
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. The discussion boils down to the bottom line of credibility of a
    president, not participants of a newsgroup with opposing views, to each
    other.. "Proof" and "evidence" are demanded that this president lied and
    deceived Americans to justify a war that has cost billions of dollars.. That
    war has cost the lives of many Americans and other innocent people..
    Regardless of who lied and who didn't.. isn't really as important as the
    quality of judgement that has led to the decisions that led to the
    disastrous results we are seeing . Perhaps, if those same demands for
    evidence and proof had been imposed on George Bush, when he made those fiery
    and patriotic declarations.. Colin Powell, when he held up that ominous vial
    of white substance and Condoleeza Rice when she talked about mushroom
    clouds.. Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld when they made fiery speeches to
    justify this war, we might have avoided this mess that has caused so much

    Rather than demanding those standards of them, there have been alibis and
    excuses for those disastrous decisions..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 23, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    He either lied or he was the victim of his advisors and administration lying
    to him.. Either way you choose, this president is incompetent to stand in
    office.. He is the one who selected his administration, cabinet and
    advisors.. None of them have been disciplined or dismissed from their jobs..
    Many of them have been promoted to higher office.. As Harry Truman declared
    "The Buck Stops Here".. George Bush hasn't accepted responsibility for any
    of the terrible consequences for his decisions.. Time after time, we've seen
    others fall on their own swords to protect him..

    Yet.. you still demand "proof" and "evidence" from his critics.. I demand
    and you should demand proof and evidence from George Bush, that he should
    not be removed from office.. along with his entire cabinet and
    administration.. Most of the critics and accusers of George Bush are
    Americans, just like you.. Instead of attacking their credibility for
    exercising their Constitutional rights to question and accuse the leader, it
    would seem to me, that you'd be "demanding" that this president provide the
    proof and evidence that his decisions were made without prejudice and

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 23, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    Including yours.

    Most of them came
    YOU may find them so. Also a lot of liberals think so. NONE have provided
    any proof.
    It is readily evident that he was wrong. That's it.

    hmmm.. Something isn't quite up to snuff, here .. We've
    Actually, Bush never said that. Blair said that.
    No, that isn't quite right. We have not found any WMDS and it also looks as
    if Saddam no longer had the capability to make them. This is hindsight.

    The walk in the
    "nothing"??? You have ONE fact, that no WMDS were found.

    We are there.. we will have to
    Again, that's your opinion.
    Again, an elementary lesson in logic. The burdon of proof lies with he who
    asserts. You assert that he lied. Where's the proof?

    Whew.. Where were you and those demands for proof and evidence before
    That's a fair point, I admit.

    George Bush is in control of
    The head of the CIA wasn't his choice, for what it's worth. As to why the
    situation in Iraq is what it is and why we didn't predict and prevent were in Nam. You should be aware that the enemy
    gets a vote.
    I do not accept the dichotomy. And, if Bush is incompetent or lying, so
    were Clinton and all his minions in 1998 when they all said the same thing
    about Saddam and his WMDS, AND when Clinton established the formal US
    position of "administration change" for Iraq.

    Which one will you choose

    Neither. I reject the dichotomy...there are other choices.
    Tenet's gone.....for what that's worth. And, I don't agree that those who
    concluded Saddam had WMDS are/were incompetent. When trying to determine
    such things as the secret weapons plans/stocks in a closed society,
    especially with a CIA that'd had it's budget severely cut is a guessing
    game, for the most part. It seems they were wrong. Excrement transpires.

    There has been no consequences to any of
    I reject "deception"........
    No. What has been "proven, on the ground" is that we have found no WMDs.
    That's all that has been proven.
    That's your opinion. I don't share it. You may be right. The point I've
    been trying to make is that neither of us KNOWS.

