What is the minimum I have got to buy? One of my new toys takes stills to one of them memory stick thingies. Now it has to be said that I am not a still photographer of any skill at all really but over the years I had noticed that if I take a couple or seven of the same thing my chances improve no end. The memory stick thingy is an afterthought on the toy and has quite a limited capacity and if I particularly wanted to do some stills stuff I would need zillions of the stupidly small and potentially easily misplaced things. Then it occurred to me that if I was able to shoot off a whole one and then press a tit and have it mail me the photos and delete itself then capacity and loosing the bastard things wasn't an issue. There isn't radio on me new toy but there is all sorts of modern shaped holes and my phone is a nokia of uncertain but multi-generational vintage. I am hoping the answer is just a phone but if not it must be able to be powered from a motorcycle battery. Gofrit