
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    Wonderful words Bill and it might be possible to accept them as
    sincere if you and your son were not carrying on all the petty
    bullshit in every other thread.

    Your continued actions show the spirit and intent of this post was
    clearly disingenuous. But then, why am I not surprised. In the past
    six months you have yet to display a sincere thought or an honest

    RCOS# 7

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millennium Edition

    This message may contain incidental references to various
    brands of motorcycles, vehicles or parts manufacturers.
    They are included for informational purposes only and
    are not intended to upset, inflame or otherwise disturb
    the sensibilities of anyone associated with the brands.
    Hyper-sensitive readers of the post who might be upset
    with the content are advised to make copious notes,
    organize them into a coherent message and then hit the
    delete button.
    Calgary, Jul 18, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    You only quoted parts of the posts. You say the joke posted started the
    flaming? I think not. If you go way back to December, one of the guys
    started the name calling, and he didn't insinuate that it was in jest.
    I responded to each and every post with no name calling until I decided
    last week I'd had enough of being mr. nice guy. I cannot believe you
    cannot understand that a joke, about anyone, anything or race or
    whatever, is just that. I do believe someone on that group posted a
    Michael Jackson joke. Oh my god! Did anyone complain? Nosiree. A
    joke, not to be taken seriously. I've heard many "honky" jokes, but it
    doesn't offend me. How about "redneck" jokes? Using your reasoning, I
    would get all fired up since I still reside in the south and was born
    here! I just laugh if it's a funny joke. It wouldn't matter if I said
    the sky was blue, those 2 guys would twist it. Voice your opinion. I
    have attacked no one. You did not state specifically I was wrong, but
    you suggest I apologize? When Hell freezes over. Geez, I'm missing
    something here. I work in a job where I deal with all races and
    religions everyday. On every call I'm gonna make someone happy, and
    someone not happy. I'm sick and tired of people looking for an excuse
    for a lawsuit or to complain because they were "offended" somehow. Your
    2 quotes out of many posts is what I meant by "twist." It does little
    to show the whole story...
    pieface, Jul 18, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    Crap! I tried to choose my words so carefully to ensure they were
    accurate and here you blow me out of the water already.

    RCOS# 7

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millennium Edition

    This message may contain incidental references to various
    brands of motorcycles, vehicles or parts manufacturers.
    They are included for informational purposes only and
    are not intended to upset, inflame or otherwise disturb
    the sensibilities of anyone associated with the brands.
    Hyper-sensitive readers of the post who might be upset
    with the content are advised to make copious notes,
    organize them into a coherent message and then hit the
    delete button.
    Calgary, Jul 18, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Okey dokey.. Obviously... you don't intend to let it lie.. That's up to you,
    I'll still be here..
    Bill Walker, Jul 18, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... sheesh.. I described both you guys very well, didn't I ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 18, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Terry Coombs Guest

    Doesn't matter whether Roger and Al are Muslim (you'll notice I cap'd it ,
    since it is a proper name) . What matters is that you have shown your racist
    leanings . Roger I know personally , and while he might not always be PC ,
    he's not a racist ...
    And you might be rather surprised at how many RMH denizens also read this
    group ...

    Snag aka OSG #1
    '76 FLH "Bag Lady"
    "A hand shift is a manly shift ."
    <shamelessly stolen>
    Terry Coombs, Jul 18, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Ruppster Guest

    Okay, let's go back to your comment that I was first replying to.

    In your first message in this thread you said:
    A simple enough comment about rmh where you make it sound like you are
    perfect and have been nothing but a gentleman on rmh. While I don't
    claim to know everything nor do I remember every message from rmh in a
    resent message you posted to rmh was the quote I used about the joke
    and how you reacted to a comment about it. I did not claim that "the
    joke posted started the flaming". I understand you did not start it
    all but have since stepped down to their level. So you bitch about
    others on rmh not being nice to you but you are just as guilty for
    returning the favor. Get over it.