    And, btw, I'm not really defending Bush, per se. I'm trying to point out
    that there are opinions and there are facts. The facts pretty clearly
    establish that the intel communities of the major nations were wrong, and
    (I'll even agree) Bush's statements were rather more positive than than they
    should have been. Still, he's entitled to his opinion and to express it.
    The facts do not establish that Bush KNEW Saddam had no WMDs. And, until
    THAT is established as a FACT, "Bush lied" is an opinion, not a fact.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 23, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    My discussion with Bryan boils down to the "facts" that he presented are not

    "Proof" and "evidence" are demanded that this president lied and
    Absolutely. YOU contend that he lied. You have nothing beyond your
    opinion, as far as I can tell.

    I agree that the situation is a problem.

    Perhaps, if those same demands for
    That's a point. reports are classified. We have no
    access to them. Kinda hard to confirm.
    Your opinion. I don't share it. Don't remember the rule that sez we
    gotta agree. We agree on beer. We agree on riding. grin


    Bob Thomas, Jul 23, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    You set up an artificial "either/or" and demand that I live with it. I
    refuse. There are other choices. One of them is simply that his intel
    weineis were wrong, as were the intel services of all the other major

    Either way you choose, this president is incompetent to stand in
    He didn't select the intel services, nor did he select the intel services of
    all the other nations who agreed. Nor did he select the intel sources that
    lead the UN Security Council (or the Council itself) to come out with no
    less than 17 (count 'em) resolutions demanding that Saddam account for his
    WMDs and cooperate in their destruction. It would seem the Council thought
    he had 'em. Maybe we should fire all of them too.

    None of them have been disciplined or dismissed from their jobs..
    You don't know what he knew. When you know that, THEN you can contend that
    you know that he lied. That's the bottom line.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 23, 2005
  6. Or, more precisely, not the complete premise used (it was certainly
    part of it though).

    It sort of illustrates the difficulty that democracies, accountable to
    the people, have when it comes to using force. Although still
    justified to invade Iraq on the basis of the treaty violations alone,
    it might not have sat well with the voting public - making it very
    difficult to proceed on that basis alone.

    And that, probably, is exactly what Saddam was betting on. Just like
    Hitler also bet he could get away with disregarding the Versaille
    Treaty conditions. Both figured other nations would simply bluster
    and posture, but not actually do anything about it.

    As it turned out, Hitler guessed correctly. Saddam probably would
    have succeeded with his defiance too, had it not been for the
    September 11 attack, I think.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jul 23, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The results of my "opinions" aren't so disastrous, are they ? The results
    of Bush's "opinions" when he acted upon them as leader of this Super Power,
    have been seiously consequential to Americans and the world.. There is a
    great deal of difference, isn't there ? There was a rush to war, in
    Iraq..based on what you claim is faulty intelligence provided to George
    Bush.. Inspectors were in place to confirm or deny the intelligence
    information that he claimed.. Those inspectors were withdrawn when the
    imminent war was executed.. We'll never know what their determination would
    have been.. It was never finalized and speculation is all we have to rely

    Your demands for proof and evidence from the critics of George Bush are not
    credible because the standards you'd like to impose on those critics weren't
    imposed on the president of the United States when he was rushing into a war
    that has proved to be based on misinformation and outright lies of
    deception.. Some Americans asked those questions at the time and were
    drowned out as unpatriotic and unAmerican.. The Bush supporters and
    apologists who did all that drowning out of their fellow Americans demanded
    complete loyalty to Bush and confidence in his declarations.. hmmm.. As it
    has turned out, they were the ones that were complicit .. The critics who
    questioned turned out to be the ones that had merit.. The unquestioning
    supporters and apologists are still making the same accusations of the
    critics being unpatriotic and even traitors to America.. This separation of
    Americans is the most untraditional divisiveness that our people have been
    subjected to.. There are no more political opponents with mutual respect
    ...There is the concept of "you're either with us or against us".. Who is the
    "us".? hmmm.. Other Americans ? I defy George Bush or Dick Cheney to accuse
    me of not being a patriot or to not love my country.. Other Americans who
    proved their patriotism and love for this country and had the audacity to
    question and/or criticize have had their characters assassinated by this
    corrupt crew .. Two men come to mind, who served this country and shed blood
    and liberty ..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 23, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. Neither of us will know the "bottom line" until the balance of power
    in our government is restored.. A one party system will have the advantage
    of no unfavorable disclosure, while it is in power.. Hopefully the critics
    of George Bush and his administration will continue to question and
    challenge the supporters and apologists for George Bush.. Hopefully.. our
    Constitution and Bill of Rights will prevail over the attacks they've been
    subjected to.. Hopefully .. Americans will be given the opportunity to
    select the next president as a man who truly does deserve the honor and
    respect of that office.. All of us, as Americans, haven't made such wise
    choices in recent years past..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 23, 2005
  9. Bill Walker

