
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    That depends on what the definition of "is" is.
    Wakko, Jul 26, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Me and the Mouse rode up to Eureka Springs AR yesterday.
    We're getting married so wish us luck!

    Those that know me see that I am very happy about the whole

    On a related topic, I find that just about every road leading north in west
    centeral Arkansas is pretty damned nice. I would also like to comment on the
    Queen Wilhelmina Lodge (in the similarly named state park). Very nice and
    quite resonable. Get the Queen room with the fireplace.

    We'll probably head towards the Smoky Mtns tomorrow and
    up the range to Hazard Kentucky. I'd like to be able to get to Maggie Vally
    NC and see the Wheels Through Time museum there. I'd like to ride some of
    the Blue Ridge, but I'll have to see how far away it is.
    Wakko, Jul 26, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    durkster Guest

    Congrats Wakko !!!

    I hope the wedding goes well for you and mouse.
    durkster, Jul 26, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I served with quite a few Canadians in Korea and the frontrunning events of
    the Viet Nam conflict.. I'll say without reservation that those Canadians
    were high calibre ..

    I'll add, in conclusion.. they were a far cry from two of the Canadians that
    are demonstrating their own calibre on this newsgroup.. Usenet clowns that
    have already demonstrated their own qualities, and then have the audacity to
    call anyone an embarrassment to their country or otherwise question loyalty
    or patriotism to their country, don't really have much going for them..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 26, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest


    Nope. He warned 'em that there was gonna be a whole lotta shootin' goin' on
    and suggested they get out of the line of fire.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 26, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    I see that you are setting your own sniping record, Bill :)
    That was certainly in range!
    Wakko, Jul 26, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yessir.. That beaming smile on her face sure made the room light up when the
    toast was lifted to you both.. You are both "keepers".. Many happy returns..
    Congratulations to two very nice people.. I wish you both, all the best

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 26, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    In all seriousness, the best thing the Democrats can do in order to stop
    losing elections is change their tactics. It should, by now, be clear to
    them that defining their opponents as "evil" or "stupid" and spending most
    of their time ranting about how everything the Republicans are doing is
    wrong with little, if any, suggestions as to what they'd do instead.
    Frankly, I think the public is tired of "Vote against him" with a lack of
    any real reasons why we should vote for them.

    Democrats might want to rethink their rhetoric about "all those Yahoos" that
    elected Bush. Insulting the very people you want to vote for you isn't a
    tactic that's likely to succeed.

    There is much that is admirable in Democratic philosophy. That message,
    however, isn't the message that's getting through.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 26, 2005
  9. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    Not proven. ONE of the reasons was, I grant you, wrong.

    (just as George
    Nonsense. After the fall of the Taliban and the flight of OBL (assuming
    he's alive instead of buried under tons of rock) took the problem of finding
    him from a military problem to an intel and/or police problem. Those
    efforts continue. The only military effort to get him would have involved
    invading Pakistan.
    A patently false dichotomy. There are other choices.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 26, 2005
  10. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    Maybe because the Republicans are not sore losers??? grin


    Bob Thomas, Jul 26, 2005
  11. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    That isn't the point. I'm sure he had briefings and point papers with all
    kinds of information. The point I've repeatedly made is that, in hindsight,
    we know things we didn't know at the time. The trick is picking out the
    reports ahead of time.
    Gee, Brian, I don't know about you, but as best I can remember, every time I
    got a blow job I paid attention. grin


    Bob Thomas, Jul 26, 2005
  12. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    Hmmmm. Sounds to me as if you're pissed at the Canadians for not joining a
    war you oppose. Interesting....


    Bob Thomas, Jul 26, 2005
  13. Bill Walker

    Vic Guest

    Here, here Wakko. I agree, and join you in your laud for the contributions
    of our nothern friends in the war on terrorism. I find it odd that Brian is
    faulting them for doing exactlly what he was promoting the US to do over the
    situation in Iraq. I'm of the 'opinion', that perhaps Brian is upset with a
    couple of the Canadians he knows, and is trying to take it out on the whole
    country. Wasn't it Brian that suggested, no demanded, that the US do nothing
    in Iraq (sit on the fence) until the UN could decide, without a doubt, that
    Saddam had weapons of mass destruction? Now it seems that Canada, in his
    opinion, is some how at fault for following the advice he was promoting.
    Although he makes a good point now and then, some times it's a bit hard
    to follow Brian's rational when he's trying to make a point. I found his
    re-defining what constitutes a lie to be a bit interesting, especially when
    doing so, he made himself out as a liar 'if' he were to apply 'his' own
    definition to himself, lol.

    I'm of the 'opinion' that unless you are in 100% agreememt with Brian,
    it's best not to even try and reply to one of his posts. It appears to me,
    he's not interested in what anyone else thinks, only in convincing you that
    his 'opinions' are the only ones that have merit. It's just not worth it,
    and probably just a waste of time.

    Best regards,

    Vic, Jul 26, 2005
  14. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The only way to make that case would be to read the man's thoughts in their
    entirety.. Not on a newsgroup..I'll be the first to agree that a couple of
    the Canadians that participate in these groups are certainly not
    representative of their country, no more than anyone on here, would be.
    Brian and I share a dislike for both of them.. with good reason..

    Wasn't it Brian that suggested, no demanded, that the US do nothing
    That comment is completely untrue.. There was no fence.. Iraq was under some
    of the most severe sanctions, the world has ever seen.. The objection is
    that the United States never completed the job to hunt down and either kill
    of capture Osama bin Laden, who was perpetrator of the attacks on the United

    Now it seems that Canada, in his
    His nor My advice was ever offered to Canada or to anyone in that
    It's amazing how easy and simple it is, to call someone a "liar" on a usenet
    newsgroup, isn't it ? <chuckle> Usually .. the ones that do that a lot,
    are the ones that limit those kinds of comments to a newsgroup and would
    never offer up a declaration like that in a face to face
    In a previous post.. you expressed a dislike for anyone named Walker that
    posts on Apparently, that would give you leverage of some
    sort.. Brian Walker is very active in Texas.. in a motorcyclist advocacy
    group that has been the pattern in other states for their own advocacy
    groups.. Brian Walker is also active in political groups that are active in
    fighting political corruption in our nation and in Texas..

