
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by deadmail, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. deadmail

    Adrian Guest

    May well have been ANPR rather than speed, of course.
    Adrian, Oct 9, 2008
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  2. deadmail

    MikeH Guest

    Don't be silly - that was in the Black Maria, back in the days when
    crims were honest enough to stay nicked on trust on the drive back to
    the station.
    MikeH, Oct 9, 2008
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  3. deadmail

    wessie Guest

    Omega was last produced in 2003. Since replaced with the Signum and
    recently the Insignia.

    So, wise to be suspicious of large Vauxhall saloons, unless they are being
    used by undertakers, who are the only other people I've seen using new
    Omega sized Vauxhalls.
    wessie, Oct 9, 2008
  4. deadmail

    YTC#1 Guest


    But I doubt it.

    Everyone on the M6 Toll has paid.... therefore an obligation to speed :)
    YTC#1, Oct 9, 2008
  5. deadmail

    zymurgy Guest

    You useless bugger. You could have had a cuppa.

    zymurgy, Oct 9, 2008
  6. deadmail

    Ben Guest

    After my bollocking in the back of a Volvo S60R last year I got from
    the copper "Litre bike eh? I'm glad you didn't go when you saw our
    lights otherwise we wouldn't have got you".

    I kept my mouth shut too.

    I now assume they had no plate etc on video as I've not heard anything
    about it a year later.
    Ben, Oct 9, 2008
  7. I was living in a cottage in Ayrshire, overlooking a ~10 acre field when
    one night I was aware of lights bouncing up and down in the darkness
    outside, down and along the field. One set of lights came up by the
    cottage to the exit and fucked off, the other set stayed down there.
    I went down for a look and found a local plod car firmly stuck in the
    bed of the drained lake - not so well drained as it turned out.
    They'd been chasing a scrote of course, and got well glued in, so asked
    me if I could pass on a request to the farmer to come and unstick them
    with his tractor.
    Fair enough, I thought, and went up to the farmhouse at the end of the
    track to ask him. I was a little bit surprised when the two farming
    brothers said something along the lines of, "They can **** off, not
    after taking our shotgun off us last year."
    Plod wasn't very happy, but I leavened the bad news slightly by simply
    telling them the tractor was down. Eventually a tractor turned up from a
    neighbouring farm and ... got stuck.

    Another one turned up ... and got stuck...

    The third one was a big bastard... with big fuckoff wiiiiiddddeeee tyres
    and those load spreading cages on the wheels. Turns out the driver
    didn't really need them because he kept well out of the shite and used a
    longer rope - **** knows why this didn't occur to any of the brainiacs

    By this time the original crew of the cop car had fucked off home as
    their shift was finished, so the crew that was to take over the car had
    to immediately get covered in shite in the retrieval process - lovely
    start to their shift they thought, according to their comments.
    GS850x2 XS650 SE6a

    "It's a moron working with power tools.
    How much more suspenseful can you get?"
    - House
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Oct 9, 2008
  8. deadmail

    Speedgazebo Guest

    It is, and they are quite fast. They use at least one in N. Herts. I
    had a good look at one when I was waiting to get in the back door of
    Hitchin police station recently.
    Speedgazebo, Oct 9, 2008
  9. deadmail

    Speedgazebo Guest

    That's so weird, I hadn't read that when I sent my last post. Is there
    a theme here, UKRM and the back door to cop shops?
    Speedgazebo, Oct 9, 2008
  10. deadmail

    des Guest

    Ah. I've finally figured it out. You're a wannabe. You're close to
    forty which is OK as far as most UK police forces are concerned, but
    you're probably barred either due to past convictions, or health reasons.

    So you live out your fantasies on UKRM, inventing 'friends' who've
    served with various constabularies and / or military special forces
    units, and who've been involved in every big 'event' of the past

    It must be hell to be you.

    des, Oct 9, 2008
  11. deadmail

    Julian Bond Guest

    You have to wonder...
    Julian Bond, Oct 9, 2008
  12. deadmail

    YTC#1 Guest

    Been meaning to, but been busy, and tired.
    YTC#1, Oct 9, 2008
  13. deadmail

    Nige Guest

    BTDT. Nice innit?

    Nige, 'That's not my name'

    Range Rover Td6 Vogue
    BMW K1200S (off soon)
    Suzuki GSX-R1000 K3
    Focus ST3 (off soon)
    Audi A3 Cab
    BMW F800GS
    Nige, Oct 9, 2008
  14. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    **** knows, it was a car. I can recognise BMWs that are more than 5
    years old and Vauxhalls and Fords from 15 years back (the days of
    company cars. sigh). But I've little interest in cars and don't really
    pay much attention to be honest.
    deadmail, Oct 10, 2008
  15. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    That's my take. The road was free (when I got to it) a few miles on.
    I've never had needed to adjust mine. Having looked at the Clymer and
    BMW factory manuals I've got... **** knows. There isn't an idle screw
    thing on the throttle mechanism in the throttle bodies that the K100/75
    8V lumps have. So...

    I'd start by balancing the injectors. Then if it was a real issue I'd
    (probably) try to adjust the idle speed by taking up a little slack in
    the throttle cable, or some bodge in the throttle bodies jamming them
    open slightly.

    Sorry it's not much help!
    deadmail, Oct 10, 2008
  16. deadmail

    Hog Guest

    Make sure there are no intake air leaks. In the centre of the throttle bank
    there should be an idle adjustment screw IIRC.
    Hog, Oct 10, 2008
  17. deadmail

    Speedgazebo Guest

    Speedgazebo, Oct 10, 2008
  18. writes

    While pottering along an empty motorway at an almost legal 80+ and I was
    over taken by a police car that was really shifting.
    I know I should have seen him in my mirrors.

    He pulls in, in front of me and a magic electric sign in the back window
    comes up with 'POLICE'.

    Bugger thought I.

    Then comes up 'Biker Pull off at the next slip road'.

    Double bugger I thought.

    Then comes up 'Motorway blocked ahead with accident'

    Then he pisses off at high speed.

    Result thinks I and I pulled off at the next slip road.
    Nice to think he took the trouble.
    Mick Whittingham, Oct 10, 2008
  19. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    I'm pretty certain there isn't an idle adjuster there on the K1100.
    There is on the K100 and K75 though.
    deadmail, Oct 11, 2008
  20. So'm I, because I wasted enough time looking for one.
    Hm... OK, the older Ks used the LE-Jetronic FI system didn't they? And
    the later ones went to Motronic. I bet you can only adjust the tickover
    with a laptop or something.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 11, 2008
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