    Tony D Guest

    How do you think Vets who went over for Shield/Storm, Operation Southern
    Watch, then Shock and Awe feel? If the power(s) in Washington would of
    taken care a business our first go 'round, this entire mess would not have
    occurred and we would not have had to go to that shithole time after time
    for months on end.

    In 1987 when the Iraqi's blew up a US Warship (USS Stark), an act of War,
    instead of pussy footing around and worrying about how the World views us,
    we should of taken them fuckers out on the spot and made Iraq the 51st
    State, theres room on the old stars n bars for more. The Iraqi pilots who
    launched the Exocets got medals for it. Teddy R. must of been rolling in
    his grave over our craveness and lack of moral conviction. The Middle East
    took that incident, our pullout from Bierut in the early 80's after the
    Marine Barracks got blown away, our pulling out of Somalia after "Black Hawk
    Down", the USS Cole attack etc. as a sign that we don't have the moral
    fortitude and courage required to protect ourselves. Consequently, these
    murderers think they can do whatever they want with no repercussions from
    our elected government, Dems or Reps. Grow a set a nuts America, someone
    fucks with us, they should know that we will pound them. As for these
    fucking terrorists, I say start with the Saudi's and finish with the
    Iranians. You wanna teach that shit in your religious fanatical schools?
    You want a piece of us you fucks? Lets rock.

    There, I feel better. My last political post.

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jul 23, 2005
  10. Maybe your last political post, but sure a good one at that, Tony.

    I can agree with the general sentiment you express there (although I
    wouldn't frame it exactly that way). There are bad guys out there and
    there's only one language they understand. The people of civilized
    nations tend to forget that (or try to make convince themselves it
    can't be true), and that gives aggressive and fanatical types an
    advantage that far exceeds what their actual strength should give.

    Although I can appreciate the frustration over not having finished
    things in Iraq during the first war, I still agree with the decision
    that was made to not do so. It was a unique event, bringing Arabs
    on-side and accomplished by stating the only objective was to get Iraq
    out of Kuwait and promising there were no designs on acquiring Arab
    territory. Had the coalition violated that, it would have set a
    terrible precident and, I'll bet, the Arab world would now be even
    more fanatical and convinced that the world is out to destroy their

    In the long run - as was done in both that case and in the response to
    the treaty violations later on - it's much better to just do exactly
    what you promise. But maybe that's just an old-fashioned idea...

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jul 23, 2005
  11. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    I never thought they were. And, please remember, I've never said you're
    wrong. My only point is that they ARE opinions.

    The results
    Once again, when you know what he knew, you can establish that he lied. So
    long as you don't know, what you have is an opinion.

    As for the intel, Bush said what he got from it. The intel community did
    not deny it. The congresseional intelligence committes didn't deny it
    either. Since I'm no longer authorized classified information, I'l take the
    word of those agencies.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 23, 2005
  12. Bill Walker

    Odinn Guest

    The only problem with that, is that Iraq wasn't involved with the Sept
    11 attack. While Saddam rejoiced in the fact that it happened, it
    doesn't mean we should attack him (Saddam wasn't the only leader glad we
    were attacked, but we haven't attacked them). I'm not sorry we attacked
    Saddam, I think he deserved it, but I don't think we should have
    attacked on the basis that we did. Believe me, I know how dangerous he
    was, I was involved in Desert Shield (when he first started attacking
    Kuwaiti oil tankers around '85), and I was also over there in '81 when
    we supported Iraq against Iran.

