
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    chornbe Guest

    Reading comprehension, Bill.

    "I still see you in quotes and when I'm on google"

    Said it often, but thanks for proving, to the Nth degree, my point.
    chornbe, Jul 21, 2005
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  2. Lying again Brain ?, tsk tsk

    I gave very clear instuctions and how, why and where to post
    pictures/binaries. I also recommended him posting it on a website. I
    even specifically said "please don't put the picture file in a text
    newsgroup." Unfortunately, he couldn't read and follow simple
    instructions. Here's the actual post:

    *****begin repost*****
    From: another viewer <>
    Subject: Re: Extra Motorcycle
    Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 19:20:36 -0500
    Organization: just enough
    Lines: 43
    Message-ID: <>
    References: <WtR0b.208598$>
    Abuse-Reports-To: abuse at to report improper postings
    NNTP-Posting-Time: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 19:18:31 -0500 (CDT)
    NNTP-Posting-Host: !^sdK1k-W'@GT3i (Encoded at Airnews!)
    User-Agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.1 (PPC)

    yah. you need to uuencode the file into a binary format.

    those go in the binary newsgroups. here's why:

    the file sizes are pretty big and will mess with people who don't have
    the bandwidth (think dialup accounts) to deal with them when downloading
    what they expect to be a text only newsgroup. they also have the
    tendency to knock text files off of smaller servers on some isp's who
    allocate only so much space to the newsgroups they choose to carry on
    their server. there are specified newsgroups for pictures/binary files
    for very good technical reasons.

    search thru (if harley & classic related) (other stuff)
    there may be others out there, these are the ones i know about that are
    bike related and are used most commonly.
    there are some mpeg groups, but the a.b.p.m.* groups are probably the
    best place on usenet for bike pix and vids.

    post the picture files there and have a text only post in the
    appropriate newsgroup announcing your picture post and where it can be
    found. please don't put the picture file in a text newsgroup.

    you could also post it on a web site and post a link with the url for
    the pictures. it doesn't have to be on usenet and then your files can be
    as big as you want and won't require encoding/decoding but just be
    viewed thru a browser.


    '73 R75/5 Toaster (not for sale)
    '99 R1100RT (in use)
    '00 FLHRCI (sold!)
    IBA, EIEIO, IOU, PDQ etc blah blah

    *****end repost****

    ******begin repost #2******

    From: another viewer <>
    Subject: Re: Info on Posting attachments - Re: extra bike
    Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 22:56:00 -0500
    Organization: just enough
    Lines: 34
    Message-ID: <>
    References: <[email protected]>
    <[email protected]>
    Abuse-Reports-To: abuse at to report improper postings
    NNTP-Posting-Time: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 22:53:54 -0500 (CDT)
    NNTP-Posting-Host: ![\C&1k-X#")P'^ (Encoded at Airnews!)
    User-Agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.1 (PPC)

    heh, do you really think he even cares about that ? not likely.

    he publicly posted and asked for advice on how to post a video. i told
    him to do a uuencode and where to post it into one of the 3 binary
    motorcycle groups, gave him the group names, what their topics are and
    why to post it there and not here. he comes back with some lame post
    about how he doesn't understand what i'm talking about and how he broke
    into a sweat and some other useless crap.

    so then what does he do ? he posts it here anyway and still screws it up.
    *****end repos #2******

    Dealing with Brain and Bill is like constantly dealing with a 3 year old
    who makes things up that have no connection to reality.
    another viewer, Jul 21, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    Gee, Brian, maybe "**** you" is an offer...........grin


    Bob Thomas, Jul 21, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    Quote from:
    Osric University
    Applied Abnormal Psychology
    Pathological Lying

    What is a pathological liar?

    A deliberate liar knows he is lying. A pathological liar may not.

    Although there is no precise definition, certainly none defined by the
    holiest of holies, the DSM-IV, we can state with certainty that it is
    a person who tells lies incessantly. We can eliminate those who tell
    lies in order to avoid extreme persecution. But those who consistently
    tell lies, whether faced with punishment or not, may be considered
    pathological. We must keep in mind that "pathological" simply means
    abnormal, or grossly atypical...who among us has not told a lie? At
    what point does such behavior become "pathological"?