    There's quite a few people on newsgroups and around Texas who have different
    opinions than Brian Walker.. Quite a few have been stung by us both.. either
    on a newsgroup or in person..

    Bottom line.. Brian Walker is not a liar and he's better known as a Warrior
    for the causes that he believes in..Most noticeably, he doesn't limit the
    voicing of his opinions to a newsgroup with anonymous postings to attack
    anyone.. Attack him at your own risk ..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 26, 2005
  15. Bill Walker

    Ruppster Guest

    Yes, he had the right to his comments but his method left a lot to be
    desired on a couple of them. Some of them were more of an attack then
    a discussion and that's when the heated replies started. I did not say
    he was the one that started the mud slinging.
    I didn't say anything about the other guys because I had ignored their
    posts and didn't let it get to me. The only reason I commented on
    yours (noticed I did not say you started it) was due to your statement
    "until some of you shitheads popped back in." You were blaming others
    for ruining a good thing when in essence you could have ignored them.
    So you didn't help the situation much in your messages to them.

    Ruppster, Jul 26, 2005
  16. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    I didn't say it was a warning to Iraq. It was a warning to the
    inspectors...and the UN pulled them out.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 26, 2005
  17. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    Yes, the Republicans filed some of them. ... after the Florida Supreme Court
    stepped in and extended the deadline for vote certification.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 26, 2005
  18. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    I've listed them several times.

    Saddam didn't live up to his obligations IAW the cease fire.

    Saddam ignored 17 consequitive UN Security Council Resolutions.

    Saddam kept firing at US planes.

    Saddam was a depraved dictator that brutalized his people.

    Saddam invaded his neighbors twice and used WMDs on the Kurds and the
    Iranians. He was not a nice man. grin

    Saddam had ties to, supported and harbored terrorists...Abu Nidal, for
    instance. Paying the families of suicide bombers for another.

    That 9/11 taught us not to wait until we are attacked to respond to dangers.
    One, you don't know it was a lie. That's your opinion.

    Two, none of the reasons above have anything to do with WMDs except the
    last, where the danger cited was that Saddam might provide WMDs to
    We not only can, we did.
    There's more to the Middle East than Iraq.
    Never heard him say what you reported.
    grin. A point.
    Reread your own statement.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 26, 2005
  19. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    I'm glad you realize that. Now, if you could just extend that same very
    solid reasoning to the contention that "Bush lied", you'd realize that "the
    only way to make that case would be to read the man's thoughts in their


    bob (stirrin' the pot)

    Not on a newsgroup..I'll be the first to agree that a couple of
    Bob Thomas, Jul 26, 2005
  20. Bill Walker

    Vic Guest

    I agree 100% Bill. However, this is a newsgroup, and both you and your son
    don't seem to have any trouble imposing your opinions as to what 'intent'
    people who respond to you have in mind, do you?

    I'll be the first to agree that a couple of
    You have every right to voice your opinion about whom ever you like, but
    it would seem as if it would have been more effective had Brian had done so,
    without including every Canadian north of the border, don't you think?
    Correct me if I'm wrong, ok? Brian accused Canada of 'sitting on the
    fence, (as if there was something wrong with it) when they decided to wait
    and see if the sanctions would help the UN decide, without a doubt, whether
    Iraq had WMD. Yet that's exactlly what he was suggesting the US should have
    done. All I was pointing out was that he can't have it both ways. It was
    either the right thing to do, or it was the wrong thing to do. Just because
    there are two people up in Canada he doesn't like, doesn't afford him the
    opportunity to get away with arguing both sides of the issue.

    I don't believe I said you, or he did, right?
    I didn't call him a liar. He gave his defenition of a lie when he was trying
    to 'prove' Bush lied. A definition, I must admit, I've never been able to
    find anywhere else. All I'm saying is that if "HIS" definition is correct,
    he's lied at least four times in defence of his position in the Bush/Iraq
    It's true, based on what I know of you and your son, you're not going to
    make it on to my Christmas card list, lol. All I have to make that judgement
    Bill, is what you and your son have shown me on usenet. I commend you and
    your son for whatever it is you've done to make this a better world. I think
    we all, you and me both forget at times, is that this place (usenet) is
    filled with people who make a difference in there own little part of the
    world. Just because we don't agree with them on some topic or another is no
    reason to assume their intentions are always bad, or that they aren't as
    smart as we are. Some times we get so hung up on what we 'think' is right,
    that there's no room for a second opinion, you know?
    I guess I don't really know what you mean by 'stung'? If what i've seen of
    how you deal with people that disagree with you is true, there are probably
    a lot more people who disagree with you then you think, lol. I mean in just
    the few times I've popped my 2 cents worth into a discussion you're involved
    in, it's taken days to make myself clear on the simplest matters. Take this
    one for example. You claimed I called Brain a liar. If you read what I
    wrote, you'll see I said no such thing.
    So my post was an 'attack'? I guess I'd be wrong if I concidered your
    last syatement a 'veiled threat', huh? lol. If he wants to take my comments
    about his definition of a lie as calling him a liar, I guess I'll have to
    live with it. Hopefully he'll take a little more time reading what I
    actually wrote then you did. If he doesn't, lol, I guess i'll have to live
    with it.

    Vic, Jul 26, 2005
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