    RCOS #7

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
    worshipped anything but himself." -- Sir Richard Francis Burton

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    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Jul 23, 2005
  13. Bill Walker

    Odinn Guest

    Some of us were over in Beirut in '81 (I was there for 56 days before we
    headed over to the Persian Gulf), but yes, those of us who were there
    wondered why it didn't end back then. In '85, we knew Saddam would do
    what he wanted, even with our ships and troops all around. '90/'91 was
    no surprise to us.

    RCOS #7

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
    worshipped anything but himself." -- Sir Richard Francis Burton

    Reeky's unofficial homepage ...
    '03 FLHTI ...........
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    Vulcan Riders Assoc .

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Jul 23, 2005
  14. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    I was searched a few years, or so, ago.
    I served my first time, on a Fed Case.
    I know they recognized me, as a days go by, because we jurors would come
    and go day by day. BUT, they still checked me out, each time. Lunch
    time, whatever.
    It was uh good feeling as far as I was concerned. I thought it was
    I said to myself,‘‘I'm glad to be an American’’ by God.
    Let some 'son of a Gun', try to get through the door, and cause me
    harm, that'll show his ass, not in my town.
    Now, the delays at Air Ports, that's gotta be a pain in the butt, (but?)
    (grin) (bjay)
    BJayKana, Jul 23, 2005
  15. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    grin. Proving two things. ONE, that you watch it. Two, that those
    commentators are as smart as I. ;O)
    You ask me to prove a negative. You maintain that he lied and think I
    should prove he didn't. YOU are the one asserting, the burdon of proof is

    In actual fact, he said no such thing. That was a BANNER, put up by the
    ship's crew. And, THEIR mission WAS accomplished. Bush's statement was
    "Major conflict is ended". That was true as well.
    To the best of my knowledge, AND YOURS, all of them with the probable
    exception of those concerning WMDs.
    He NEVER repeated it.
    OK. It's a tragedy. Now what?
    I gave you a list of reasons in another post. You ignored them.
    Not true. The UN Security Council Resolutions demanded that he ACCOUNT for
    his WMDs and cooperate in their destruction. He never did.
    No, that "his people lied....." is an opinion.
    I have been given opinions, speculation and innuendo. NO facts.
    Absolute bullshit. You care to even try to provide a cite???

    At the start
    Provide cites.

    Post 9/11, Iraq is a danger
    Again, bullshit. In point of fact, in 1998, Clinton and damned near every
    Democrat politician who could get within 50 feet of a microphone were loudly
    proclaiming that Saddam had WMDs, and Tenet backed 'em up. It was that
    insistance that Saddam had WMDs that Clinton used as justification for
    launching some 450 cruise missiles at Iraq in late 1998.
    Well, I wasn't talking to you, but I'll explain it anyway. No matter how
    carefully you plan and how many scenarios you chart out, the enemy can
    achieve tactical surprise. You cannot plan for every contingency and the
    enemy gets to pick (vote) which of all possible actions he takes.
    I never said he did. Actually he never asked UN ( OR congressional)
    approval for any of his overseas
    adventures...Kosovo...Haiti...Mogadishu...launching 450 cruise missiles at
    Iraq in 1998.
    And, I never said he did. He DID however launch some 450 cruise missiles at
    Iraq in act of war I might add.
    IN your opinion, and with hindsight.
    ????????? I suppose you see some relevance.....
    I reject OPINIONS when they're stated as absolute facts.
    What's the relevance. I freely admit that there's very good reason the
    believe Saddam had no WMDs at the time.
    I wasn't here, so I can't comment. I hope, however, that you used real
    facts instead of what you've come up with here.
    Intelligent enough to get elected PM three times. More than either of us
    has accomplished. grin. Let's turn this around, shall we. List JUST ONE
    major nation that stated "Saddam has no WMDs", and provide a cite.
    I don't live in fantasy land so I cannot express an opinion about that.
    So, he was wrong. Now prove what he KNEW.

