Petrol price to jump in the weeks ahead

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    CrazyCam Guest


    CrazyCam, Jan 7, 2010
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  2. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Toosmoky Guest

    That would have been the Greeks... The Romans gave us Italian
    motorcycles to ride on the roads they invented.
    Toosmoky, Jan 7, 2010
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  3. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Toosmoky Guest

    It's a very small amount in a very large place and it'll never surface
    at all, let alone within the period when it's a danger to health.

    New generations of reactors will be able to feed on today's waste,
    leaving only 1% of the waste of the reactors in use today.

    It's clean and green, moreso, it's the only practical way Australia
    would be able to lower it's CO2 output, it you think that's important.

    We are to Uranium as Saudi Arabia is to oil. We could mine it, process
    it, use it, sell it, store the waste and reduce our dependence on fossil
    Toosmoky, Jan 7, 2010
  4. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    JL Guest

    I sincerely doubt that. Designing an internal combustion engine that
    is able to work across a wide enough rpm range to be viable for
    automotive use causes a number of efficiency compromises. Until we can
    have infinitely variable inlet and exhaust tract lengths, infinitely
    variable valve ports and infinitely variable combustion chamber shapes
    etc, maximum volumetric efficiency will never be achieved and still
    leave the engine (diesel or petrol) able to be used in the way we
    currently do.

    By designing an engine to be utilised only within a very narrow rpm
    range you get measurable improvements in efficiency through being able
    to remove many of the compromises.

    I'd be gobsmacked if the losses in converting to electricity and
    storing it were significantly different to the losses inherent in the
    compromised IC design.
    Thank you for your patronising assumptions, I'm truly honoured to be
    in the audience of such a mighty intellect.
    One thing I've noticed, any time anyone uses the the phrase "may I
    humbly suggest" they really mean "you plebian moron genuflect to my
    stellar intellect.
    As if that is particularly germane to discussing the design at hand,
    please don't try and blame me for the fact you stopped reading at the
    point where you saw a word in the sentence that had a specific meaning
    to you. If I have used the term incorrectly the context would still
    have adequately explained what I was communicating - the fact that
    several other people understood the point proves that it wasn't that

    JL, Jan 7, 2010
  5. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Toosmoky Guest

    Ta, mate.
    Like Jesus at Easter. (Waiting for resurrection)

    Seriously, if work would cough up the OT they owe me and back pay for
    last July's pay rise, I'd have already started on it. Maybe next payday...
    Toosmoky, Jan 7, 2010
  6. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    GWD Guest

    Yeah point taken, it didn't come out well. My apologies.
    GWD, Jan 7, 2010
  7. Ummmm close, but no banana.
    Kevin Gleeson, Jan 7, 2010
  8. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    GWD Guest

    On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 00:21:16 -0800 (PST), JL wrote:

    Never the less it's true. There are plenty of 1000 kw double turbo V12
    diesels driving 500 kva generators on long duty cycles. I've nor seen
    any of them driving 1500kva or even 1000. And yes, those V12s started
    life as slightly blown 500 HP truck or bulldozer engines.
    As I have repeatedly said, I agree that limiting rev range gives
    designers the ability to increase power, and that's exactly what's
    being done with hybrids. Cool things like regen braking and over-run
    regeneration are expensive add ons. The major part of the gain is
    through increased efficiency in the IC engine.

    I'm not seeing any evidence that many people know the difference
    between a motor-generator system and a hybrid system, so your rant is
    pretty much beside the point. I agree that my post was obnoxiously
    worded and I've apologised for that. I do not agree that I am wrong,
    though I understand that it's pointless to pursue this any further.
    GWD, Jan 7, 2010
  9. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    TimC Guest

    People become really defensive when their choices are pointed out to
    be less than smart, and mostly made so they can point to themselves
    and say "look, see, I'm better than you!" (neglecting the embodied
    energy associated with shipping hundreds of kg of batteries and tonnes
    of steel across the ocean).

    A guy at work drives his prius to work (ontop of a mountain). The
    batteries charge completely within the first km of descent, which
    means the rest of the energy as the car brakes going down the mountain
    just goes to waste. Coming back up the mountain, this obviously then
    means the ICE has to run flatout within the first km (in reality, it
    started well before then because there's a gently upslope for 20km
    before the start of the mountain).

