
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Terry Coombs Guest

    Yup , useta be a big airframe/aircraft repair training facility . They
    called it NAS Millington back then - now it's a personnel support facility
    with a much smaller complement .

    Snag aka OSG #1
    '76 FLH "Bag Lady"
    "A hand shift is a manly shift ."
    <shamelessly stolen>
    Terry Coombs, Jul 19, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I've never met the woman.. I've heard how great she is from others.. Someone
    else told me that we'd be great friends.. LOL.. In light of her choice of
    friends that I'm familiar with, I doubt it.. I have never advised or told
    anyone who to be friends with, and don't intend to.. But, I'll qualify that
    and say that I will choose my own friends, too.. Obviously, the woman has
    decided that she is the mortal enemy of anyone named Walker.. That was her
    choice and I will certainly respect that..

    Yups.. We can sure do a run together, whenever we are close enough.. The
    rest of my summer is going to be pretty hectic.. That Mexico trip is coming
    up next month.. When I get back from that one, I'm open for the rest of the
    year, at least as far as I know.. Looking forward to hearing from you about
    it, anyway.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 19, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Tony D Guest

    Wasn't me!
    I take it Wally and the Missus are doing fine? Tim from Austin (FXR) just
    left, we had some beers ate a pizzas and told some lies:)

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jul 19, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Terry Coombs Guest

    Ennit absofreakinglutely wunnerful how sometimes people who communicate in
    these newsgroups actually meet up in real life ?
    Yup , the Crows are well . We'll be seeing more of them next week . Looks
    like I'll be spending my vacation on improvements to our place up there . Oh
    , and ridin' some <bseg>. Did I tell ya we got the wife a bike ? Gallo found
    us a nice little 250 Ninja , great beginner bike . She's learnin' ...

    Snag aka OSG #1
    '76 FLH "Bag Lady"
    "A hand shift is a manly shift ."
    <shamelessly stolen>
    Terry Coombs, Jul 19, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Andrew Guest

    Bill Walker wrote:

    Did someone just fart?
    Andrew, Jul 19, 2005
  6. On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 14:25:40 GMT, "Bill Walker"

    So I was right all along then. At the first sign of danger, do NOT
    lay down your motorcycle! ;)

    Almost exactly my 'burning house' point, if you think about it, Bill -
    not merely applied just to you, but to everyone who takes lightly the
    enterprise of attacking others' reputations, as if it means nothing.

    It has always seemed to me that those who practice that game with the
    greatest ease are either those who haven't lived long or those who
    already have a reputation they feel good about. It's also easier for
    such people to take lightly the attacks of that nature, when made
    against others' reputations. No big deal for them.

    But most people do value their reputations and good names. A good
    name is the product (and reward?) of a lifetime of conscionable
    conduct, accomplishment and service and it's a fool without
    understanding who, so easily and with so little care, takes delight in
    abusing the good name of another man or woman.

    There are even some people for whom their good name and reputation is
    about all they have left. I've seen many examples like that. They
    may not have much, but they will suffer almost anything to preserve
    their dignity and name. If, some day, slander is used against the
    wrong person, serious real life consequences can result. If it
    involves violence, that can have a life-altering effect on family as
    well, so people should think twice, before treating others'
    reputations as their personal playthings.

    You have complained repeatedly and bitterly about the slander John
    Moran uttered against you and we have all seen the anger and despair
    is has caused you and how it has had you in its grips for years now -
    just as you exhibited today the lengths it drives you to.

    By taking into account you understand the pain that cruel and vicious
    slander can inflict, people would have developed enormous respect for
    you, had they seen you react to it by being all-the-more determined to
    *never* do such a thing to another. That would have made you a
    mountain of a man.

    You have to trust that people can recognize these things.

    If what you say John said to you is true and conducted yourself
    uprightly, the whole newsgroup would have turned on John and joined in
    supporting you. You probably can't believe that, but it's true.