    Let me remind you, I have not said your opinion is wrong. I've merely
    stated that it IS an opinion.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 23, 2005
  16. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘Personally I think the invasion of Iraq was wrong. There
    was not the foundation to support the military take over of a sovereign
    nation. That being said it was important to send a message your country
    was not to be fucked with. That message has been sent. Forget the nation
    building. All it will do is cost your country a bunch of money and more
    young lives.’’ Whatever democracy you might be able to
    establish will be short lived, by their standards.
    Bring your fine young men and women home and let Iraq fall into civil
    war. It's going to happen eventually, now or thirty years from now.
    Albert, my comments are not so much directed at you or your opinion,
    more just me expressing mine.


    ‘‘Well said, in my opinion’’ It would be a miracle, a one in a
    million chance, that even if we leave those sandy Iraqi folks, with a
    fairly democratic government, that it could possibly last. I think most,
    wish it could, but so highly unlikely’’!
    The bordering countries will see to it, that Iraq will eventually have
    another Saddam!! Too many of those sandy cowards, already in Iraq, doing
    what they do best, terrorize the innocent.!!
    ‘‘Invading, or declaring war on Saddam, was not necessary so quick,
    after 911.
    I wished we'd spent the billions and the lives of our soldiers, on
    I dont think there was one Iraqi terrorist aboard the AirLiners that
    crashed into the Trade Towers’’???? Wasnt the 20 cowards, mostly
    Iranians, and Saudis, seems so, to my memory’’
    BJayKana, Jul 23, 2005
  17. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    OK. And, your point is??????????
    I thought you were saying that Rumsfeld disagreed and that Bush made it up.
    What's your point???
    And, the relevance of what you choose to call it is???????
    He said "uranium", which in this case IS yellow cake. And he damned sure
    didn't as you claimed his exact words to be "weapons grade plutonium".
    You may think so. I suspect that's because you know very little about
    intel. For your general fund of information, the usual rule is that you do
    NOT go with uncomfirmed information. When you get the same information from
    other sources, you start to give it credence.
    Try reading The Butler Report.
    According to British Intel, those documents were not the basis of their
    Yep. And, you're bringing up incorrect information.
    I suggest you go back and read it. It said a lot more.
    I'm giving you the exact quote, in direct contradiction to your two
    "quotes", one that he said "plutonium" and two that "his exact words were
    weapons grade plutonium". If correcting you wildly inaccurate misquotes is
    "playing with words", I plead guilty.

    There were quotes after quotes where he or
    Which has absolutely nothing to do with your misquotes and my correction.
    How many times must I agree that they were wrong, as best we know???

    When support would
    I'm aware of ONE such statement, by Ms. Rice and that was very much a
    I'm sorry you percieve that I'm not being a gentleman here. I steadfastly
    remind you that I don't even say you're wrong in your opinion. I merely
    point out that it IS an opinion and correct you when you try to use
    misquotes to support your opinion. And, when you trot out a fantasy, I see
    no reason not to remark upon it.
    That's a pretty damned creative interpretation. Your misquote of Bush's 16
    words is a case in point. I googled "bush yellow cake" and got about 30
    pages of sources, quotes etc. I provided you the exact quote and where I
    got it.
    You cared enough about his wording to wildly misquote him, with two
    different versions. NOW, you don't care.....
    About 30 pages of results. Try it.
    I am well aware that there's a lot of unsubstantiated opinion out there.
    When any source can document a lie, I'll take it under consideration.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 23, 2005
  18. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    Until that day comes, I will continue to point out that opinions are not
    facts. Check it out, I have not even said your opinions are wrong. I
    merely point out that they ARE opinions.

    A one party system will have the advantage


    Bob Thomas, Jul 23, 2005
  19. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    Cite please.
    You think.
    The last of the 17 was made shortly before the invasion. You really need to
    check your "facts".
    I do not have to prove a negative. I don't know how much of what they said
    was accurate. Certainly some of it was inaccurate. YOU are the one
    proclaiming that Bush lied...all over the place. You cannot establish a
    single lie.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 23, 2005
  20. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    He was wrong about the WMDs. Who disputes that? What's at issue is your
    absolute conviction that he lied. cannot illustrate ANY lie.
    Who cares? So, he was wrong about the WMDs. He may well have been wrong
    about other things. So?

    But........did he LIE? That remains to be seen.

    Bob Thomas, Jul 23, 2005
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