    As far as Michael Jackson or redneck jokes since when have they become
    a race or religion? Your comparison is moot. I too still live in the
    south and also consider myself to be a proud redneck. I love to listen
    to Jeff Foxworthy and his redneck jokes. But he is also a redneck
    himself and does his jokes in a way that doesn't put down rednecks. If
    some comedian from the north started making redneck jokes that were
    meant as pure put-downs would you still love them as "jokes". As you
    mentioned not everyone will be happy and someone will not like it. You
    can handle it two ways, The first way is to acknowledge their opinion
    and move on. This does not mean you have to agree with it. The second
    way is to cop an attitude in return which is what you did. The two
    posts I used were just to show that you aren't an angel yourself. It
    wasn't meant to show the whole pictures as all someone has to do is go
    over to rmh to see your posts. In your own words you said "I decided
    last week I'd had enough of being mr. nice guy." That's fine and I
    don't blame you for it. But don't go acting like a little baby crying
    about others not being nice to you when you're acting the same way.

    Ruppster, Jul 18, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    I really don't give a shit who reads this newsgroup. For you to say I'm
    racist by telling a joke is beyond reality. Get a life foreskin...
    pieface, Jul 18, 2005
  9. Bill Walker

    Odinn Guest

    He hasn't faired too well in reeky either.

    RCOS #7

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
    worshipped anything but himself." -- Sir Richard Francis Burton

    Reeky's unofficial homepage ...
    '03 FLHTI ...........
    '97 VN1500D .........
    Atlanta Biker Net ...
    Vulcan Riders Assoc .

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Jul 18, 2005
  10. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    Why do you limit it to race or religion? I could relate the michael
    jackson joke to demeaning blacks. You have tunnel vision. Hah, crybaby
    you say? I put up with months of their wisecracks before I "went to
    their level." You say I've copped an attitude? Jesus, you're naive to
    say the least. The others had an attitude from the start. I "act in
    the same way because I respond in kind to what they post. Talking about
    being a crybaby, hat about them being so called "offended" because of a
    joke, but I get personally attacked because of my job? Get a life!
    pieface, Jul 18, 2005
  11. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    Haven't had a problem till rupp came you.
    pieface, Jul 18, 2005
  12. Bill Walker

    Tony D Guest

    I'm in P-Cola Bill. Next time I'm in Texas I'll give you a holler. And
    Bill, I met Mags, she's great people.

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jul 18, 2005
  13. Bill Walker

    Tony D Guest

    I went to Tennasee to a party Roger threw on his property, he's a great guy,
    you got ragged a bit, no big deal my good man:)

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jul 18, 2005
  14. Bill Walker

    Tony D Guest

    What up Snag:) Pieface, Snag picked my sorry ass up at the back gate of the
    Navy base in Millington Tennessee just to make sure I made Roger's party.
    Small world now ain't it.

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jul 18, 2005
  15. Bill Walker

    Tony D Guest

    Uncalled for Pieface, I've been civil towards you and Snag was civil in his
    response. SO whats up with the "foreskin" comment?

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jul 18, 2005
  16. Bill Walker

    Odinn Guest

    I've been here a long time, much longer than your ass, and you've had
    several others call you on bullshit in here in the past about the quota

    RCOS #7

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
    worshipped anything but himself." -- Sir Richard Francis Burton

    Reeky's unofficial homepage ...
    '03 FLHTI ...........
    '97 VN1500D .........
    Atlanta Biker Net ...
    Vulcan Riders Assoc .

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Jul 18, 2005
  17. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    I'm sure he is a fine fellow. I think Roger and me have an
    understanding...the "other one" is the one I think needs help...and I
    don't think months of name calling is "ragged a bit." I really didn't
    mean to include roger in the term "they." I got to go mow the grass and
    mix a drink...
    pieface, Jul 18, 2005
  18. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Very well, thanks..
    hmmm... I got part of what I came for.. There is one to go..
    May be..
    I thought I made it clear..
    Bill Walker, Jul 18, 2005
  19. Bill Walker

    Terry Coombs Guest

    Well , I ain't been on Bag Lady much lately , thanks to that little tropical
    thingy y'all sent our way ...
    Aside from that , right well , thank you very much sir . Had a great
    weekend , Old Crow and his missus came down from the hills saturday , we
    ended up with an impromptu netscum gathering in another's back yard .
    Burgers and beers and lies , oh my !

    Snag aka OSG #1
    '76 FLH "Bag Lady"
    "A hand shift is a manly shift ."
    <shamelessly stolen>
    Terry Coombs, Jul 19, 2005
  20. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    A Navy base in tennessee? Oh well, sounds like a great time...
    pieface, Jul 19, 2005
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