    Instead, what everyone saw was you acting like the most careless,
    vicious and proliferate source of outrageous slander we have ever

    And don't even bother TRYING to argue that point with me, Bill. Yes,
    you can cast doubt on all attempts at proof on *Usenet*, but there is
    one thing you can never succeed in casting doubt on: The truth of the
    incidents in *our* lives that you have twisted and exploited. As with
    others here, I, for one, am fully qualified to know (beyond *any*
    doubt) that what you have said concerning me is filled with bald-faced
    lies, intentional distortions and fabrications.

    So don't be so foolish, trying to persuade me (or others) now that
    your word is to be believed over someone else who has a long
    track-record of honesty and decency here. You have not established
    any credibility. You've done the opposite.

    A critical moral choice lies before you and Brian: From this time
    forward, you can spend the rest of your lives trying to suck others
    into your spiral of hatred as you multiply your enemies, resorting to
    slander in the place of wit and fair argument. Or, instead of that,
    you can rise above your hate and hurt, determined to no longer engage
    in committing the same injustices to others that have so painfully
    been inflicted on you. Good Lord, I wish you could grasp just that
    one thing.

    Choose the former and you will convince more people every day that you
    probably brought what happened on yourself. And you'll even spend
    endless hours that could be better spent riding, doing it.

    Do the latter and you will begin reaping benefit before you even touch
    the keyboard next time.

    Now, I'm fully aware that you can respond by saying that I have also
    abused your reputation. And, you know... You'll be perfectly
    justified in saying so. Fact is, I did it to demonstrate to you how
    it would work if everyone else played by the same rules you do.

    That said, there is still a vital difference: I did not react to you
    and Brian slandering me by slandering the reputations of others. I
    dealt only with you and Brian. Knowing how it feels when people do
    that to me, makes me want all the more not to slander others.

    In contrast, your conduct on this matter of vicious slander is akin a
    man who suffered abuse as a child and who, conscious of the grief it
    caused him, chooses to do exactly the same to other children once he
    is older and has the opportunity.

    In keeping with the title of your post, Bill, that is true


    Good. I'm so glad you feel better. After all, that's what all of the
    inconvenience you cause others here is ever about, isn't it?

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jul 19, 2005
  7. Whoops!

    That should have been, "or those who
    already have a reputation they *don't* feel good about"

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jul 19, 2005
  8. and to put things in proper order, it was exactly that sort of slander
    against me perpetrated by Bill and Brain (to be precise, posting for two
    months that i had been ass-raped in prison, when i've never even been
    charged with any sort of crime at all) that finally caused me to give
    them a single post taste of their own medicine. turns out, they
    couldn't stand one single post like what they had been doing repeatedly
    to so many other people for so long. poor babies, i must have hurt
    their po' widdle feewingz.... they love to dish it out, but they can't
    take it.
    another viewer, Jul 19, 2005
  9. Even though it probably makes things worse, thanks for adding that bit
    of information, John. You have every right to mention it, in order to
    balance the record.

    I've never been interested in going over that old history, but have
    suspected the Walkers were probably asking really hard to recieve some
    of their own medicine back. Likely that same suspicion (based on the
    Walkers' conduct we still see practiced) is why you've been given a
    break by so many people.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jul 19, 2005
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... You sure missed the opportunity to get it right, once and for all..
    Sorry I missed you, you sleazy son of a bitch..
    Bill Walker, Jul 19, 2005
  11. Bill Walker

    Louie Guest

    I wanted to. I followed her around for a bit waiting for her to mouth off,
    and bam! But she was (wisely) very nice.
    Oh well, there will be other women.

    Most of her little
    Very most likely
    Louie, Jul 19, 2005
  12. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    *I* was going to lay the beat down on her as well. But she turned out
    looking like my dear departed granny so I paused. Then she fed me, so of
    course I just layed over.
    Wakko, Jul 19, 2005
  13. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Awhoops! Recall! Recall!

