Petrol price to jump in the weeks ahead

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Lu R Guest

    I reckon being a ex-greasemonkey retard who cant keep up with the latest
    motoring technology is far worse hey noballs? I wouldnt trust you to change
    my wiper blades dickhead.
    Lu R, Jan 1, 2010
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  2. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Lu R Guest

    Smacking out slapheads?
    Lu R, Jan 1, 2010
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  3. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    D Walford Guest

    I was talking to a bloke last night who has a Prius as his company car,
    most of his previous company cars have been Commodores and the Prius
    uses near enough to half the fuel.
    Most of his klms are at hwy speeds, he lives in Bacchus Marsh and works
    in Geelong which is a round trip of approx 120klms.
    He agreed it lacks power for overtaking but that didn't bother him all
    that much.
    He didn't seem to be bothered that the Prius is ugly as sin and lots of
    people think he's a wanker:)
    It would be interesting to see the overall cost of ownership figures
    compared to other fleet cars.

    D Walford, Jan 1, 2010
  4. You have said it in one Daryl

    He is driving a company car, hasn't paid for it, so why should he care
    George W Frost, Jan 1, 2010
  5. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Noddy Guest

    Latest technology?

    Surely you're not talking about the Prius as battteries and electric motors
    have been around for over 100 years :)
    Just as well, as I wouldn't do any work for a fucktard like you if you held
    a gun to my head,.
    Noddy, Jan 1, 2010
  6. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Noddy Guest

    Given that his driving seems to be all highway the Prius is exactly the
    wrong type of vehicle for his needs. He most likely could have halved his
    fuel bill with a Corolla and saved 20 grand in purchase price.
    Noddy, Jan 1, 2010
  7. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    D Walford Guest

    That's what I would buy for that job if it was my money but its a
    company car.
    He works for Target and they use Custom Fleet, the vehicles they can
    have are mostly Holdens, the Prius is the only Toyota available.
    I'd like to look at Custom Fleets numbers for overall cost of ownership
    of their various vehicles (cars are replaced every 2yrs), it would make
    interesting reading.

    D Walford, Jan 1, 2010
  8. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Noddy Guest

    Fair enough.
    You might be surprised.

    The EPA will be ditching their two Priii in the next couple of months after
    three years of ownership, and the only thing they've yet to discover will be
    how much they'll lose indepreciation. Running costs have proved to be on a
    par with the Lancer auto's they replaced, so if the depreciation hit is
    large (which it's likely to be) then the loss will be pretty significant and
    to the point where they've been a far worse investment than a regular car.
    Noddy, Jan 1, 2010
  9. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Lindsay Guest

    Nearly every taxi in Cairns is a Prius. The last one I got in had 520,000kms
    on the clock, and boy, could you tell... everything rattled and shook, (but
    the brakes worked because the moron forgot to give way at a roundabout until
    the last minute...)

    "It really doesn't matter if my wording wasn't 100% accurate." David
    Alexander Zyk (aka David Z)

    "Do you feel big knowing you've outdone someone probably half your age?"
    David Alexander Zyk (aka David Z). After yet another slapping.
    Lindsay, Jan 1, 2010
  10. I wouldn't like to be in it coming back from Kuranda
    George W Frost, Jan 1, 2010
  11. Hey Nev !!
    Have you noticed in the last 222 years, that we happen to have settled in
    That is AUSTRALIA

    Not England
    There may be some of you who wish you were in England
    but, their laws are for them, not us, even though we work on the Westminster
    George W Frost, Jan 1, 2010
  12. Totally with Nev on this one. If I had been found in the car with the
    keys anywhere in the car, which they obviously were, I would have lost
    my licence. I made the decision not to drive. But the law has to draw
    a line. If you are in the car solo, drunk and the keys are there,
    you're done. And I agree with that law or you get all sorts of idiots
    making excuses. I took my chance. It more comfortable than sleeping on
    the nature strip. And it was better than me driving home. But it was
    still illegal.
    Kevin Gleeson, Jan 1, 2010
  13. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Lindsay Guest

    Nice spot, Kuranda. Lovely cold beer in the pub after a long train ride :)

    "It really doesn't matter if my wording wasn't 100% accurate." David
    Alexander Zyk (aka David Z)

    "Do you feel big knowing you've outdone someone probably half your age?"
    David Alexander Zyk (aka David Z). After yet another slapping.
    Lindsay, Jan 1, 2010
  14. I did most of my drinking at Myola
    George W Frost, Jan 1, 2010
  15. Nev, you are the one who wrote about Paul Clarke in ther UK, not me or have
    you forgotten already
    Got memory retention problems Nev?
    George W Frost, Jan 1, 2010
  16. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Lu R Guest

    Translation for the fucktards..."I cant have one so lets put shit on
    it"...get back in ur tree monkey...:)
    Lu R, Jan 1, 2010
  17. As a matter of interest, how many litres per 100 km does your Prius achieve?
    Krudd the Dud, Jan 1, 2010
  18. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Noddy Guest

    His will naturally return some astronomically brilliant figure. However, in
    the real world they return slightly better mileage than a Corolla or
    anything else of that size.

    Makes them look like a pretty shithouse investment really when being "cost
    effective" is supposed to be what they're all about :)
    Noddy, Jan 1, 2010
  19. Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF

    Noddy Guest

    Lol :)

    Only you and mentally defective cunts like you could possibly think that a
    Prius is in some way a desirable car. The fact that their sales are so piss
    poor should suggest even to you that the majority of people think they're
    nothing other than an over-priced wank :)
    Noddy, Jan 1, 2010
  20. No. They're about being environmentally friendly.
    Peter Cremasco, Jan 2, 2010
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