

    Nah that'd be work!
    Dunno... someone buried in the whatever office was responsible for
    putting 2 strokes through the Australian dollar sign probably ;-)

    G-S, May 9, 2006
  4. jase

    jase Guest

    give me a yell of you want the full size blake pics pete
    jase, May 9, 2006
  5. jase

    Nev.. Guest

    I used about 150 litres for an approx 1500km return trip. That's about
    10km/litre, or for people like G-S who are no good at maths that's about
    10 litres/100km :)

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., May 9, 2006
  6. jase

    BT Humble Guest

    I'm guessing your car is a tad lighter, and a teensy more
    aerodynamically slippery than mine! ;-)

    BT Humble, May 9, 2006
  7. jase

    G-S Guest

    *smiles approvingly*

    G-S, May 9, 2006
  8. Ta Jase. You have gmail!
    Pisshead Pete, May 10, 2006
  9. jase

    Marty H Guest

    Marty H, May 10, 2006
  10. jase

    Marty H Guest

    Marty H, May 10, 2006
  11. jase

    Knobdoodle Guest

    You've got a good eye for framing a shot Marty.
    Well done!
    Knobdoodle, May 10, 2006
  12. jase

    smack Guest

    Still waiting for Lonnie long hair pics
    smack, May 11, 2006
  13. jase

    jase Guest

    did you send numbers to me?

    either way send them again
    jase, May 11, 2006
  14. jase

    zip954 Guest

    zip954, May 11, 2006
  15. jase

    zip954 Guest

    9 hours? You had it easy!
    First up, thanks to BTH and Minx for their hospitality and a great

    We left at about 11:30am. Headed towards Cooma battling the crosswinds
    the way. Started to rain in Queanbeyan and stopped raining about 50km
    Cooma. Decided Cooma was a good place to stop, so found a nice warm
    for the night. It looked very cold and icy outside the window of the
    motel room.

    Headed down the Monaro Hwy the next morning. Dry roads all the way and
    wind lessened once we actually got onto the Monaro. Great run down into
    River. No traffic, no Police, no living wildlife. From Cann River we
    to Lakes Entrance for the night. Same motel as on the way to the

    We looked at the weather for the final leg home to Melbourne that
    decided we didn't want to get wet, so booked another night in Lakes
    Entrance. We discovered happy hour at the pub, that took care of the

    Final run home today. Managed to avoid the rain/showers that were
    Frequently had recently wet roads but no rain! Happy about that. Knew
    were getting close to Melbourne as the driver skill levels started

    1751km all up. Which is an average of 292km per day. Very relaxing
    zip954, May 11, 2006
  16. jase

    BT Humble Guest

    It was a pleasure. For what it's worth, you missed a really tasty
    lunch (although Blake ate as many rissoles as the rest of us put
    together - good job he "wasn't really hungry"!)

    I've got your second case of Ausmoto (Unaugural) Lager here - do you
    want me to list it on Ebay on your behalf? ;-)

    BT Humble, May 11, 2006
  17. jase

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Knobdoodle, May 11, 2006
  18. jase

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Knobdoodle, May 11, 2006
  19. jase

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Knobdoodle, May 11, 2006
  20. jase

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Zebee checks the Kelvinator frost-free.
    Knobdoodle, May 11, 2006
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