    I wasn't talking about Maggie. I was talking about Sunny.
    However, I am sure Maggie would make a fine looking granny.
    Wakko, Jul 19, 2005
  14. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    *This* statement is certainly a close runner up!
    Wakko, Jul 19, 2005
  15. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm... It got real "comical" Saturday.. Everyone but you was just having
    "too much fun".. ROTFL.. The usenet monkey that got slapped should have so
    much "fun" on a regular basis.. John Moran could have joined in all that
    "fun" but he waited till the coast was clear, before he showed up.. Then, of
    course.. you can't ride that crotch rocket far enough to share all that
    "fun" with your newsgroup "friends" so you are forced to sit it out on the
    sidelines and contribute on you only forum .. usenet.. ROTFL.. See what
    "fun" you are missing out on, by being such a useless pussy and a poor
    excuse for a man..??
    Wasn't much of a "pissing match", if you'd been there.. Not much newsgroup
    bullshit, either.. It was showtime.. You weren't there, Pussy.. You were in
    Houston, playing Usenet.. hmmm.. Have you noticed that the ones who were
    actually on the ground, haven't made much comment ? Only you and your
    bestest, newest friend Chris are doing all the newsgroup noise.. Both of you
    little cunts were as far from the scene as you could get..
    You and John Moran make a complete pair, alright.. He's making an effort to
    bluster, after the fact.. but, when the chips were down, he was nowhere to
    be found when his good buddy got the shit slapped out of him.. But.. if he's
    all that anxious to run into this Walker, all he's got to do is get off his
    fat ass, right ? Mark Johnson just got humiliated in front of his running
    mates.. he's lucky.. John Moran, on the other hand . can keep on pissing
    himself for a while.. You got his back, Nurick ?
    Oh yeah.. that one was really a gem..ROTFL..
    Bill Walker, Jul 19, 2005
  16. Bill Walker

    Vic Guest

    I agree Al, but if it ever came to that, my money would be on Mags, lol

    Vic, Jul 19, 2005
  17. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Which woman got "hit", Nurick ? hmmm.. Didn't see a woman in that crowd I
    waded into, when I went after Mark Johnson.. From what she's saying, that
    woman was on the porch down the road, getting a bunch of pussies primed up
    to get slapped by one old man.. ROTFL.. It happened.. Being so upset by it
    all, you just shoulda' been there.. hmmm.. Since you can't ride that far,
    you could have hitched a ride with John Moran.. Nope, you'd still have
    missed it.. he made sure the Walkers weren't on that road before he showed
    up.. But.. you are sure playing it up on newsroups, aren't you.. Don't you
    Bill Walker, Jul 19, 2005
  18. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘ Wonderful words Bill and it might be possible to accept them as
    sincere if you and your son were not carrying on all the petty bullshit
    in every other thread.
    Your continued actions show the spirit and intent of this post was
    clearly disingenuous. But then, why am I not surprised. In the past six
    months you have yet to display a sincere thought or an honest

    (Don of Calgary)

    ‘‘Okey dokey.. Obviously... you don't intend to let it lie.. That's
    up to you,
    I'll still be here..’’

    ‘‘Apparantly Don doesnt now that it would be nice, if he, or any of
    us,could treat one thread one way, and another one, another way''
    (IN others words;) Be nice every now and then on a fairly nice thread,
    But on a flaming thread , get back to your uglyness.’’.. Shoot I
    donno. (bjay)
    BJayKana, Jul 19, 2005
  19. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well .. I do declare.. "close runner up" to what Waco.? LOL..
    Bill Walker, Jul 19, 2005
  20. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Naval Air Station. There was a Naval Hospital there as well.
    Lived on and off base there numerous times.

    At one time if you were in the Navy and ever touched a plane, you've been
    stationed at Millington at some point in your career.

    And P'cola.
    Wakko, Jul 19, 2005
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