    He believes he emits far less CO2 in driving his prius than if he was
    to take the work-provided bus that drives past his door at the right
    time. After several of us tried to explain the marginal costs of his
    90kg self jumping on an old innefficient diesel bus *that is already
    going that way at the time he needs it*, vs his 90kg self jumping in
    his ~1.4tonne fairly-efficient-but-not-quite-as-good-as-my-motorbike
    prius, he got all blustery and told us that we were wrong, QED.
    TimC, Jan 7, 2010
  10. And the police usually do exercise that right to make a sensible
    decision. My point was that if you don't set that line by law, then a
    drunk idiot climbing into his car who hasn't started the car up yet
    but cops have spotted him, they can't do a damn thing til he starts
    the car and drives off, possibly running over a pedestrian within the
    first 20m. Sorry, you haven't convinced me that the law should be

    And the centre of Melbourne is totally different to a surf/fishing
    beach. That's hardly a relevant example. Christ I'd be locked up for
    1000 years for breaking that one.
    Kevin Gleeson, Jan 7, 2010
  11. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    theo Guest

    You think people should be charged for drunk driving if they aren't
    driving? I think that that is a ridiculous law. It's only a very short
    step from there to charging everyone in the bar who is over the
    arbitrary limit, has a car in the ccarpark, and the keys in his

    You will trust Police discretion? Geez Kevin, how stupid is that?

    theo, Jan 7, 2010
  12. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    D Walford Guest

    He sounds like a total wanker:)

    D Walford, Jan 7, 2010
  13. You think people should be charged for drunk driving if they aren't
    driving? I think that that is a ridiculous law. It's only a very short
    step from there to charging everyone in the bar who is over the
    arbitrary limit, has a car in the ccarpark, and the keys in his

    You will trust Police discretion? Geez Kevin, how stupid is that?



    The charge Theo, would be drunk whilst in charge of a vehicle
    If you had the keys in the glovebox, then that is another
    George W Frost, Jan 7, 2010
  14. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    JL Guest

    It's been a long time since this was a motorcycling newsgroup. It's
    now an argument forum for people who have once owned or ridden a
    motorcycle (and hatz who has only ever had wet dreams about it).

    JL, Jan 7, 2010
  15. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Fran Guest

    And apparently the combined cycle for the Ford Econetic diesel is
    about 3.7L per 100K ... and it's currently 25k on road atm

    I had a test drive of one the other day and it was pretty nippy, not
    the least bit smelly or noisy -- very nice and entirely suitable for
    commuting and no battery to dispose of in landfill.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't come in an auto, so a large slice of the
    potential market will give it a miss.

    Fran, Jan 8, 2010
  16. No - I don't trust police discretion. I just have to hope that it
    happens when I do it.

    I still think it is better than Johnny Drunkwit killing someone
    because the cops had no ability to get him out the car. Drunk in a bar
    is totally different. You aren't about to project 1.5 tonnes of metal
    at people. And you _can_ het pulled up for bein drunk and unruly in a
    bar or public street.

    Sorry, no. Still haven't convinced me. If you are drunk, don't go near
    your car. Catch a cab, sleep in the park, give your key to someone
    else, don't drink, whatever.
    Kevin Gleeson, Jan 8, 2010
  17. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Lars Chance Guest

    True but I think you're missing JL's point that comparing two vastly
    different engines just because they have the same swept capacity is
    fairly pointless. A far more reasonable comparison would be to compare
    fuel usage ($ per mile) or some sort of compound power + torque figure.
    Mind you; I think your example of the BMW 320 would still be a win for
    the TDI for both of those comparisons too!
    Lars Chance, Jan 8, 2010
  18. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Lars Chance Guest

    I would've thought the very fact that people AREN'T arguing about how it
    works demonstrates that they do quite clearly understand the difference
    between a direct-drive Prius-type hybrid and JL's electric-drive
    Volt-type hybrid.

    Who do you think has it wrong?
    Lars Chance, Jan 8, 2010
  19. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    GWD Guest

    Oh no you don't - I've posted enough about this. If you are genuinely
    interested go back and read what I've written. If you are on a fishing
    trip, this is the only bite you are likely to get.
    GWD, Jan 8, 2010
  20. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Lars Chance Guest

    [shrug] So it's just the imaginary choir is it?
    Lars Chance, Jan 8, 2010
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