    In addition to the difficultly of distinguishing between the liar and
    the pathological liar, we must also isolate this mental disturbance.
    Lying is a characteristic of several other disorders as well, such as
    conduct disorder (CD) and antisocial personality disorder (APD). CD,
    like many reports of pathological lying, typically has its onset
    during adolescence. Other behaviors may include inappropriate
    aggression, destruction, and serious violations of rules and laws.
    And, as suggested by some doctors, both pathological lying and CD may
    be caused by, shall we say, challenging situations in the home. Or by
    a lack of seratonin, in which case Prozac or Zoloft may help. Along
    with, of course, expensive sessions of psychotherapy.
    End quote

    Pretty darn good fit isn't it?
    Nuff said.

    RCOS# 7

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millennium Edition

    This message may contain incidental references to various
    brands of motorcycles, vehicles or parts manufacturers.
    They are included for informational purposes only and
    are not intended to upset, inflame or otherwise disturb
    the sensibilities of anyone associated with the brands.
    Hyper-sensitive readers of the post who might be upset
    with the content are advised to make copious notes,
    organize them into a coherent message and then hit the
    delete button.
    Calgary, Jul 21, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nah.. You "get over yourself" you usenet asshole.. You fucking Live to Flame
    and Flame to Live shitheads get a good dose of your own medicine, you all
    commence to "flame out" and start crying like a bunch of spoiled children..
    ROTFL... Then you all cry about being picked on and mistreated.. hehehe..
    You play the usenet game, Google up.. "punk".. If you simple sons a bitches
    can't take it, don't start it..
    ROTFLMAO.. This is undoubtedly the most hyesterical bullshit since that old
    fat boy got out from under his motorcycle, hollerin' "I saw it.. I saw it..
    He hit Mark".. That money was on my hip, last Saturday.. I would have used
    it to pay the fine for simple assault on Mark Johnson or John Moran, if I
    needed to.. Why does that concern you so much, anyway ? Fact is, that
    BOUNTY still stands for John Moran .. in my driveway.. Interested ?

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 21, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Andrew Guest

    Interested in seeing receipts for the $ you supposedly deposited about a
    year ago, yes. Prove you weren't lying then.

    Interested in hearing anything from you, no?
    Andrew, Jul 21, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Jul 21, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. Speaking of... killfile..
    Bill Walker, Jul 21, 2005
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... "point".. okey dokey.. hehehe
    Bill Walker, Jul 21, 2005
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... I've told Brian to quit playing your newsgroup games with you..
    All's necessary is to remind you that I'm in Texas and ride almost every
    day.. Can't tell where I'll turn up next..Jonathon Swift
    Bill Walker, Jul 21, 2005
  11. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    <evil grin> Not quite.. You've just about used up your "pass".. Keep it up
    and you'll win the prize.. I'm pretty good at all this newsgroup psycho
    babble, myself..
    Bill Walker, Jul 21, 2005
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... With that lady, one never knows. She sure does get mouthy on
    newsgroups... Don't seem to know just when to shut up, either.. <smile>

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 21, 2005
  13. Oh absolutely tacky, a one time post just for them to experience what
    they constantly do to others was warranted. They got a taste of their
    own medicine and didn't like it.

    One would think they would learn from their experience and lighten up,
    but nope, just more lies and vitriol come forth. Anyone who has been
    around here for any length time knows what they are about. Trying to
    talk sense to them accomplishes as much as talking to a brick. I'm
    about ready to drop them back into the bozo bin, it's gotten
    repetitious, is boring and goes nowhere. They just don't matter that
    another viewer, Jul 21, 2005
  14. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    I might suggest we get a variety of people to write it. Who can attest
    to the Walkers lies better than those who have been the target of the
    Walker imagination.

    We could set up a standard template for the layout though. Something
    simple like:
    Action > Walker Lie > Rebuttal

    I hope you have lots of storage space cuz it is likely to be a very
    long list. Certainly there is no lack of material to choose from.

