Petrol less than £1 a gallon!!!!!!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by half_pint, Sep 29, 2003.

  1. half_pint

    deadmail Guest

    Sanitise telephones.

    Anyway, where did I say *I* wasn't a parasite.
    deadmail, Oct 18, 2003
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  2. half_pint

    deadmail Guest

    I know where you live, Kiran. Don't forget that.
    deadmail, Oct 18, 2003
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  3. half_pint

    Kiran Guest

    wrote in

    Where did I call you a hypocrite? ;-)
    Kiran, Oct 18, 2003
  4. half_pint

    Kiran Guest

    wrote in

    Was that a whoosh or are you having an Anne Jackson moment?
    Kiran, Oct 18, 2003
  5. half_pint

    Lozzo Guest

    Ben Blaney wibbled incoherently...
    I'd rather die than become the bigotted, uncaring, selfish twat that my
    father is.

    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49, MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3, DFV#14, KoBV#3.
    Url for ukrm newbies :
    Lozzo, Oct 18, 2003
  6. half_pint

    Salad Dodger Guest

    <locks and loads>

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C/exTS185C
    _/_____\_ ..61036../..13743.../..3157./.19406/.fecked.
    |_\_____/_| IMC#4 TPPFATUICG#7 YTC#4 DIAABTCOD#9 PM#5
    (>|_|_|<) BOTAFOT #70 two#11 Ignoramus #0001
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOF #09 IbW#0 & KotIbW# OSOS#07
    \ |^| / WG* BotTOS #6 GP#4 ANORAK#17 FTB#14
    \|^|/ 2003 RBR landmarks:99 points:2100 miles:8000
    Salad Dodger, Oct 18, 2003
  7. half_pint

    Pip Guest

    Mine share these qualities, to which I may, one day, aspire. Except
    the tolerance bit, of course.

    However, mine also wear cardigans and own a caravan.
    Pip, Oct 18, 2003
  8. half_pint

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Both, I hope.
    Ben Blaney, Oct 18, 2003
  9. half_pint

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I've never discussed my salary with anyone except my boss, my parents,
    my accountant and my financial adviser.
    Ben Blaney, Oct 18, 2003
  10. half_pint

    deadmail Guest

    You didn't; I got it in first.
    deadmail, Oct 18, 2003
  11. half_pint

    deadmail Guest


    I think it was a whoosh.

    You changed Champ's post from "english" to "essex".

    I objected to your forgery with a threat.

    And the rumours about me having an "Anne Jackson moment" have no basis
    in fact, OK.
    deadmail, Oct 18, 2003
  12. JC wrote
    Been there done that, got the tee shirt.
    steve auvache, Oct 18, 2003
  13. half_pint

    Ben Guest

    AOL. Except very close friends as well, and recently the 6 work
    colleagues I have left. When you all have access to the company
    financial records, there isn't a lot you can hide.
    Ben, Oct 18, 2003
  14. I dunno. It depends on whether you think it might be boasting, or
    something to be ashamed of, or whatever.

    In my case, I wouldn't because I don't actually know what it is. I know
    to within a couple of grand, but no more accurately than that, and I
    can't be arsed to dig out my payslips, look at the gross figure and
    multiply by 12.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 18, 2003
  15. half_pint

    antonye Guest

    Yep, leave out the relevant bits to twist it
    for yourself *again*.
    Heh, pot/kettle/black there.
    I'm not denying I posted that, as I don't hide behind
    x-no-archiving my posts.

    However, if you bothered to read the whole thread (ie,
    the bits you didn't quote) you'd realise that I was
    responding to a question rather than "disclosing [my] 'wealth'".

    Here we go again:

    |> 50k for a VB job, well feck me i'm doing the wrong languages!
    |Sounds like you're in the wrong industry!
    |> Sounds like you are looking for a project manager of some
    |> sort instead of a developer for that sort of salary. hmmmm...
    |> maybe thats what they pay developers in london <much brain
    |It depends on your experience. I had 6 years VB when I went
    |there and was on a smidge under 50K. I've since been promoted
    |to manager of the team, so I'm the next grade up now :)

    If you read back a bit further, I'd posted a job spec and
    quoted 50K as a top price. JohnH seemed surprised at this
    figure, to the point of disbelief. I backed this figure up
    with a personal account. What's so wrong with that?
    My god! My very own stalker! How lovely!
    I shall call you "Andrew".

    Look, you've obviously taken exception to the fact that
    I earn quite a bit of money and seem to be on some kind
    of mad rant because you don't like it. Nobody else here
    gives a ****, so why are you dancing yourself dizzy
    about the whole thing?

    I'm simply pointing out your error in posting phrases
    like "awfully impressed by the way you use every opportunity
    to impress everyone with how much money you earn",
    "You've posted elsewhere you earnt in excess of 40k.",
    "distinct lack of modesty when it comes to disclosing details
    of your salary" which just simply aren't true.

    If you're that offended, killfile me or **** off.
    antonye, Oct 18, 2003
  16. half_pint

    deadmail Guest

    I'd be more inclined to disclose if I thought it was something to be
    ashamed of than boasting to be honest.
    deadmail, Oct 18, 2003
  17. half_pint

    deadmail Guest

    I followed up the whole post and gave a direct quote from you.

    Which bit of "rather than being my actual salary" am I finding so hard
    to understand?

    Did you or did you not post a close approximation to your actual salary?

    No, I've followed up the lot.
    Yes, I haven't denied that you were responding to a question. You did
    however disclose your salary. Look back in the thread, you *asked* for
    evidence of where you disclosed it.

    Lozzo posted this example, there's another where you have said you earnt
    more than 40k and my memory is that you disclosed it on IRC.
    You denied posting your salary and asked for evidence of where you
    posted the figure. Here it is. What's your problem, don't like being
    proven wrong?

    As to what's wrong with posting the figure it's a question of taste
    really, I think you're lacking in it.

    Stalker? Don't flatter yourself I find you dull enough at the best of

    You said (and I quote) "And, while we're on the subject, I think you'll
    find that I'm actually quite low down on the list of UKRMers
    that flaunt their wealth..."

    I've given my perception, it doesn't make me a stalker.

    Not at all. I couldn't give a **** how much you earn and whether or not
    you think it's "quite a lot". It's of no relevance to me.
    Mad rant?

    Do a swear count, deary, you're the one that's being the most offensive.

    I'm not dancing myself dizzy, have you looked in a mirror recently?
    The simply are true! You've posted your salary as evidenced above, if
    you want I could google for the 40k figure but can't be bothered.
    I'm not offended, you're the one that's offended. I don't plan on
    fucking off anywhere and don't generally do killfiles.

    Strange though, for someone who posted "I'm sorry but you've mistaken me
    for someone that gives a **** what you think." you are certainly putting
    enough effort into this thread.
    deadmail, Oct 18, 2003
  18. half_pint

    antonye Guest

    That's not my salary though.
    You seem to keep going on and on and on and on and on
    about it, so something is obviously upsetting you.
    I'm bored of counting all the noughts on the end of my
    salary so I thought I'd keep you dribbling away for
    some fine amusement. Keep going, it's quite a laugh.
    antonye, Oct 18, 2003
  19. half_pint

    Cab Guest

    <snip the lot>

    So you're not the only one that the post complained of a dodgy char in
    the header???
    Cab, Oct 18, 2003
  20. half_pint

    Cab Guest

    If you're ever in the (admittedly unlikely) position of being able
    to do Kiran some genuine harm, you shall?
    Cab, Oct 18, 2003
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