    RCOS# 7

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millennium Edition

    This message may contain incidental references to various
    brands of motorcycles, vehicles or parts manufacturers.
    They are included for informational purposes only and
    are not intended to upset, inflame or otherwise disturb
    the sensibilities of anyone associated with the brands.
    Hyper-sensitive readers of the post who might be upset
    with the content are advised to make copious notes,
    organize them into a coherent message and then hit the
    delete button.
    Calgary, Jul 21, 2005
  15. Bill Walker

    chornbe Guest

    Let me say it all once more just so I've satisfied myself you're as
    venomous and miserable as it seems:



    I don't know sunny, mags, stan, you, mark, albert, ... etc., any of
    them from a hole in the ground, when it comes right down to it. I can
    only go by how people act (here) and what people say (here), since this
    is the only place I interact with many of them. Most of the people here
    - even those I engage in debates - have been pretty stand up. Don't
    need to be best friends or agree all the time to show a little respect
    and close an argument now and then.

    But, having been (and continuing to be) at the receiving end of your
    false assumptions, false insinuations, false accusations and just plain
    old lies and venom, I have to attach damn little credence to most of
    what you say. Others are in the same boat. But you don't see that... or
    actively choose not to. I don't know which. If you're choosing it, then
    the rest is all just a waste. I'd rather believe you're simply blinded
    to some things, not by choice but by habit. That's easy to fix.

    I don't care if we disagree on the fundamental elements of water - I
    don't care - but the way you, and your dad, go on and on and on and on
    repeating lie and assumption, false conjecture and insult, over and
    over again, just to make people see your "point" really hurts your
    credibility when you (and he) actually take a moment and FINALLY say in
    plain words what's on your mind.

    You're both bright guys and have made some interesting and valid points
    when you're not attacking people. Others have said it too. "Hey, check
    out Bill's post - it's actually damn good" is in my inbox right now
    concerning another thread completely.

    But, you so often hide behind innuendo, half-factual statements and
    vagaries so that no one *quite* really understands what it is you're
    actually saying. Then you jump all over them for being stupid.

    It's like having someone call you up and say "that thing at the place,
    with the people, yeah, it's cool", then hanging up. Too many gaps.

    Say what you're saying and let people *actually* respond with
    information based on what you put out there and have a decent debate.
    But all the crap going on about "typical walker" way of doing things is
    completely your own doing. Then you just lash out and call everyone
    stupid liars. I'm neither, facts to which anyone who deals with me or
    knows me can gladly add credence... but that doesn't stop you.

    Just step back a minute and instead of being hurt by people telling you
    your'e wrong... as happens frequently... think about what *could* be
    wrong and get clarification.

    Or just continue doing what you've been doing and fight with people for
    no reason.

    Think about it. I have a feeling you're simply going to take offense to
    this and lash out at me.

    Prove me wrong.
    chornbe, Jul 21, 2005
  16. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Hmmm.. Best advice for you is to just rattle your ass down to Texas and
    take an up close and personal look see.. ROTFL... Flame to Live and Live to
    Flame.. right ? Didn't work out so well for some of your friends in
    Breckenridge, Tx., last Saturday.. <chuckle> Not a damn one of those
    buddies of yours said a single word about anyone lying.. tsk ..tsk.. Didn't
    learn much from all that trash, did you.. Sometimes that Flame to Live and
    Live to Flame isn't as much "fun" on the ground, as it is on a newsgroup..
    Want a couple of references ?

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 21, 2005
  17. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    yeah Chris did get in their first.

    RCOS# 7

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millennium Edition

    This message may contain incidental references to various
    brands of motorcycles, vehicles or parts manufacturers.
    They are included for informational purposes only and
    are not intended to upset, inflame or otherwise disturb
    the sensibilities of anyone associated with the brands.
    Hyper-sensitive readers of the post who might be upset
    with the content are advised to make copious notes,
    organize them into a coherent message and then hit the
    delete button.
    Calgary, Jul 21, 2005
  18. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Still can't seem to get the hang of that killfile thingy, right ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 21, 2005
  19. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. Too funny.. No more newsgroup fun and games.. See you on the road..
    Bill Walker, Jul 21, 2005
  20. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... The "pass" is finished.. You win that prize.. Dumb son of a bitch
    like you deserves it.. Watch for it..
    Bill Walker, Jul 21, 2005
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